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3rd Person View, why I support it, and why it should stay in game

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You don't get a larger field of view when you play in 3rd person. Fail argument. Arma is a First Person game.

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You don't get a larger field of view when you play in 3rd person. Fail argument. Arma is a First Person game.

Uhh...yes you do.

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I grew up playing a lot of socom, so I guess third person view just seems so normal to me I can't understand the argument against it.

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I grew up playing a lot of socom' date=' so I guess third person view just seems so normal to me I can't understand the argument against it.


I suspect that is what is really at the heart of the matter. People like myself, for instance, honed our skills on FPS shooters on the PC. Most of our games didn't even have 3rd person and those that did, it never really got used much. Others come from a background where 3rd person isn't just an option, it's the defacto way the game(s) are played. The DayZ community is roughly divided into these two common backgrounds.

Arguing about which is more "realistic" or trying to justify one stance over the other is just silly. The *fact* is that Arma supports 3rd person and this mod inherited it as well, for better or worse. While I definitely prefer first person only, for the reasons everyone here knows about, arguing about it isn't going to change that *fact*.

I'm working to encourage server admins to consider which to use instead of just casually accepting the default, and more importantly to make that server setting known in the name of the server and in the Server section of this forum. Hopefully there will be enough of both kinds of servers to keep everyone happy.

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I played more TFC than anything, which is FPS only. My point is I don't understand the concept of third person view being broken, or ruining immersion or whatever the argument is. I don't view it as a big deal either way. If you want to use FPS only, that's fine, but corners will most likely always be an issue for you. I feel like each view has an advantage and to ignore a feature like toggling between views is a personal choice, and also a disadvantage to the player in general.

Personally I like traveling in third person and using first person when hunting/fighting/stalking w/e you want to call it.

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I'll give you an example.

The hospital in Cherno has blood packs among other things, so people will always go there for various reasons to get supplies.

Me, the bandit is hanging around a rooftop near the hospital in 3rd person view, I just pan my camera around waiting to see someone. I spot you, a lone wanderer approaching the hospital. Because I'm in third person, I'm able to angle my camera to see you, yet remain completely hidden, so I wait until you're facing another direction, pop out and kill you.

This is the problem I have with third person, this is a survival mod, more hardcore than most games, having third person completely ruins that, and just about every bandit it using it, and I feel like I have to use it every time I enter a new area to make sure it's clear, just like the old Rainbow 6 days where you use 3rd person to peak around every single corner.

I understand the appeal for third person, I really do...For example I only play Fallout games in Third person, It's more enjoyable for me that way. But Fallout is not online, and your survival is not dependent on what other people are doing, I don't think it belongs in a mod like this. ArmA already has mouse look so you can move your head around, and if you're worried about peripheral vision, then just increase your FOV in the ArmA config file.

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You don't get a larger field of view when you play in 3rd person. Fail argument. Arma is a First Person game.

Uhh...yes you do.

fov stays the same. Only the camera is about 1.5 meters further back.

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For some reason i can not get in third person view anymore, do you want to tell me that they removed it?

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If you don't like 3rd person, play on a server with 3rd person disabled (of which there are plenty). Problem solved?

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Hi, noob here. How does third person work? I've never been able to get it to work. As such, I don't like the idea of someone spotting me before its even possible to spot them no matter how careful I am but I've always loved using 3rd person mode when driving vehicles in other games.

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