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Heroes - how do you approach them?

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So I was just wondering how people approach an encounter with a player who has a Hero Skin.

Do you just avoid them like you would any other player?

Are you more likely to engage/hold-up and take a Hero's loot because you feel they are less likely to be hostile?

Are you more likely to help or trade with (i.e. trust) a Hero because you feel they are less likely to be hostile?

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I kill them on sight. Every hero I've encountered so far was a Bandit trying to offer me help and then backstab me. You really can't trust anyone.

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I offer them some free ass.

Then, of course, when we're in the tent, I pull out my gun and shoot them. <3

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I usually shoot them in the foot and teabag them until they log out

you should do that to everyone in general.

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Throw tin cans and whiskey bottles at them

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I treat them like any other player.

Just because they have a pretty skin doesn't mean they won't try to kill you for all your shinies.

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Wow, so nobody trust us...

I am a hero, but i usually aproach them behind a tree, and tell them to drop their weapon, just like survivors, because there is a thing called farming :P

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Treat them like everyone else. It made me ROFL hard the first time I heard some noob screaming over side chat that he was shot and had a hero skin. His attitude was that it was like some magic shield that should protect him. Who's to say he wasn't just a team medic for a bandit group that sucked in combat? My bullets couldn't tell the difference.

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Treat them like everyone else. It made me ROFL hard the first time I heard some noob screaming over side chat that he was shot and had a hero skin. His attitude was that it was like some magic shield that should protect him. Who's to say he wasn't just a team medic for a bandit group that sucked in combat? My bullets couldn't tell the difference.

You run into that a lot.

People seem to think that once they have a hero skin you should never shoot them, I shot a kid and his friend at the NEAF just as they were about to leave in a chopper, he went crazy for a good 30mins in side chat because he was a hero and apparently people shouldn't kill heroes.

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I've met and traveled with too many friendly bandits and have been shot at by too many "heros" to assume the skins actually have much to do with the player underneath.

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ignore them, i was in a server and i looked at the chat a conversation was going on and he said

" im a hero but i KoS" i just got it to fool people. so DAYZ dont trust anyone

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In all my time of playing DayZ, I've only encountered one hero.

He shot at me right when I came in sight. :/

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I treat them just like everyone else. If I see one, I go hide in a bush until they're gone.

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Well, coming from a hero he has not only run with bandits at one point (we all skeletons in our closets) but has also been a hero for about 5 months.

Deal with them like you do every other player. Unless your a KoS'er then well... I guess it does't matter.

A lot of people boost for Hero status just to troll with people. The some are the TMW's or like me, they ran around on a server with people who were bad at gun fights :P and Medic'd there little butts off. But that was way back when, now I maintain Hero by NOT killing survivors, though I am a bandit hunter. I have 43k humanity and I always come across people who just shoot at me, then when I explain I am a hero they either A. don't know what that means, I have even had people try to kill me for my clothes or B. they think I boosted and am Just a bandit with a nice suit. Very rarely do I meet someone who just goes "oh hey your a hero let me help you" even though I ALWAYS advertise that I am a medic and invite people to my TS/Skype or Steam chat to discreetly find a location....sorry got a tad ranty there.

Anywho Approach a Hero like you would any other player. Smartly, try to see what they are doing, and who they are with. If you see a hero sitting in a crowd of bandits, odds are he is a booster or a bandit medic. You see a lone guy alone in a building looting? talk to him through a wall or something. It all depends on the situation.

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Well me being in a hero skin also its the rules (like waterworld)

Two heroes see each other they must exchange in conversations/items!

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I take them for players like myself, not KoS every time he meets another player. Then I go from there by conversation. If he does not answer, I shoot him like everybody else. Or get shot like anybody else...

Edited by Skadefroen

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Well shit, guess I have to kill everyone then, if no one is going to trust me :(

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I once encountered a group of 4 heroes, I could've shot them but I didn't. Later they backstabbed me. Turned out they did that to alot of people (Mostly freshspawns). So bandits "boost" together for hero skins and then go on a killing spree.

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I have a hero skin most of the time but I find it difficult to keep it. It seems even though it is quite an accomplishment to get enough humanity I end up losing it because some hotshot survivor wanted to try his luck. It seems people distrust heroes a lot. I don't understand why, maybe if you knew how hard it was to get the skin...

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I'm currently playing a Hero on a private hive at the moment - I actually don't think I've had a single murder on the server - I'm sitting at around 8K Humanity and rising quickly. Apart from Bandits, most people are generally friendly towards me. They'll drop their weapons, or turn around when I ask them too and they normally offer help.

This could be due to my presence in side-chat though, I offer medical aid to players, I pick up freshspawns and help them kit out and I also bring people vehicles and hunt bandits.

I get that some people distrust hero skins, but for the most part, unless you shoot at us, we wont shoot at you...hell, I even go out of my way NOT to shoot at a survivor even if he opens fire on me. ( Unless you're a bandit )

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Well, on public hive servers I rarely see heroes. The only time I have ever seen another apart from myself was in Electro while he was being chased by a conga-line of zombies.

This one hero on Balota Buddies got knocked out by zeds in a field in front of me. Me ,pulling a miraculous feat, ran across it while there was a little bird flying above us(I still have no idea who they were). I shot the zombies that were eating him to have him awake and point his gun at me clearly suprised. He had a SAW and I had an AK, I thought he was gonna kill me but he didn't. He said thanks and went off to bandage, not 30 seconds later we were butchered by another person's LMG(assumingly from the littlebird crew people).

So, I like the heroes. I know some people on the stated private hive who kill the heroes and put on their clothes..

Edited by Waldo The Doctor

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If you are playing on Taviana.eu and encounter a hero, it's likely that you can trust them as gaining additional humanity is darn tough. However, I suppose some sadistic server owner could adjust his own humanity in order to give himself hero ... but I digress. To sum up, "trust" is not "skin" deep in DayZ.

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