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I was playing on a server that i had not played on and i found a camp and had some good loot so i raided the place ans stole there cars. later on i found out there was a hacker on the server. so i logged off for a wile then i came back on about 5 mins after i was globule banned. is there a possibility that i mite of taken the hackers items form there camp because there was like 2 helis at the base and a hole tent full of guns and stuff. so plz help me my chartreuse name is Unusual_Milkman is there any way i could get unbanned is there anything you need for you to unbann me.

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My eyes burn! Oww how they burn!

...Sorry. Your spelling really needs help.

And you did more than just take cars and some loot to get global banned.

You'll have to re-purchase the game, and this time, stop cheating forfuckssake.

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Bribing your way back won't work this time.

Lol! That made me chuckle. It also tells me that the OP hacks and lies about it afterwards. We can't help you, contact BE, they don't accept bribes BTW.


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