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Battleye causing major fps drops

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So this has just started to happen to me,when I join a dayz server with battleye my fps will drop below 10.

I have found that if a server has disabled battleye my fps is good doesn't drop below 30. Now i would play dayz server without battleye but that means hackers alot of them. I have been looking for a fix for this but i can't find anyone with the same problem.

This is a server without battleye.


This is a server with battleye enabled.


My specs:

Video card : Gigabyte Radeon HD7770 OC

RAM : Kingston HyperX KHX1866C9D3K2/8GX 8GB

OS : Windows 7

CPU : AMD FX 4100 4-Core Processor

Motherboard : ASUS M5A97 R2.0

PSU : Antec Neo Eco 450C 450W Power Supply

I have tried all the tricks to help fps using ramdisk editing my config and down the settings but nothing has helped I have reinstalled BE multiple times didn't help,can any one help me?


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Are you sure your not playing on a server that has 900+ vehicles?

That could be you issue maybe the ones without battleye don't have vehicles because of the hackers?

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Are you sure your not playing on a server that has 900+ vehicles?

That could be you issue maybe the ones without battleye don't have vehicles because of the hackers?

I'm sure i have tested this on server with no vehicles added and other maps and server that have just restarted no change at all.

I can also play singleplayer with 1000+ npc's and not lag on the highest settings and when i play just arma 2 i don't lag.

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Alright well that's weird, maybe there is something on the BIS forums about this.

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Are you sure you're not running any other third party software that may be causing you issues?

The reason I ask is: Why are you playing on BE disabled servers to start with?

Now, I see you've been globally banned in the past so that would explain it but did you re-purchase the game legitimatly? If not, there's your answer.

Edited by Fraggle

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Are you sure you're not running any other third party software that may be causing you issues?

The reason I ask is: Why are you playing on BE disabled servers to start with?

Now, I see you've been globally banned in the past so that would explain it but did you re-purchase the game legitimatly? If not, there's your answer.

Yeah i re bought the game acouple weeks ago because i was banned awhile ago and i played servers that disabled BE and when i was able to play on normal servers thats when i started to get this lag problem

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The lag is not caused by BE, it's probably your Anti-Virus or the server itself...

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Nope not the antivirus and as i said before i have tested this on multiple servers.

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@ MaGxNerdy

Saw ur post in the bi-forums. I post my fix here againg:

I had exactly the same problem. And was able to fix it by replacing a dll in the battle-eye folder :) Just download the new dll battleye.com/download.html. I selected the the 1.62 dll which was about 30kb bigger than the one in the folder(\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead\Expansion\BattlEye).

First time I got a smooth experience.

good luck

Edited by Chromos

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Hello there

Update your battleye install, this helped other users with the same issue.



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Please help me. I got that same message and I deleted it all. I deleted my Battleeye folders and I dont know how to get it all back. Please help me with a step by step :blush:

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