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How well geared are you?

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Me and a friend died with this stuff, ran back to our bodies and they didn't touch it.


What's the best gear you've ever had?

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Alice Bag

4 mags of STANAG

4 G17 Mags

In our group, I carry the food so my bag is filled with food and pepsi.


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Got a SAW, (Machine gun) That oneshots zombies and 2 shots people. I got 4 boxes of ammunition for it, one box contains 200 ammo.

Alice bag, some steaks.

M1911, that's about it i guess. Had an ak with a scope, and like 6 clips, threw it away instantly when i found my machine gun =)

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VSS Vintorez

6 Mags

M4A1/M203 Holographic

5 Mags

M9 Silences

3 Mags



all the basic tools [shovel, toolbag, map, copmpass, GPS, ect.]

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Markarov. Nuff said. Fear me for I shall empty 2 clips into you without you feeling a thing!

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8 Stanag mags


4 G17 mags

2 bandages

2 morphine

2 painkiller

1 blood bag

3 full water bottles

1 Pepsi

17 cooked meat

And equipment:

Watch, compass, map, matches, hunting knife, toolbox, GPS, binoculars and NV goggles.

My precious 24-slot Coyote bag is the most important thing though. ^^

I'm a survivor at day 2 with 2790 humanity, only 17 zombie kills and 2 bandit kills atm.

I want to find a silenced M4 though. Such an advantage to be able to kill zombies whereever you go without alerting anyone and anything. ;)

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The best I could get was:

-Coyote Bag

-an AK with 2 mags

-Revolver with 6 mags

-2 Bandages

-5 cans of food

-2 water bottles and 3 bottles cola or pepsi

-Watch, Compass and Binoculars

I cant believe how much awesome stuff some people got here over time...

Everytime I get epic stuff I get shot by a bandit or fall off a ladder which was extremely stupid.

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Chaos' pid='13759' dateline='1336598376']

Found it on a bandit :/

dont like using it too much' date=' ammo is kinda scarce. lol

i cant spawn items in :/


The AA12 we found we're 75% sure it was spawned in by a hacker, probably the same case with the VSS.

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At the moment I've got

AK-47 with 4 mags

Remington 870 and bucket loads of ammo

M9 Silenced

24 Slot Coyote Pack

Everything except GPS and NVG

Various food and drinks stuffs, can't remember off the top of my head

Still alive and kicking so hope I find some NVGs soon

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M1014 with plenty of ammo.

1911 four mags

Lots of food/drinks, and medical supplies in my Alice Pack. Only gear im missing are NVGs

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Alright, update to my new equipment

M249 Saw, 3x 200round box magazines

M9SD, 5 SD mags

Coyote Backpack


All Im missing is rangefinder and NVG's

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Have been running around recently with the Mk48 Mod 0 and the PDW SD. Excellent stopping power from the Mk48, and the PDW SD you barely hear even if you're right next to it. Ammo is a little more scarce for the PDW SD though, was having to make do with MP5 SD mags...

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Best I've had?

M240 w/ 6x 100rd belts

M4A1 CCO SD w/ 17x 30rd mags

DMR w/ 8x 20rd mags

M9SD w/ 6x 15rd mags


Ruck Pack

Stuff I've also found but let a teammate pick up cause I didn't need it: Mk48 Mod0, several M14 AIM's, an M24, several DMR's, etc. I don't even bother to keep track of the Russian weaponry I stumble across anymore. :P

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NVGs!! It's all I need.

Where are you guys finding them? Every chopper wreck I come across has no loot.

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They only spawn in the barracks at the NWAF currently, and it's some miniscule like 0.12% chance. We've only found ours really because we take over the airfield with 10+ folks at a time and farm it for hours and hours on end (btw that's also how that pile of guns in the above picture was created :P )

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According to the cheat sheet they also spawn at heli crash.

We do the same at airfield but have yet to find any, generally trash like AKM's, CCO's and Kobras.

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AFAIK the heli crashes are death traps. To get at the gear you have to get into them, but if you get into them you die. :/

Farming Protip: Clear everything you can move out of the buildings. Dump the trash and unneeded items outside, haul the good loot back to the firehouse for disbursement to your team mates or any friends looking to come by the airfield for scavenge, but be sure to empty the barracks and hangars totally (obvious exception being the stupid body bag spawns that can't be moved). When you empty the buildings of everything it causes them to respawn faster. Couple that with camping out there for a few hours and you should be able to chance into some decent drops.

Another Protip: The reason Legion has managed to acrue so much good gear is because we generally move in packs. If some bandit kills one of our guys he never gets the chance to loot them because our still living friends shoot the every-loving crap out of the bandit and they either die or disconnect (more often the latter) and thus after we respawn and hike back to our group we are able to recover our gear most of the time. If immediate recovery isn't possible a friend picks the best gear off your body (usually main weapon, NVG's, GPS) and holds them till you can get them back. This buddy support system is truly invaluable, as once you do finally manage to get that super rare NVG drop in the barracks you are more like to keep ahold of them for a long time.

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We do the same squid, as soon as one of us dies we camp the body and destroy anyone who gets close, and either wait for them to run back or take it halfway to them.

We've been toying with the spawns and seeing how close/far away we need to be to encourage spawning, it tends to be if you're too close nothing will spawn? But if you're too far away the area seems to be "inactive" and nothing much will spawn including zombies.

Hopefully we'll get some NVG's soon, only one in our group has them and we're all sick of hearing "night time? WELL THAT DOESN'T MATTER TO ME I'VE GOT NVG's"

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i've got everything but nvg's i have anice m104-a i think too, i aquired that today along with gps, after killing a survivor by accident, i was in the store and he crept up on me and it was just a instant reaction to kill, i felt guilty after lol.

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