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knock out option 4 the dayz stand alone

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even thou my post are very confusing, i am still trying to create a balance 4 the game

this post is about the


ive been playing dayz since the very first day (mostly)

and ther has been somthing like trust in the game

people shouting...


and then helping each other

groups have been created etc.

NOW this is no more posible

ARMA has taken hand over the gameplay.

i was hoping that a knock out option would bring:

less killing, more trust, longer surviving, and a bit more realistic.

we know that unconsciousness is in the game. we can get it by zombies.

well, im very angry that this unconsciousness is very long.

example: i had 8500 life and got unconscious by a zombie... i died end of story

why not use this long unconscious 4 the player. they can make other players unconscious.

for example: by stun ammo, a short disdance weapon with stun option, or a baseball bat...

and during this time they can steal from other player ther entire loot.

sure ther will be player killing 4 fun. not because of the loot.

but we cant avoid it...


by the way: könnte ich ihre bohnen haben bitte ;D

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You can already knock someone out if you know where to aim with whatever gun you use.

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i would like this but there is no need to make a thread, there are 100's of other ones just like this.

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Beating someone over the head with a baseball bat is more likely to kill them than stun them...

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Yeah it's quite hard to knock someone out without killing them. A blunt blow to the head usually doesn't end the way it does in hollywood.

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I certainly wouldn't want to be friendly with anyone that knocked me out previously.

Being unconscious isn't just 'Oh, ouch, my head - I'll wake up and be fine now' like you see in movies.

Being knocked out for more than a couple of minutes can cause severe damage, even death, and you certainly won't have all your faculties to the point where you'll be able to just stand up and run off again.

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If craftable/refillable tranquilizer rounds are put into the game one should have to measure the right amount of drug to be put into the syringe.

EDIT: Blow darts? I've used one before and they are effective up to quite a few meters. Would be a nice craftable CQB stealth weapon.

Edited by TheSodesa

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teaser ?? or things like that.

so player have tho option to get other players stuff without killing them.

if you have ideas to that post them...

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Mace/bear spray or tear gas are the only reasonable options I can think of in game.

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  On 3/20/2013 at 11:36 PM, deadman_with_hat said:

teaser ?? or things like that.

so player have tho option to get other players stuff without killing them.

if you have ideas to that post them...

Would be sweet.

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It's been already implemented in russian hardcore mod.

Search for Despair.

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fantastic. didnt know that. and gases are good ideas too.

who about stun weapons, like this one

or these things out of cplinter cell... not the teaser... the other one which you can stun with?

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