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Dog tags

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Soooo, I been thinking about end game content in DayZ. End game content can only really be metagaming. Really.

Shoot heroes. Be a bandit. Be a hero. Kill zombies. Horde items. Etc etc. You're playing a game within the game, basically.

But that also leads to people getting bored. Hence sitting on the coast with a sniper rifle shooting at cherno, or something lame like that.

So what I'm thinking is: Dog tags, to facility end game metagaming and create new 'avenues' of gameplay.

Basically, the dog tags are a character record. They're around your characters neck from spawn to death. once you die, they can be removed, not before. They form a semi-permanent record of your death.

Upon the dog tags are written some key bits of info:

Character Name

Character age (in days)

Players killed

Game UID (more on this in a sec)

So, you get these dog tags, you can collect them. Horde them. Perhaps the bandit, and the hero, will get fancy different dog tags to differentiate them. Nothing special, just a red or blue border around the outside.

Just this simple addition changes things. Collect dog tags. Go up and down the coast shooting noobs and take their tags. Sure, you'll have a fistful of '1 day old' dogtags to show you're a cowardly douche, but it's how big in the pants it makes you that matters, right? And personally, I'd feel better about being killed for my tags than for being killed because 'OMG ANOTHER PLAYER MUST SHOOT!'

Collect bandit dog tags (My favorite)

Collect HERO dog tags - for teh bandits

Collect SPECIAL dog tags. Like, say, getting hold of the dog tags of Dr Wasteland. Or Rocket himself.

And that's where the GUID comes in. GUID is there specifically for identification purposes. This is part of the metagame. 'I want Rockets head. A helicopter to the man who brings me his dogtags.' If you have his GUID, you can successfully put together a manhunt. Sure, more organization would need to be had for that, but it's a START.

And if you can find me someone who can hack somehow, using a GUID, then I will bow to you.

There could even be events. A private hive set up by the developers, where the ultimate goal is to collect as many dog tags in a day as possible. Can you imagine the bedlam? The confusion and anarchy? Would you try team up and split the prize? Betray someone? Go all out crazy on the beaches? Or head inland and hope for a weapon that would give you an edge?

Dogtags for endgame! Woo!

Idea probably needs some tweaking. But I think it would add a new layer to the metagame.

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arent your characters supposed to be just normal guys living in Dayz map? seems a bit odd that they just have dog tags

just saying

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I would love to see this implemented in the game. It allows so many other possibilities of game-play. My favorite would definitely be the headhunt.

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I like the initial idea, just dont really like the 'tournanent'.

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I like the initial idea, just dont really like the 'tournanent'.

That was a possible thing that could come from the dog tags.

Or even a 'bounty day' where people hand out loot to those survivors who bring them the dog tags of bandits.

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.... you'll have a fistful of '1 day old' dogtags to show you're a cowardly douche........

HAHA, funny. I think this is a great idea personally, a continous running tally of kills sounds cool

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This assumes that all players are part of some sort of military. Which shouldn't be the case.

The info on printed dog-tags can't change, so it couldn't have your "age in days" on it. That part really doesn't make sense.

Your suggestion is geared towards encouraging player-killing so it's basically pointless since players are going to kill eachother anyway.

You should be trying to think of something to do besides that.

This idea has nothing to do with "end game" features. What you've just described is a scoreboard that only you can see.

Competetive events and deathmatch servers are so far removed from the point of DayZ, I'm not even sure you're in the right place.

Go play BF3.

It sounds like that's the "End game" you're looking for.

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This assumes that all players are part of some sort of military. Which shouldn't be the case.

The info on printed dog-tags can't change, so it couldn't have your "age in days" on it. That part really doesn't make sense.

Your suggestion is geared towards encouraging player-killing so it's basically pointless since players are going to kill eachother anyway.

You should be trying to think of something to do besides that.

This idea has nothing to do with "end game" features. What you've just described is a scoreboard that only you can see.

Competetive events and deathmatch servers are so far removed from the point of DayZ, I'm not even sure you're in the right place.

Go play BF3.

It sounds like that's the "End game" you're looking for.


Plus, why wouldn't you be able to remove them, and how could you wear them in the first place? The game doesn't have a neck slot for clothing and equipment.

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This assumes that all players are part of some sort of military. Which shouldn't be the case.

The info on printed dog-tags can't change, so it couldn't have your "age in days" on it. That part really doesn't make sense.

Your suggestion is geared towards encouraging player-killing so it's basically pointless since players are going to kill eachother anyway.

You should be trying to think of something to do besides that.

This idea has nothing to do with "end game" features. What you've just described is a scoreboard that only you can see.

Competetive events and deathmatch servers are so far removed from the point of DayZ, I'm not even sure you're in the right place.

Go play BF3.

It sounds like that's the "End game" you're looking for.

It would give incentive to hunt bandits? I hunt bandits myself, if you noticed my sig. There is no way to 'confirm' a kill in DayZ. No way to show what you did in a life except hearsay and the debug monitor.

And as I said, I'd prefer to get killed for dogtags rather than just because some CoD kiddy is bored.

And what, praytell, would we do other than kill people in the end game? Everything else has been suggested. Base building. missions (lolrite), and etc. They're just shallow things. In a sandbox environment, you can only facilitate gameplay, rather than force it. You can think of things to add to BUILD gameplay around, but you can't directly add gameplay without removing the sandbox.

Edited by Xianyu

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You want me to suggest a suggestion you can make? HA!

Trying to enhance a sandbox zombie survival scenario by adding KoS deathmatch elements is a VERY stupid idea, considering that's what happens anyway.

As has already been pointed out, a player-unique journal has been mentioned (confirmed?) which fills ALL the functions you mention, and much more.

Suggesting claimable, kill-confirming dogtags then trying to call ANY other suggestion "shallow" is fucking ridiculous.

You don't have a leg to stand on. You should move out of that glass house before you start throwing stones.

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Guess this could work ;P

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That sounds like an good idea, but would you have some sort of additional slots to place the dog tags (thus making them visible to other players), or would you just hold them in your inventory, or something like that...?

On the other hand, if the players where civilians before the said "apocalypse", why would they all carry dog tags? Also, this would greatly increase player killing :/

Edited by BdogZ

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Drivers licenses or passports would make more sense in my opinion but wouldn't this just encourage mindless killing?

The game already has mindless killing.

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Drivers licenses or passports would make more sense in my opinion but wouldn't this just encourage mindless killing?

I've always kind of wanted scalps...

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I think we should collect Ears instead. Only the left ones ... they are easy to thread on a chain and cn be carried around your neck. Fingers are an option too ... but they tend to be more difficult to attach to a necklace and require extra effort to take off.

Don't ask!!! :P

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