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shifftie (DayZ)

Battleye Problem I Think????

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I have been trying to play Dayz for weeks now but with no luck. I managed to get the Dayz Commander working and everything was working fine but whenever i try and join i have a red battleye message in the bottom then im kicked? Any ideas how i can sort this? I really want to get on and play this mod.......

I keep trying and im always kicked from every server even with a low ping?

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You need to tell us the specific error you're getting.

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sorry that might help i will add some screenshots.



I also get stuck at the Black Dayz Screen after it has gone through them 2 screenshots.

Sorry should have done that first time.

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I will give this a try after work and update thank you for the help so far hopefully thr problem will be solved so I can finally enjoy the mod.

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Those battleye messages are fine. theyre usually red

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does this happen on just the one server or all of them because that script is used to launch certain hacks... are you running the latest beta and what versions of the game are you running steam/retail

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Im using retail and i can 100% say im not using hacks. Im in the process of a fresh install of arma i have a funny feeling i put addons in my addons folder awhile ago to make a campaign but never took not of what they was.

It is all servers i did however manage to get the gender select screen one one server. I will update again when i know more and hopefully have the solution :) Thank you for all the support tho great community.

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i wasnt implying that you were using hacks mate it could of been a dodgy server that is full of them.. make sure you download the retail patches from the arma site arma2 needs to be at 1.11 and oa needs to be at 1.62 and run each game to the menu as admin then install the beta patch and dayz on top of that

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I get a simualr thing I get to the Black Day Z screen with the count on the right but it stays at 0 (zero) instead of going up 1,2,3,4 etc.

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that could be a couple of things first thing you want to check is is the map versions and beta versions on the server the same as you have

Edit:: you can run higher versions of the beta patch without any problems (they are backwards compatible) but dayz and the map version must be the same

Edited by AmberHelios

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All fixed fresh install of everything and im away trying to figure out how to stay alive lol thanks again for the help i hope this topic can maybe help others

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IMHO never put anything in your addons folder. It's dirty and against nature.

Always use the @ method for addons. google it :)


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