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Replace 'hide body' with 'drag body'

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There have been suggestions for the ability to drag dead bodies already. Mainly to get them out of line of sight. Pull them behind a tree before you do your looting, etc.

I'm suggesting doing away with the hiding of bodies entirely, and completely replacing it with the ability to DRAG a body.

This way, you don't have a magical way of removing a body from the world. In real life, bodies don't just disappear. You need to hide them.

Maybe we can have a context menu for hiding bodies in the trunks of cars, or stuffing them in those outdoor toilets, or secreting them under bushes or etc.

But having the ability to remove loot from the server by way of magically making someone's body disappear into the ether is just not a very good mechanic. It's akin to destroying an AS50 with your backpack. It makes no sense.

With the standalone, duping won't be such a problem hopefully, and items will have degradation. So if possible, we could deny other survivors items by setting the body on fire, or blowing it up, or something like that. Or by hiding the body somewhere out of the way and hoping no one comes across it.

But just making a body magically disappear into the ether is pretty 'immersion breaking'.

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I've always thought of it as burying the body. Doesn't really bother me.

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I've always thought of it as burying the body. Doesn't really bother me.

Without a shovel and in 5 seconds? ehh...

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Yeah, maybe having a shovel as a melee weapon to allow you to "hide" bodies!

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I've always thought of it as burying the body. Doesn't really bother me.


So let us dig up said body and take the loot.

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Without a shovel and in 5 seconds? ehh...

Obviously it's a representation of burying the body. I guess similar to how you can repair a car's chasis with scrap metal and there's no welding involved...


So let us dig up said body and take the loot.

How would you know where bodies were buried?

No offence but it kind of sounds like you just got killed, went back for your body which wasn't there, and then came on here to make this thread, lol.

Edited by mZLY

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Yeah, it's been suggested before. I think it would be good for gameplay.

Of course the sound of flies would have to be removed, otherwise moving a body is pointless. You'd just follow the noise.

I also think there should be an option to burn bodies and/or bury them properly.

Both options should take a while.

Obviously digging a hole takes longer than pouring petrol, but a flaming corpse draws a lot of attention in the short-term.

Buried bodies should be able to be exhumed if you can find them.

You might just be wasting your time, you might catch a nasty bug, or you might find some swish loot.

Also, I'd like it if bodies could stay in-game longer, if it could be done without straining servers too much.

Just make it so each player can have 1 corpse on the map at any time. Obvioulsy being removed after a while when you're no longer on the server. (~10 minutes)

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So let us dig up said body and take the loot.

I like this idea, if you see fresh dirt where the body was buried you could try and exhume it.

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Obviously it's a representation of burying the body. I guess similar to how you can repair a car's chasis with scrap metal and there's no welding involved...

How would you know where bodies were buried?

No offence but it kind of sounds like you just got killed, went back for your body which wasn't there, and then came on here to make this thread, lol.

Actually, no. I'm waiting for the DayZ SA before I keep playing. The ping limits on servers have rendered finding a good game impossible given my geographical position.

I want this for other reasons. Like the fact that it won't REMOVE loot from the world, and it's more realistic. You can murder a hundred survivors, hide the bodies, and the only clue that they, and all their gear, was even there, is the sound of thousands of flies.

When you kill someone, burying the body should take at LEAST a minute. Not just walking up to them with no tools and magically making their body disappear into the concrete of an airport runway. Then that body, and all its loot, is just gone. Disappeared into the ether. That's not how it works in real life. That's not in the least realistic. At the very LEAST the body should have to be dragged into the woods and buried in a shallow grave using an entrenching tool. That would be acceptable. But a WHOLE lot more work than making it so that you can't hide bodies at all.

I also want the .50 cal superweapons removed from the game. You'd assume that I'm someone who dies to sniper rifles a lot, right? Well I don't. I've died to them exactly once. I had a ghillie suit and my own AS50 at the time. So I prolly deserved it.

I also want the huey taken out of the mod because it is WAY overpowered. I've only been killed by one once.

Stop assuming, mate. It's a stupid, arrogant argument. 'oh lol u just die to this so you come here to QQ'

Sorry for wanting for the standalone to be better and more realistic than it currently is. Sorry for assuming that a game that is slated to include TAKING A SHIT for 'realism' would want to get rid of other unrealistic things. I'll stop doing that now.

*edit* This is also from someone who hunts BANDITS. You know what the first thing I do after killing a bandit is? I take his shit, and then I hide his body, so he can't get it back. And then in the same breath, I pointed out that the standalone will feature item degradation meaning that you don't NEED to hide bodies to deny people their loot. A few bullets or an explosion will handle that.

Edited by Xianyu
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I'm not sure the ping limits in the standalone will be any different. You kinda ruin everyone else's experience by running around with 300 ping and lagging all over the place, lol. They'll probably always be one of those things that the server owner is allowed to set. Where abouts in the world do you live, out of interest? I'm in the middle east at the minute and can't really see many places being much more remote than here. There was one server in Qatar that's gone down now, other than that I have to play on EU or Asian servers with high ping and I haven't had any problems at all. :S

Have you ever considered the fact that maybe loot needs to be removed from the world? If every item that's been looted remains in the world then the rare items build up over time and aren't rare any more.

Like I said in my last post - I don't think it's important for every aspect of the game to be 100% realistic as long as it represents something realistic.

And I don't think the addition of faeces in the standalone is anything to do with realism, it's part of the disease system...

Edited by mZLY

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I'm not sure the ping limits in the standalone will be any different. You kinda ruin everyone else's experience by running around with 300 ping and lagging all over the place, lol. They'll probably always be one of those things that the server owner is allowed to set. Where abouts in the world do you live, out of interest? I'm in the middle east at the minute and can't really see many places being much more remote than here. There was one server in Qatar that's gone down now, other than that I have to play on EU or Asian servers with high ping and I haven't had any problems at all. :S

Have you ever considered the fact that maybe loot needs to be removed from the world? If every item that's been looted remains in the world then the rare items build up over time and aren't rare any more.

Like I said in my last post - I don't think it's important for every aspect of the game to be 100% realistic as long as it represents something realistic.

And I don't think the addition of faeces in the standalone is anything to do with realism, it's part of the disease system...

how does this sound zombies eat body loot is gone no more hide. this could get rid of loot and still keep realism.

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Zombies eating a body and causing all the loot to disappear is less realistic than burying a body with the loot... xD

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It's a good idea but problems with localisation due to countries censorship laws regarding the topic.

Unless servers exist with 'drag corpse' enabled or disabled I'm not sure it'll be able to carry over to SA.

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better than magically making the body disappear in 5 seconds and I didn't think about the loot part I don't know the zombie gets it so when a player loots a zombie they could get anything.

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While we're at it, let's remove the sound of flies for living players nearby. Save them for the dead.

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While we're at it, let's remove the sound of flies for living players nearby. Save them for the dead.

id like visible flies

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I'm not sure the ping limits in the standalone will be any different. You kinda ruin everyone else's experience by running around with 300 ping and lagging all over the place, lol. They'll probably always be one of those things that the server owner is allowed to set. Where abouts in the world do you live, out of interest? I'm in the middle east at the minute and can't really see many places being much more remote than here. There was one server in Qatar that's gone down now, other than that I have to play on EU or Asian servers with high ping and I haven't had any problems at all. :S

Have you ever considered the fact that maybe loot needs to be removed from the world? If every item that's been looted remains in the world then the rare items build up over time and aren't rare any more.

Like I said in my last post - I don't think it's important for every aspect of the game to be 100% realistic as long as it represents something realistic.

And I don't think the addition of faeces in the standalone is anything to do with realism, it's part of the disease system...

I live in a shithole of a town in the middle of outback Australia. One of the very few places in the world that has worse internet than the middle east. In DayZ commander, I can find maybe five servers with less than 300 ping. The best server I could find for playing on was a russian one with 800MS ping limit. The internet out here is liquid shit. I've been through two separate ISP's (telstra and now TPG) and about four different modems. It's a physical issue with the fact that the signal is trying to push through hundred year old telecom cables comprised of 10% copper and 90% manure.

But that all being said, sure loot needs to be removed... but 'rare loot' isn't removed from a server when you hide a body. Not even 'good' loot is hidden. It's the shitty loot like cans of beans, binoculars, enfields, pistols, etc etc that are left on the body. When was the last time you hid a body that had an AS50 and a pair of NVG's on it? Not never. Not if you could carry it.

If it's left in the body when the server restarts, then sure, it should go byebye. But magically disappearing possibly essential survival loot along with a body in five seconds in the middle of a city on the centre of asphalt... yeah, that needs to go away. That's not how bodies work.

If you really want to deprive passerby's of the loot of a body, you should have to work for that. Not just click a button and have it magically done for you. Shoot the body. Set it on fire. Blow it up. Anything other than resorting to what amounts to wizardry to accomplish it.

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I live in a shithole of a town in the middle of outback Australia. One of the very few places in the world that has worse internet than the middle east. In DayZ commander, I can find maybe five servers with less than 300 ping. The best server I could find for playing on was a russian one with 800MS ping limit. The internet out here is liquid shit. I've been through two separate ISP's (telstra and now TPG) and about four different modems. It's a physical issue with the fact that the signal is trying to push through hundred year old telecom cables comprised of 10% copper and 90% manure.

But that all being said, sure loot needs to be removed... but 'rare loot' isn't removed from a server when you hide a body. Not even 'good' loot is hidden. It's the shitty loot like cans of beans, binoculars, enfields, pistols, etc etc that are left on the body. When was the last time you hid a body that had an AS50 and a pair of NVG's on it? Not never. Not if you could carry it.

If it's left in the body when the server restarts, then sure, it should go byebye. But magically disappearing possibly essential survival loot along with a body in five seconds in the middle of a city on the centre of asphalt... yeah, that needs to go away. That's not how bodies work.

If you really want to deprive passerby's of the loot of a body, you should have to work for that. Not just click a button and have it magically done for you. Shoot the body. Set it on fire. Blow it up. Anything other than resorting to what amounts to wizardry to accomplish it.

id give you beans if I could blown em all on that funny rocket thread.

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If I already had a weapon that I liked, sure I'd hide a body with an AS50 or similar on it. I always hide bodies just to make sure that the person can't run back and claim any of their gear. Saying that it should take over a minute to complete the action when you don't mention repairing vehicles, filling fuel tanks or any other actions that are massively scaled down for the purposes of DayZ seems a bit ridiculous to me. It's like you're just picking the one that inconveniences you...

Instead of expecting the devs to remove ping limits, do you not think you'd be better off contacting the admin from a couple of Aus servers, explaining your situation and asking nicely if they could possibly up their ping limit? Having people running around with 200+ ping really drags down everyone else's experience, unfortunately, and I definitely think server owners should definitely have the right to set a max ping.

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I thought this thread was talking about a game dynamic not ping?

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If I already had a weapon that I liked, sure I'd hide a body with an AS50 or similar on it. I always hide bodies just to make sure that the person can't run back and claim any of their gear. Saying that it should take over a minute to complete the action when you don't mention repairing vehicles, filling fuel tanks or any other actions that are massively scaled down for the purposes of DayZ seems a bit ridiculous to me. It's like you're just picking the one that inconveniences you...

Instead of expecting the devs to remove ping limits, do you not think you'd be better off contacting the admin from a couple of Aus servers, explaining your situation and asking nicely if they could possibly up their ping limit? Having people running around with 200+ ping really drags down everyone else's experience, unfortunately, and I definitely think server owners should definitely have the right to set a max ping.

I never asked about them changing the ping limit. I can find a few aussie servers that I can play on. Just when my friend wants to play with me, HE gets kicked for ping. I already made a suggestion for adding the ping limit to the server info screen or multi-national parties. But you can't see it because of this god-awful system of only the most contested of ideas being pushed to the front page all the time. I've got a suggestion for that, too.

I've already pointed in a 'wtf is wrong with the people who don't like new cans?' thread that repairing cars in ten seconds, stuffing tires, rotor assemblies, engines, and windshield glass into your backpack is FAR more immersion breaking than a can of Herpy Dooves Canned Muffins.

And to the crux of the issue, AGAIN, you insinuate that this inconveniences me. Why don't you listen to yourself? Oh, you're just saying this because you were inconvenienced'.

You know how many times I've looted my previous body?




Never. Not ONCE have I returned to where I died. Why? Because I really don't die that often. And when I do, I'm an hour inland! What's the point of going after my previous body when I can just as easily find shit on the way there that is equal in effectiveness? When I die, it's always to zombies. And no matter what loot I lose, I'm good enough at DayZ that I can find a new primary weapon and a pistol WHEREVER. Sniper rifle lost? So what. Plenty of crash sites to loot. Bandits to hunt. I don't need a sniper rifle to be deadly. Because I'm smarter than my prey.

But you can't seem to understand that even though I don't need it, I can still make suggestions for betterment of the game.

Are my words registering yet? Can you get past this mental stumbling block you have where you can't even understand the basic premise of an argument? I can understand why, here of all places, you would think that the majority of people are QQing crybabies who want the game easier for them. But seriously. Listen.

What is your argument against it?

Oh, I like being able to hide loot, and why scale down something and not something else.

First, the loot.

As I said many times previously, the standalone will have degradating items. You could DESTROY them. Not just hide them away magically, but physically destroy them so they can't be used. But you wouldn't be able to destroy the body, which is much heavier evidence of bandit activity nearby. It's a cue to players who find that body, that something happened there. Even if all the gear is GONE and DESTROYED.

And the other argument. The 'omg why scale down this and not everything else?'

That is the stupidest argument ever. So, we're not increasing the realism of EVERYTHING at once, so we shouldn't increase the realism AT ALL in ANY area? Probably the only reason why I don't have anything to say about vehicles and helicopters is because I don't use them. I run everywhere because it's quieter and I can't get my shit stolen by someone who just happens upon my vehicle. Because I left the keys in the car, apparently.

Should I make a thread where I suggest fixing every unrealistic POS thing this mod has in it, that could be being addressed already? So that people can pick and choose what to whine about?

Okay, fine.

Engine blocks should have be placed on a series of pullies, or pulled on a sled dragged by no less than four people. They should be separated into the different piston sizes, fuel tank sizes, etc etc. Differentiate them based on CC amounts, fuel used. Allow modding kits for manual or automatic transmissions. When placing the engine into a car, we will need a full workshop, with a crane for holding the engine block in place while it's lowered into the car. And if you get the wrong engine size, too bad.

Fuel tank parts should require at least two people to carry them. They shouldn't be cross-compatable unless you take a course in mechanics beforehand.

Fuel stations should always be empty to simulate the fact that no fuel production facilities work any more.

Leaking fuel tanks should always leave a trail of gasoline behind the vehicle in question that can be set on fire with matches.

Weapons should explode in your hands the moment you fire them to simulate being left out in the weather for years on end without any servicing.

Military areas should be completely picked clean.

Ammunition should have a high base rate of failure. Weapons that DO fire should jam all the time to simulate lack of servicing.

Stepping out of deer stands should result in jarring your legs rather than breaking them.

Breaking your legs should result in being unable to walk for six to eight weeks to allow your legs to heal.

Firing the AS50 or M107 while standing should make your character either fall over or take a step backwards.

Flying a helicopter should only be available after your character has had a 'crash course' in flying by a legitimate instructor who knows how to fly one. Otherwise, your character should ditch it into the ground no matter what you do with your keyboard.

Your survivor should get lonely at times. Masturbate. Urinate. Defecate. Go slowly insane without company. Be scared of the dark. Wet himself when zombies are approaching. Get the shakes at random times due to malnutrition. He should run HALF the speed he currently runs to simulate the fact that he's not a long-distance athlete and that normal people don't move that fast in the first place.

Running on a full stomach should lead to cramps.

Drinking soda should lead to dehydration. Swimming should be impossible based on the weight of your weapons and gear.

Backpack space should be based on mass and not weight or slots.

You should have to take a bath every week or the infected start to smell you.

You should lose stamina rapidly when wearing a ghillie suit.

Grass should be rendered at every distance so that player characters don't stand out so much.

Doors should have to be kicked in or broken open if you want any chance of finding loot inside.

Snipers should have to take courses in ballistics before being able to use a sniper rifle properly.

Suppressors should only work effectively with matching subsonic ammunition.

Standing pools of water should be stagnant and undrinkable.

Clothing should get bloody if you get injured and stay bloody.

Wounds should have to be cauterized or tended to by a legitimate doctor or someone trained in first aid to stop bleeding.

Your character should have a 0.00001 chance of just falling over dead from an aneurism, cancer, vitamin deficiency, or random ailment at any time.

Oh, and don't let me forget that you shouldn't be able to make a body disappear into the ether in five seconds in the middle of a runway.

Are you happy yet?

Edited by Xianyu

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