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FR 129 Admin ban for killing him!

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Me and my friend pulled over to a few guys to offer them a ride, as we'd been doing this evening. They threw a grenade, so we drove off about 1k down the road and pulled up to go back on foot. So we reached them and took all 4 out with M4's. The server then restarted and as we log back in, boom were banned! At the end of the day, all we did was kill 4 people, there should not be a ban for this!

Here's the ban image:


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Sorry wrong place :/

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It says "setPos", which is what you use in the editor to spawn your guy on top of the Green Mountain radio tower and other such ridiculously fun things.

Seems like you were banned for teleporting, not for killing the admin.

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I am the only admin and I don"t ban when I die. Furthermore, I don't play so much.

setpos is usually for teleporting, but since few days setpos BE logs are sometime false positive (often when you get in/out a vehicle). Maybe these false positives are related to the poor anti-TP the devteam put on the client side, too.

Be aware that these bans are done automatically, but with a delay of several minutes due to some lags, some log bufferization, and difficult RCON connection with the gameserver. All theses lags are greater with the time being (the worst is just before the server restarts).

I see on the image you post, that you masked your character name, but not your IP address. Really, I would prefer the opposite, this will help me to unban you :)

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Good to see such activity in these times of stress...

@ Spook811 use the correct Topic / Forum there is a Ban Appeal section (next time).

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