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Proper Kill Counter

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Killing zombies isn't fun anymore. One headshot, and they're dead. One false step going down hill, and they're dead. Hide indoors, and they'll slow to a crawl before getting bored and leaving (which I don't mind!). You can hide on a rooftop and hope their pathfinding doesn't locate your ladder. A simple flare makes them go running off (which is fun at night for flagging bandits).

What I want to see is a community badge system for the DayZ standalone; I want to be able to put some kind of code on my profile or in my signature that will keep track of how many zombie kills my DayZ account has total and on the current life, bandit kills, humanity, how many blood transfusion I've administered, how many cans of beans I've eaten, how much soda I've drank, and my 2 currently equipped items.

JUST MAYBE, if I have not yet asked for too much, I could also get a picture of my character holding his primary weapon that will show what clothes/items I'm wearing and what backpack I have. I feel like making DayZ a little more competitive in this manner will make American/Russian players want to play more, and the Hero-related aspects (bandages and blood transfusions) will give the "Nice Europeans" something to feel good about.

I'm sorry if the stereotypes offend you, but I've never been shot on a east-European server (other than Russian ones), or even shot-at without an apology. I personally play American servers for better ping and so I can kill bandits.

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This all sounds a bit too Call of Duty for DayZ. :/

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yeah may be a bit to COd'ish but, it'd interesting. i wouldnt mind a badge system, maybe more of an advanced hero-survivor-bandit system

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Why not just read about the SA confirmed features, and see that a journal that logs some important stats is likely going to be implemented?

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This all sounds a bit too Call of Duty for DayZ. :/

I can see that, and appreciate the sentiment; turning it into a competition destroys the realism survival.

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yeah may be a bit to COd'ish but, it'd interesting. i wouldnt mind a badge system, maybe more of an advanced hero-survivor-bandit system

The new lootable clothes system is going to make Bandit/Hero identification a lot harder. I want to know how long it'll take for the game to develop some kind of "Code," like black jacket=hero red jacket=bandit.

Ever read The Postman? It's a post-apocalypse book. There's these "Ultra Survivalists," called Holnists, that follow the superior-race, Roman-style teachings of Nathan Holn. They like to wear surplus camo, and all the Holnists are evil. Thus, if you are wearing camo, people will KoS.

Will that dynamic be in DayZ? I already feel that way about ghillie suits; ghillie=jerkface.

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JUST MAYBE, if I have not yet asked for too much, I could also get a picture of my character holding his primary weapon that will show what clothes/items I'm wearing and what backpack I have.

This would be cool, a way to take a picture of your current self without twisting your neck like an owl.

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It would be Halo'ish and CoD'ish if you can have a tracking system showing your character standing there wearing and holding the gear you currently have but it would be interesting. Also would tell you who to go after.

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This would be cool, a way to take a picture of your current self without twisting your neck like an owl.

EXACTLY! I'd love some kind of freecam that didn't break your neck. It is SO hard to take a picture of yourself! I play solo 99% of the time and just can't get good screenshots of myself. Ugh...

I think freecam would be cheaty though. The way your head spins around is good for MP, knowing if you've been seen or not.

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EXACTLY! I'd love some kind of freecam that didn't break your neck. It is SO hard to take a picture of yourself! I play solo 99% of the time and just can't get good screenshots of myself. Ugh...

I think freecam would be cheaty though. The way your head spins around is good for MP, knowing if you've been seen or not.

hey, there's an idea for a new item in game :)

a camera, you can use it to take pictures, or you can place it somewhere and set a delayed shutter.

if it has a zoom lens you could use it as binoculars, or you can set it to take a picture every say 10 minutes.

Hide it somewhere and later when you get back you can check the pictures to see if someone passed through.

it could be limited by actual film that you would have to find also :)

and of course you could take pictures of yourself :)

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hey, there's an idea for a new item in game :)

a camera, you can use it to take pictures, or you can place it somewhere and set a delayed shutter.

if it has a zoom lens you could use it as binoculars, or you can set it to take a picture every say 10 minutes.

Hide it somewhere and later when you get back you can check the pictures to see if someone passed through.

it could be limited by actual film that you would have to find also :)

and of course you could take pictures of yourself :)

Holy freaking crap.

A CCTV!! When you set up le epic base, you could wire a CCTV network together to watch your base. You set up an electric generator to power everything.

I also want to see a dynamic power grid. If you want to kill a player, invite him into a town at night, then cut all the power and hunt him down with NVGs. If you want to attract new players, flash an SoS by turning the power off and on. If you want the zombies to go to a certain district of your city to keep you safe, you turn off power in half the town. :)

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EXACTLY! I'd love some kind of freecam that didn't break your neck. It is SO hard to take a picture of yourself! I play solo 99% of the time and just can't get good screenshots of myself. Ugh...

I think freecam would be cheaty though. The way your head spins around is good for MP, knowing if you've been seen or not.

Wouldn't want people to be able to look around stuff without turning their heads. Maybe it could be a menu option or a gear option if you find a camera like Craig suggested.

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Wouldn't want people to be able to look around stuff without turning their heads. Maybe it could be a menu option or a gear option if you find a camera like Craig suggested.

I just said freecam=cheatcam. :)

And wow, I've gotten beans for 1/2 of my posts...

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I don't think there should be any benefits to anything in Day Z.

I think it should be pure survival, and the only way to get recognized for your actions is word of mouth on the server.

If there was a way to get server characters only, that'd be cool, and influence you to be a bit more careful about what you do.

Make zombies harder, and people will group up more, bandits will have to use more strategy, and it would allow people so spread the bandit's name/appearance around.

That'd be cool. But off topic.

I don't like this idea very much. I don't think it'd fit.

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I don't think there should be any benefits to anything in Day Z.

I think it should be pure survival, and the only way to get recognized for your actions is word of mouth on the server.

If there was a way to get server characters only, that'd be cool, and influence you to be a bit more careful about what you do.

Make zombies harder, and people will group up more, bandits will have to use more strategy, and it would allow people so spread the bandit's name/appearance around.

That'd be cool. But off topic.

I don't like this idea very much. I don't think it'd fit.

The standalone's "Lootable Clothes" is going to make bandit identification so much harder, and so much more fun.

Imagine this:

A bandit with a black hoodie, cargo pants, and a mustache murders a player.

The player respawns and tells everyone, "There's an asshole with a black hoodie, cargo pants, and a mustache killing everyone in Cherno!"

You walk into Cherno and find a black hoodie and some cargo pants. You also happen to have a mustache.

10 bandit-hunters roll into Cherno looking for blood...

Mistaken identity is going to be a bitch.

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actually... a camera would be badass. Not sure how it would be really effective, but I am a sucker for worthless novelty items in games anyways.

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actually... a camera would be badass. Not sure how it would be really effective, but I am a sucker for worthless novelty items in games anyways.

What if you rigged a camera to fire bullets (that don't do damage/hit anything), or what if the shutter going off attracted zombies away from you?

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The standalone's "Lootable Clothes" is going to make bandit identification so much harder, and so much more fun.

Imagine this:

A bandit with a black hoodie, cargo pants, and a mustache murders a player.

The player respawns and tells everyone, "There's an asshole with a black hoodie, cargo pants, and a mustache killing everyone in Cherno!"

You walk into Cherno and find a black hoodie and some cargo pants. You also happen to have a mustache.

10 bandit-hunters roll into Cherno looking for blood...

Mistaken identity is going to be a bitch.

Yeah yeah! Just like that!

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Yeah yeah! Just like that!

Wait, you DO want color-coated items, regardless of what they look like when looted?

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