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Go go Uber Cherno!?

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I'm sure I found a post from someone wondering the impact of the new size of Chernogorsk would be. I haven't found it again yet so I'll assume I invented it and my psychosis is coming along nicely.

(EDIT: Found the post - http://dayzmod.com/f...one-i-hope-not/ )

In the dev blog we're show a WIP part of the new northern Cherno. I had a look at the maps for Chernarus and of the real world location to get a feel for how big the new Cherno may be and then put this lovely piece of photoshop together! I included the original image so you can draw your own conclusions. It looks as though it can easily be twice the size it currently is.

Light red denotes a flat area which could easily have more streets on it without mucking around with the height map in Visitor 3 (not that the devs will have problems with editing the terrain!).


Edited by Merry_Mac

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They have already showed us MANY sneak peaks of the new Cherno. Allow me to find some of that work... BRB


this shows all the new apartment and condo's on the road leading NORTH from cherno past Vysotta.

Also, in the latest devblog video MATT (determine for yourself) says "Who is running back to cherno?"

The video starts with them being outside a grocery store and roaming around randomly. I don't believe this is actually part of cherno, but VERY close.

That big empty area between Balota and Cherno 056 127


NOPE ! so obvious, matt also says south. you see the radio tower, and the barns to the north, they are North of Vysota. so that ENTIRE red area you highlighted on your map North of Vysota is where this video takes place. So much for people sniping from that hill. I hope that was intentional.

(I've edited this post like 15 times. matt even says in side chat "Urban Area North of Cherno" )

Can't believe i missed that from watching it twice.

Edited by Charb

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I've seen the pictures and I've seen the videos. I think you may be looking for some of these pics http://www.pcgamer.com/2013/02/18/dayz-standalone-gets-new-screenshots-and-progress-report-everything-has-been-redone/

I was just drawing it out on the map for other players to see how big the city could soon sprawl. Also the satellite view was so players can see the parts that Ivan Buchta and the team are adding as they said they are building it as closely as possible to the real world counterpart

. I really like it that Cherno is going to become such a large urban area!

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(I've edited this post like 15 times. matt even says in side chat "Urban Area North of Cherno" )

Can't believe i missed that from watching it twice.

I saw him say that which is why I went on and made this map, and using the satellite image worked out how far they may expand to the north west as well as north as they also said they are keeping to the original real world city as much as possible.

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I think the new Cherno is going to be an awesome place to explore and loot. A high proportion of the buildings will be enterable and with loot spawning in cars etc looting will never be as much fun.

I am not sure if the settlement north of Cherno can even be called part of the Cherno sprawl - there is a pretty big gap between the two. It takes a minute or two to sprint up there from the city.

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I'm paranoid enough when I walk through that city as it is, with so many more windows and roofs to check I may take to closing my eyes and running forwards =P

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If you hear Matt in the devblog, he says Cherno is now almost a 1:1 rendition of the real world equivalent. See if you can find it on google maps (I think just search real life Chernarus).

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