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UK 498 (Team Old Skool) Hacked

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Apologies if this does not belong here,

If any of the Team Old Skool see this then your server was hacked Friday 8 Mar 13 at appx 2315 GMT. Everyone on the server reported having the broken bone icon appear then a short time later all were killed by an explosion (as if they stood on a AP mine or IED). I say killed, but we were alive but unable to move and prone on the ground. When I changed servers this state lasted for a few minutes then I could stand but had a broken bone and could not walk.

I'll gladly give any more details via e-mail or PM, I've registered in your forums but need activation.

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Bit late on the reply here (dunno why we missed this), but cheers for the report. Hacker has been sorted (permanently).

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Hi Terror.


I do not like being banned because I choose to play the game my own way.


Not sure who it was, but I guess that grumpy Scot, Hitty.


Ironically, the only reason I decided to hunt down camps was becuase he childishly kicked me the other day, but I guess he hasn't worked that out yet.


Oh well, GLHF :)



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Server crying belongs in the server section, not general. 

Grumpy assholes belong on reddit, not on DayZ Forums

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