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[Questions & Suggestions] DayZ Standalone

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Dear DayZ Community & DayZ Developer(s),

I have only been playing DayZ for a couple of days now (with a couple of clan-mates, they have been playing much much longer than I) But, even though I never installed and played DayZ I have kept up with it since the beginning(just never got around to installing ARMA 2 again) So, Finally having installed ARMA 2-CO and installing the mod and playing it with my friends. and, me being such a avid survivalist fan as well as a Zombie fan. I have a couple of suggestions and would like to hear your take on it. I will bullet point each one and would like a discussion on each one if possible?

  1. Making Objective specific places: For Military Equipment(Choppers,Tanks,APC's, .50cals,ammo) in Military Bases(instead of everywhere) As well as Civilizan Sided things Supermarket for Food/batteries/etc.. Hospital for Medicine/Food/Tape/etc..
  2. FreeTowns: Randomly generated towns with AI & Player security that are NO-FIRE zones(but, can be attacked both by players/zombies) that you can go into and buy equipment from both players camped there or AI that was sold the equipment/food/drink/etc.. Also, allowing the implamentation of a Bounty system by having a Bounty wall. (there is no prison in town. you get bad with the players you go to the wall and get taken out/killed by whoever accepts and they get the currency awarded)
  3. Currency: Maybe doing some sort of Currency or "Barter" System where say a shotgun is Worth 3 Cans of Food or 2 bottles of clean water or 1 morphine syinge.
  4. Military Vehicles: Choppers,Tanks,Armored Cars or Personel Carriers: Would go with Objective Specific Places
  5. Civiliian Vehicles: Choppers,Planes,Cars,Trucks,Boats
  6. Modifyable Vehicles: The Ability to find parts such as barbed wire and place them on the sides of your car to rip and shred both humans and zombies as you nearly miss them or, being able to put steel around windows of a car to help deflect(but only certian types of ammo/weapons) and zombies from killing you in your car.
  7. Safe Islands: Go to a island and rest from zombies. But, are attackable by boat or players to fight over.
  8. Camps or Fortresses: You can outfit with Civilian or Military equipment that you found: Fences,Barbed Wire, Electric Fences(must have a generator/fuel/technical applitude)
  9. Harder to find food/water. I think it is to easy to find food or water in our current DayZ mod.
  10. Water Pollution: Some water can make you sick if you fill your cantena with it..
  11. Diseases: You can get bitten by zombies(which you will get turned into a AI zombie after a period of falling down,and being a burden to your group) or Diseases from contaminated water or uncooked food or cut with barbed wire(only a chance) that you can treat with anti-biotics(that may or may not cure you)
  12. Suburbs: Actual ones, not just one house and then another house 300ft from it. I mean like 50/60 houses down one street. make some enterable.
  13. Defenses: regarding #12 allow you to board up houses or lock doors or closets etc..
  14. Horde: Make a lot more zombies travel in packs.
  15. Night is Dangerous: Make it where Chem Lights only last a little while. Fire constantly needs wood to keep it going, Rain will extinguish fire and in the dark is when zombies are most active they have heightend senses such as deaf or blind people can smell or touch or even hear better.
  16. Groups: Make groups encourageable. it takes more than one too survive. But, it can be done Lone Wolf style.. it will be just twice if not 3x as hard.
  17. Raiding: Being able to Raid FreeTowns for what you need..if you can kill the AI or the Players that protect it
  18. Fire: Make it so that you can burn zombies or players or trees or houses or fortresses, and that players or zombies will be hurt if they stay in a burning house or camp(depending on how close the fire is or how it spreads)
  19. Sleeping: You need to sleep every so often if you do not you will end up passing out(which you can be attacked or die by a fire) till your sleep has recovered. (can be done offline or online in a tent or laying prone somewhere and pressing the sleep button)
  20. Tents: be able to make them off the ground too or put them ontop of a car(search google).
  21. Sleeping Bags: Same with sleeping make them hold less than a tent but ability to sleep anywhere and pick it up only take up 3? 4? slots.
  22. More Diverse bags: So many bags... both for hikers,campers,military and school. Need moar!
  23. DayZ Standalone ARMA 2 or 3?: I know it is not running on those but I mean what engine is it running? this hasn't really been answered.

For now this is all I can think of.. but I will medidate on this later tonight and come back tomorrow and add to the list.

Let me know what you all think. Sorry for spelling too.. not really awake atm.

Take Care & God Bless


Edited by SuperTine

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My thoughts:

Dear DayZ Community & DayZ Developer(s),

I have only been playing DayZ for a couple of days now (with a couple of clan-mates, they have been playing much much longer than I) But, even though I never installed and played DayZ I have kept up with it since the beginning(just never got around to installing ARMA 2 again) So, Finally having installed ARMA 2-CO and installing the mod and playing it with my friends. and, me being such a avid survivalist fan as well as a Zombie fan. I have a couple of suggestions and would like to hear your take on it. I will bullet point each one and would like a discussion on each one if possible?

  1. Making Objective specific places: For Military Equipment(Choppers,Tanks,APC's, .50cals,ammo) in Military Bases(instead of everywhere) As well as Civilizan Sided things Supermarket for Food/batteries/etc.. Hospital for Medicine/Food/Tape/etc..
    Well, you don't just find M16s in houses, I guess it could be improved though.
  2. FreeTowns: Randomly generated towns with AI & Player security that are NO-FIRE zones(but, can be attacked both by players/zombies) that you can go into and buy equipment from both players camped there or AI that was sold the equipment/food/drink/etc.. Also, allowing the implamentation of a Bounty system by having a Bounty wall. (there is no prison in town. you get bad with the players you go to the wall and get taken out/killed by whoever accepts and they get the currency awarded)
    No AI, please.
  3. Currency: Maybe doing some sort of Currency or "Barter" System where say a shotgun is Worth 3 Cans of Food or 2 bottles of clean water or 1 morphine syinge.
    Why do that when there's trading? I doubt there would be a currency system implemented in a real apocalypse
  4. Military Vehicles: Choppers,Tanks,Armored Cars or Personel Carriers: Would go with Objective Specific Places
    Yeah, tanks, because this should be MORE military. We already have ArmA for this.
  5. Civiliian Vehicles: Choppers,Planes,Cars,Trucks,Boats
    That's better.
  6. Modifyable Vehicles: The Ability to find parts such as barbed wire and place them on the sides of your car to rip and shred both humans and zombies as you nearly miss them or, being able to put steel around windows of a car to help deflect(but only certian types of ammo/weapons) and zombies from killing you in your car.
    It's being implemented in the SA.
  7. Safe Islands: Go to a island and rest from zombies. But, are attackable by boat or players to fight over.
    I don't think the zombie aspect of the game needs to be reduced even more.
  8. Camps or Fortresses: You can outfit with Civilian or Military equipment that you found: Fences,Barbed Wire, Electric Fences(must have a generator/fuel/technical applitude)
    I'm pretty sure that will be in the standalone.
  9. Harder to find food/water. I think it is to easy to find food or water in our current DayZ mod.
  10. Water Pollution: Some water can make you sick if you fill your cantena with it..
    That's already in the game.
  11. Diseases: You can get bitten by zombies(which you will get turned into a AI zombie after a period of falling down,and being a burden to your group) or Diseases from contaminated water or uncooked food or cut with barbed wire(only a chance) that you can treat with anti-biotics(that may or may not cure you)
    First, all survivors are immune to the zombie virus. Second, when was the last time you played this game? You can get infections from food, and zombie bites.
  12. Suburbs: Actual ones, not just one house and then another house 300ft from it. I mean like 50/60 houses down one street. make some enterable.
    That would probably be a big performance hit, and all buildings will be enterable. The map seems to be pretty finished, too.
  13. Defenses: regarding #12 allow you to board up houses or lock doors or closets etc..
  14. Horde: Make a lot more zombies travel in packs.
  15. Night is Dangerous: Make it where Chem Lights only last a little while. Fire constantly needs wood to keep it going, Rain will extinguish fire and in the dark is when zombies are most active they have heightend senses such as deaf or blind people can smell or touch or even hear better.
    I don't think just being in the dark would make them hear better.
  16. Groups: Make groups encourageable. it takes more than one too survive. But, it can be done Lone Wolf style.. it will be just twice if not 3x as hard.
    It doesn't really take more than one to survive, but it should be a bit harder.
  17. Raiding: Being able to Raid FreeTowns for what you need..if you can kill the AI or the Players that protect it
    No, because there shouldn't be these towns in the game.
  18. Fire: Make it so that you can burn zombies or players or trees or houses or fortresses, and that players or zombies will be hurt if they stay in a burning house or camp(depending on how close the fire is or how it spreads) If such a thing can be implemented then that would be cool/
  19. Sleeping: You need to sleep every so often if you do not you will end up passing out(which you can be attacked or die by a fire) till your sleep has recovered. (can be done offline or online in a tent or laying prone somewhere and pressing the sleep button) I'd rather not have that.
  20. Tents: be able to make them off the ground too or put them ontop of a car(search google). Why?
  21. Sleeping Bags: Same with sleeping make them hold less than a tent but ability to sleep anywhere and pick it up only take up 3? 4? slots.
  22. More Diverse bags: So many bags... both for hikers,campers,military and school. Need moar! k
  23. DayZ Standalone ARMA 2 or 3?: I know it is not running on those but I mean what engine is it running? this hasn't really been answered. Yes it has, it's a modified version of the ArmA engine, kind of like ArmA 2.5.

For now this is all I can think of.. but I will medidate on this later tonight and come back tomorrow and add to the list.

Let me know what you all think. Sorry for spelling too.. not really awake atm.

Take Care & God Bless


Edited by Clumzy
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I pretty much share most if not all of Clumzy's sentiments on the subject. As for sleeping, what do you think your doing when you log off, jumping jacks? This should be one of thous things determined by RL. If you can't shoot for shit with a mouse and keyboard, your character can't shoot for shit, if you've been playing for 48 hours strait on nothing but redbull then you'll suffer the consequences in game. If you had to 'take a nap' every 6 hours in game for 2 hours it would SUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK.

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Hello there, some nice ideas in there

1. I think this is pretty much in effect - the best military gear is found in barracks, deer stands and military tents, whilst the best supplies of food and medicine is found in supermarkets and hospitals

2. I don't think NPC's of this nature fit into the DayZ world, where everything is player driven. Some free towns and trader towns have been created in game before but invariably fall. Anything you want in game should be player driven - you want to set up bounties then give it a go.

3. Currency is pretty useless but bartering is quite common even now. I have often traded guns, food or medicine for another item. I dont think the game needs a currency implemented by the devs - again, it needs to be player driven.

4 and 5 - see point 1

6. I like this idea and i am hopeful something like this is implemented whereby you scavenge for parts and build your own "Mad Max" type vehicle. Some mods already have a system like this

7. Temporary Safe zones could be implemented by clearing an area of zombies i suppose , but already safe areas free of zombies are easy to find even now.

8. I think that underground bases are the way to go. Unfortunately due to the nature of the game, server hopping would negate any surface base you can create. How secure can it be if someone can just log in behind you and light you up?

9. I agree, food should be scarcer. Water not so but as in point 10 may require boiling to rid it of disease.

11. Diseases are a big thing for the SA - though getting infected by a zombie i am sure isn't on the cards (we are immune, i think)

12. I think more housing and enterable buildings are a feature of the SA

13. It would be nice to be able to block a door with furniture etc

14. With the new zombie models and optimisation hopefully wandering hordes are a possibility - i agree we need some danger away from towns and villages, there should be a chance of finding zombies anywhere

15. I agree that zombies should be more attracted to lights, fires etc

16. Grouping is entirely up to the players - the only way the game should encourage helping one another is to create a world where it is more advantageous to help than KOS. For example by making the zombies a major threat players may think twice before firing a shot at another player in the middle of Cherno

17. Not a fan of AI controlled towns etc

18. Hopefully Molotov cocktails make it in game. I also like the idea of being able to blow up gas stations

19. I really hope a sleep mechanic doesn't make it in game. I know it is realistic but some things dont need to be implemented, I always assume when i log off my character goes to sleep

20. Why would you want to do this? Tents need to be grounded since you have to peg them in.

21. Like point 19 i don't see the need for sleeping to be in game, but perhaps with a sleeping bag you can regain warmth or something

22. I agree the more items available the better

23. It is more of a combination - many things are being done independently to Arma 3 that you could consider it its own engine

Anyway nice first post. A few things have been mentioned previously but are still open for discussion.

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