kingfury4 65 Posted March 8, 2013 ...would rather turn up gamma than use light sources in the game....won't fire their weapons other than to kill another player....will run around with 16 cans of food and drink....will play on servers with name plates on....won't play at night....will shoot you in the back after saving them....won't leave the coast....hoard vehicles, but never use them....cheat like it was going out of style.and so on...=PThe nights on this game are near impossible. I played some custom Arma missions with my friends recently, it was night and eventually we rounded up enough NVG's for 3 out of 4. Me being the one without. I was completely useless because I couldn't see anything, running around in DayZ at night is extremely dumb because you can't see anything, and flashlights will give you away so easily. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dreams_Of_Cheese (DayZ) 71 Posted March 9, 2013 The lack of comprehension from you people is terrifying.There are no complaints here. Nor am I trying to tell anyone how to play. Maybe you need to stop and ask yourselves why you immediately saw those observations as such.The factI'll let it soak in a little further and see if anyone finally get's it.If you don't think that your post was trying to make people change what they're doing, I don't know why you posted something so patronizing to be titled ... "People are so scared of death and what it means in this game that they..."Grow up. This is a sandbox game. Play how you want. There is little discussion when all you are trying to impress onto others is that they are wrong and you are the only thruth. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
OrLoK 16191 Posted March 9, 2013 Hello thereAs Fraggle decided not to bury this, i too shall refrain from a full *nom*.I may chew at the edges though, so be careful they may get slimy.One of the major reasons arguments start on the forums is that there are so many ways to play that the game attracts very different players and play styles.For EG on the whole you probably would label me as a "care bear" whereas another player might be a l337 PvP Sn1p3R type. Most likely our playstyles dont mix and match and that's not really an issue in game, but when we hit the forums we all have to socialise together.One has to remember what suits one kind of player may not suit another.and then Accept that fact...It's great to debate and argue but one cannot take an oppositional stance with an idea/opinion set in stone. You have to be flexible.You play your way and I'll play mine.As an annoying but well animated marsupial says...."Simples"RgdsLoK Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
aussiebobby 82 Posted March 9, 2013 The nights on this game are near impossible. I played some custom Arma missions with my friends recently, it was night and eventually we rounded up enough NVG's for 3 out of 4. Me being the one without. I was completely useless because I couldn't see anything, running around in DayZ at night is extremely dumb because you can't see anything, and flashlights will give you away so easily.Find /get a military flashlight Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Grandchamp (DayZ) 14 Posted March 9, 2013 Dead wrong ... if said player has a pos monitor it may need adjusting to get optimal gama/brightness/contrast... btw with it adjusted all the way for that night time sneak ... normally so washed out that it rather hinders than helps... cry moar about some useless "topic please.i dont cry. But when someone turns the gamma up to see better rather then useing the flahlight IT IS CHEATING. I never said that it should be forbiden to adjust the brightness. But when I see people bitchin about "oh my god, that flash light is so bright it gives away my position!!!11!!" yeah well thats all about it! You should use the flash light tactically and not turn up the gamma to evade said situation. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jubeidok 495 Posted March 9, 2013 (edited) If you don't think that your post was trying to make people change what they're doing, I don't know why you posted something so patronizing to be titled ... "People are so scared of death and what it means in this game that they..."Grow up. This is a sandbox game. Play how you want. There is little discussion when all you are trying to impress onto others is that they are wrong and you are the only thruth.What's that got to do with growing up? I don't get it. Were your feelings hurt, your pride? Do you fall into one of those statements and therefore felt insulted that someone is saying you are playing like that out of fear?I seriously don't get what your issue is with the post? I'm not telling you not to be scared and the only ones you should not be doing, regardless of your play style are that ones that are flat out cheating. Or do you think this sandbox experience you talk about where everyone get's to play how they want also justifies cheating? And do we only get to play that way in so called "sandbox" games or am I allowed to play any game in my library how ever I want? I'd like to thinks it's the latter. Edited March 9, 2013 by JubeiDOK Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Devon206 (DayZ) 77 Posted March 9, 2013 The thing that makes the game fun is because it affects your "Real Life" Reactions. If you meet a guy in real life in the middle of a zombie apocalypse with a machine gun and blood on him. Would you trust him? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
madmega 16 Posted March 9, 2013 How can u call a feature/asset/resource in the game cheating? Its there for a reason in ArmA 2, DayZ is a mod of that game, its the same engine, nighttime is unplayable on the real virtuality engine without NVGs or a another light source, we have been given a flashlight, most of the people playing don't use it, it would be a lack of logic thinking if you don't use the gamma ( people who does use it to get the right atmosphere is not counted, kind of ) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EliteSkittle 59 Posted March 9, 2013 I'm just going to once again point out, that on the regards to the nighttime thing, its not a matter of dying, its a matter of the game being completely unplayable with my POS monitor and my super low graphics settings that i require to play. Once Dayz gets realistic nighttime lighting i'll turn it down. Till then its not cheating, just as adjusting my render distance to be max is not cheating.And for the rest, its all based on playstyle and since the community patch cheating has been much less of an issue, especially on private hives. all of your other problems are play style, I don't like dying in Dayz so I carry a bunch of food on me what of it? I use a hatchet to kill zombies so? it attracts less zed. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
madmega 16 Posted March 9, 2013 Maybe after they have fixed this problem, if they do, if people still use the gamma and brightness to have a advantage then maybe we have a problem with abusing/cheating or whatever you guys call it Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Craux 81 Posted March 9, 2013 ...won't play at night.^ THISGod forbid if there was an actual zombie outbreak, people would kill themselves as soon as it got dark saying "Nuh uh eff this server" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
codave 121 Posted March 9, 2013 Or I'd find a place to you know, sleep. The night time issue is an issue of missing game mechanics. Your eyes do not adjust to the dark in game at all. It stays pitch black no matter what, you don't have even a modicum of night vision after a bit. I also find it quite funny that OP is making a list of things players do to avoid dying, when a major point of the game is NOT to die. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fraggle (DayZ) 15720 Posted March 9, 2013 To avoid dying I never go to Electro or Cherno unless I'm a fresh Spawn. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gambles 234 Posted March 10, 2013 People sometimes get swept up in the suspense and attempt to avoid it, only to realize later down the road that they ruined the game for themselves because DayZ is about that suspense and fear. When people start meta-gaming a survival game it becomes so redundant it makes the game seem silly. I feel bad for those players, I don't really get to play much any more but I enjoyed every second of my game play. I didn't sweat hoarding, or gamma correction, I worried about night because I knew it was coming and didn't try to avoid by leaving the server but by hiding at night. I played the game for that fear, I feel bad for all those that do not enjoy it, it's like editing out all the scary parts of a horror movie...what's the point? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
a_typical_noob 651 Posted March 10, 2013 What da' faq is this? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites