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silencer weapons magazine

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Yesterday I found a M4A1 CCO SDjust to find out that SD weapons use just SD magazines WTH !? There's no point on that, only add to rare SD weapons less magazines making it almost useless. Or I am wrong ?

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That being said Shrimpy223, it is ofcourse weird that we have silenced mags! Since normally you would just attach a silencer to a gun. Therefore I totally agree with JIJOK

So for the sake of realism in this game.... Let us use both mags for the guns.

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Since normally you would just attach a silencer to a gun.

I think you have to learn something about silencers.

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I think you have to learn something about silencers.

Well then teach me if you post this stuff....

As far as I know you do not require special ammo for the gun to be silent....

(you can ofcourse use subsonic ammo, but its not required! that only lowers the noise even more)

Its the silencer mounted on the gun that does the trick.

If you know anything else or if you can teach me, please let me know!

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Well then teach me if you post this stuff....

As far as I know you do not require special ammo for the gun to be silent....

(you can ofcourse use subsonic ammo, but its not required! that only lowers the noise even more)

Its the silencer mounted on the gun that does the trick.

If you know anything else or if you can teach me, please let me know!

You got the basice but you cant interpret them.

With a sliencer only, the soundchrackter is changed, same loudness but a not shot like sound. This means no use for them in dayz. A normal 9x19mm Pistol with a silencer gots a higher db number as a normal 9mm with a pillow in front!!! A Silencer only changes the sound(and reduces muzzel flash etc)

The SD ammo is the key!

With SD ammo you have the silence effect only, which makes you inhearable to your enemy and zombies.

And i think there a silencers out there wich get destroyed with normal ammo.

Btw: I have 50+ of Stanag SD mags in my camp at moment. They are not that hard to find. You can find them in industrial loot buildings too.

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Yep, you can find boxes with 20 SD magazines in them which aren't too rare around chopper crashes and in barracks.

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You got the basice but you cant interpret them.

With a sliencer only, the soundchrackter is changed, same loudness but a not shot like sound. This means no use for them in dayz. A normal 9x19mm Pistol with a silencer gots a higher db number as a normal 9mm with a pillow in front!!! A Silencer only changes the sound(and reduces muzzel flash etc)

The SD ammo is the key!

With SD ammo you have the silence effect only, which makes you inhearable to your enemy and zombies.

And i think there a silencers out there wich get destroyed with normal ammo.

Btw: I have 50+ of Stanag SD mags in my camp at moment. They are not that hard to find. You can find them in industrial loot buildings too.

Thanks didnt know!

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Thanks didnt know!

A guy named AaronZ posted a comment to the StanagSD ammo on dayzdb.com

He wrote:

Okay just to clear up things I will explain the differences between SD and non SD ammunition

so first of all you need to know when something breaks the sound barrier a loud bang appears

sound travels at 20°C (68 °F) at 343 M/s (1125 foot per second)

you can imagine a bullet travels faster than that

therefore the difference only lies there that the SD ammo is slightly slower than sound resulting in having less force

a non silenced weapon produces two sounds

one firing the bullet and one having the bullet to break the sound barrier

the suppressor on the M4A1 SD for examplejust cancels that very initial firing of the bullet not the breaking of the sound barrier

you would be able to shoot faster than sound ammo with an SD weapon but it would have no use then

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Yesterday I found a M4A1 CCO SDjust to find out that SD weapons use just SD magazines WTH !? There's no point on that, only add to rare SD weapons less magazines making it almost useless. Or I am wrong ?

It can be a pain - adds to the challenge I suppose (though there is NO challenge for server admins, who know where everything is anyhow - private hives included - though that is a separate discussion).

But at least there are situations in which you can use SD mags that you happen to find, in non-SD weapons. So I guess that is something.

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Basically in terms of the game, SD rounds are subsonic rounds. Firing a Stanag mag in a SD weapon would litterally cause the round to explode in the weapon

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SD magazines can be used on normal weapons making it silenced for zombies but not to ppl , and yes, I tried myself

ps : if I m not wrong on normal arma II or OA SD magazines can be used on normal weapons, told "if I m not wrong" its not a "sure" dont kill me !!

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I think you have to learn something about silencers.

You're actually the one who doesn't know what you're talking about.

With a sliencer only, the soundchrackter is changed, same loudness but a not shot like sound. This means no use for them in dayz. A normal 9x19mm Pistol with a silencer gots a higher db number as a normal 9mm with a pillow in front!!! A Silencer only changes the sound(and reduces muzzel flash etc)

The SD ammo is the key!

With SD ammo you have the silence effect only, which makes you inhearable to your enemy and zombies.

And i think there a silencers out there wich get destroyed with normal ammo.

You can fire standard velocity ammunition out of a suppressed weapon without damaging the suppressor. In fact, most people shoot regular ammunition with their suppressed weapons.

Using standard ammunition, the dB level is generally reduced by around 30 dB. Using subsonic ammunition, you might get an additional 10 to 20 dB of reduction, but it's still most likely going to be above 100 dB.

Keep in mind that many pistol rounds are already sub sonic, while almost all rifle rounds have a velocity at least twice the speed of sound, usually more. Sub sonic rifle rounds perform poorly compared to standard velocity ammunition, especially at longer ranges. When you're talking about the characteristics of the gunshot, that really only applies at those longer ranges. If you're near the weapon when it's fired, even with a suppressor it will still sound unmistakably like a gunshot. At distance it's dampened enough that it makes it more difficult to tell where the round was fired from.

And as far as it goes in-game, players can still hear you firing SD ammo from unsuppressed weapons, just not Zombies for some reason.

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Not useless, go to the NWAF and you'll have shit loads of SD Mags.

They are MINE!

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