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Pvt. James Duke

Standalone Idea: More Immersion.

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So the game as it is now doesn't have one thing: What was the CDF doing to protect the people? I know the hospital camps out near city's but what about some STATIC unusable tanks just for the aspect of the military gave it a fighting chance. Some military/FEMA camps out in the countryside out side of city's and like a collapsed wall with some dead Zeds showing how the base was overrun. Some dead bodies around a hospital covered in tarps and maybe like a sign on the hospital that says: "No Help" Also on the helocrashes do you think a living person can walk away from that their should be Zeds stuck in the pilot seat and with broken legs laying around the chopper wreck. Some creative criticism will be appreciated! Thanks for reading.

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Yeah, but remember that it's in some 3rd world country near Russia, I doubt they had a large military...

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Good point but the small forces their would probably put up some fight and their ally's would come in and help.

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I paid for a server, learned the database and how to edit the map just to help a guy I met in this game get some of those kinds of things into the map. There is a lot of dead space on the map, and just adding in a few things here and there adds so much more to the gameplay and overall feeling of immersion. Luckily he didn't ask me to go overboard with military grade weapon boxes everywhere but instead, went with something much more subtle and it blew me away at people's reactions to how a few simple additions, that make sense, change their perceptions of the map so much.

Also, I thought Chernarus was an ex soviet state. That would mean they had access to quite a bit of military hardware depending on how strategically located they were.

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Chernarus was an ex soviet state. That would mean they had access to quite a bit of military hardware depending on how strategically located they were.

Sovoet staes had large amounts of military equipment because of fears that the people would rebel and overwhelm goverment

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Don't feed the troll.

He's basically a living, breathing spambot.


I'd like to see little flourishes as suggested in the OP, to add (un)life to the world.

It already looks like the SA is getting dressed-up to suit the apocalypse, with the blood decals etc. in buildings.

With the comments in the latest devblog regarding making Cherno feel more like a real city, I hope that means there will be more little details added, to give the lived-in feel.

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I like this, more signs of a struggle around Chernarus. More junk loot aswell. More situations like at the airfields, lots of dead military soldiers strewn about, and in the cities more dead civies, cars piled up as a makeshift barricade.

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Don't turn this into another 3rd Person Dicussion. The OP has a real point that doesn't need fuck all trolls to invade.

I agree in someways and I think the Devs are looking into it. Have you seen Balota Army Camp in the Standalone. It looks like a legit Military Operation to stop the infection.

I think the hospitals should show signs of chaos and destruction. Other areas should be untouched and quite though.

Military bases should look eerie as hell. Abandoned hardware, maybe bodies, and destruction. Or totally lifeless with no Zeds or Gear left after a successful evacuation. Randomization like that would be the easiest to add and would add immersion.

The roads could have wrecks on them, or be completely still.

Attempted Cordons, Evacuation Points, abandoned hardware, bodies, wrecks, all sorts of small things that could add to the environment and immersion.

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Possibly add Military NPCs at the said bases around the map? Shooting anyone in range on sight due to the infection scaring the shit out of them.

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Possibly add Military NPCs at the said bases around the map? Shooting anyone in range on sight due to the infection scaring the shit out of them.

Rocket is anti-NPC. But hopefully, a group of players could role-play a military organization enforcing a quarantine. With the new Zed spawn system by the server, Zeds will only spawn on restart, so areas could be cleared with effort. This would mean that "safe zones" are possible.

With the possibilities of safe zones, many scenarios could unfold. That is part of the reason why the server architecture is sooo important!

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Hmm, did Rocket say anything about Zeds spawning exclusively on server restart? I thought the change was that spawning was going to be server handled and not client-based; otherwise a group of fps-oriented fellows armed to the teeth would be able to easily liberate a village or even a city, which, would be awesome. I can Imagine a group heading to one of the smaller towns guns blazing, and then cordoning off the entire place with barbed wire and defending it as a base.

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Hmm, did Rocket say anything about Zeds spawning exclusively on server restart? I thought the change was that spawning was going to be server handled and not client-based; otherwise a group of fps-oriented fellows armed to the teeth would be able to easily liberate a village or even a city, which, would be awesome. I can Imagine a group heading to one of the smaller towns guns blazing, and then cordoning off the entire place with barbed wire and defending it as a base.

if i remember rightly he did yes. i remembering him mentioning it would be technically possible to wipe the map if the decision on the time of server restarts ment that there was actually enough time to do it, but then again he said on the latest devblog that they were working with approx 3000 zombies at the moment but he expects that number to dramatically increase

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The immersion I'm thinking of is just cosmetic, you know how the Humvees now are destroyed why not make them static like the hood poped and engine destroyed beyond repair. Static tanks with bloody hand prints, a bunch of dead soldiers still clutching (loot able) guns and maybe at chopper crash sites their are zed pilots still in the seats and maybe on a rare chance a dead pilot in the seat with a M-9 drawn still in his hand like he survived and shot himself.

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The devs are adding many more locations to Chernarus (for the SA), it will without a doubt be a much better map than the current Chernarus.

There isn't much variety in the current map because there is only so much you can add with the editor. Everything has a predetermined shape and look, etc. In the SA, however, the devs will be able to add whatever they like.

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In the SA the city's will have more of a feel that the military and the civilian population gave a fight ,but why are the vehicles all rusted and tanks destroyed? I mean the rusted vehicles look like they belong in the 2017 version. It has been what 1-2 weeks since the infection went full scale. I say this because of the blood being fresh. Back to the vehicles they should have it like in the Walking Dead with a few cars on the highway like the city's were evacuated and zombies walking around the vehicles. As for the destroyed HMMWVs they should have some of them flipped and some on their side. The tanks should be STATIC like hatches closed and dead bodies on them with gun still in hands. In the hospitals their should be a lot of hull casings from bullets and dead bodies like the military put them down.

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