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Good and Evil meter will affect the gaming experiences

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Just an idea to share and i am not very good at english.

First of all, my idea is add more interesting things which affected by the Good and Evil Meter.

Firstly, add some military base with full of Soldiers in the game, and only the Honest player is allowed to get in. Neutral and bandit will be shot on sight.

When those Honest player get in the base, they may find some military loots(not much) in the base and the most important is, they can trade with the NPC inside the base, using the resources they get. For example, they can use 5 cans food to trade 100 rounds of 5.56 ammo.

But everybody know, it is very difficult to be a Honest player in Dayz, so those Honest player have to risk themselves to try not to kill those neutral players and soldiers. But the bandits only!!!

Secondly, Randomly add some military soldiers in the map, those soldiers will shoot neutral and bandits player on sight, but players killing them will have some military loots.

But after killing those soldiers, the meter will decrease and you will going to be evil. That mean you can't get in the military base and never trade with the military force.

Those bandits and Neutral players can get military loot from those soldiers easier, but they will be more difficult to get help from the military.

Thirdly, killing zombie will increase the meter a minor amount like 1 points per 1 zombie.

To make the intensive for player to kill the zombie, but the player needs lesser risk to deal with, so lesser gain.

I think two important changes will make this work, the rare loot opportunity reduced(for example those Guns) and those zombies being tougher (difficult to loot, the military help seems more useful).

Also, a better measurement between Good and Evil. For example, the meter start with 0.

Kill Neutral = -200, Kill bandits = +400, Kill NPC / Honest = -400, Become a Honest Player need 3000 points. Become a Bandits need -1600 only.

Players easier to be a bandit, then the rarity of Honest people makes those military help not easy to get and more challenging.

After that, those bandits player can try to attack the military base to loot those soldiers and those honest player may help defend the base for keeping trade with the NPCs.

Just a litter idea to make the game more interesting, since i think the game is being a PVP game without any idea, sometime players kill the other just for kill and no ideas about worth it or not.

I am quite a newbie of this game, i just started playing Dayz since Aug 2012, but i like this game very much, so i hope Dayz will becoming better and better.

Thanks for reading.

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There's going to be no NPCs in the SA

Also we already have Humanity.

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The only thing that should be different between heroes and bandits is the skin. All too often in gaming over the past few years players have been shoehorned to acting a certain way to get rewards. This is a shitty problem in my eyes, the good thing about DayZ is that you can do whatever the hell you want, and still have access to the game, whether you're being 'good' or 'evil'.

That's what I'm liking about the SA so far, too. Clothing isn't decided on a boring and overused paragon meter, and so the stigma is being removed, making for a much more interesting game.

No more meters, no more shoehorning, thanks.

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If the SA allows it, which it looks like it will, when it comes out, I'll devote my first couple hours in-game to chasing new spawns and anyone else I can find.

With a hatchet.

In my underwear.

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I hate to be the guy always bitching about this, but is it that frigging hard to use the search bar for looking if theres a similar suggestion already? Its on the rules, so if its too hard, you shouldnt post at all. The whole humanity system should be gone already, and hopefully will be in the SA. So no, definitely no good or evil meters. We dont have them IRL and the soldier base wouldnt know if the person is good or evil. Stupid suggestion.

Edit: Have you even played the game? You do realize that boosting the hero skin for the pointman of a team is a totally (unfair but) deceiving tactic.

Edited by p4nnus
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Good and evil...; ARE YOU FOR REAL?

There is no such thing as good and evil outside of an established society, every actions we take have a context and depending of the frame of reference we are in. Killing is neither good or evil in itself, it depends of the context.

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No. DayZ doesn't need this. Adding it in would pretty much destroy the experience.

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