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Capturing a zombie

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dang this is my favorite idea to coem out of the forums in a while

heres another wisdom

what if, in addition to everything else,

you could actually USE zeds

liek,break the teeth and finger of of one, bind it, and use it as cheap labor, like, cover concrete in rotting meat, and make them pick it up, try to eat ti, and drag them to the construction site, make them drop it, give them a steak, and haul them back for the next block

justa idea

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Or have one of those horse transportation trucks to move them around. You could drive up to someone and release 10 zombies on them!

aye? ;)

I also just watched the latest walking dead ep ^_^, HAHA i think the suicide mission truck with infected loaded inside would only be effective when storming a compound

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dang this is my favorite idea to coem out of the forums in a while

heres another wisdom

what if, in addition to everything else,

you could actually USE zeds

liek,break the teeth and finger of of one, bind it, and use it as cheap labor, like, cover concrete in rotting meat, and make them pick it up, try to eat ti, and drag them to the construction site, make them drop it, give them a steak, and haul them back for the next block

justa idea

You could put book bags on them and shit, would be cool but it seems complicated.. either way I like it ;) Little more inventory space or w.e, but you risk getting sick since you're always around them. Pretty neat risk/gain

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Be this DayZ

or be this

Zoo Tycoon 2: Zombie Edition?

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Trapping zombies O_o ?

I would prefer to just see dead player models turning to zombies when they die.. and of cause keep whats in their back pack ..now that would be AWESOME.

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Realism Is a very important aspect, but... The game would be weird if that much detail was put into such a small subject. The idea is cool, but it would make that weird and also O.P.

When the SA comes out it will have ways and means to be a different kind of player (Medics, mechanics etc) Why this Idea would be OP I do not see. I have seen intricate traps set up for the sole purpose of a laugh so an idea as "unique" as this is not wierd just an expansion of a players idea and utilisation. Crafting is going to add a whole new dimension of gameplay for all invlolved, there would not be a point to crafting if we could not use our Imagination (And therefore spend a little too much time on one idea)

On another note, when the radio comes into effect, we should be able to snare a Zed (Or even player) by turning on the speaker only and attracting the zed over a bear trap or tranq'ing it, set it up and let it go, Or if circuitry comes into play we should be able to use it as alarms and also sytems to entice players and Infected alike.

I cannot wait, I will move on from Medic, taxi driver, to royal pain in the arse by being able to grief players and try out new ways of social anarchy.

OP good idea and very practical. I remember FO3 and being able to put mines in their pants. (Simple but had great effect)

Edited by Michaelvoodoo25

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I'd love to "recruit" a zombie to carry my backpack.

Maybe a gagball to the mouth, arms chopped off and tied together in a bunch.. maybe 1 or 2 on a longer leash to protect the loot against robbers...

It's alone out there for a single survivor, But free roaming zombies make annoying friends. I've tried it. they don't appreciate campfire or sunsets as you'd want them to...

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you could actually USE zeds

One should think there might be a horse-carriage standing around at a farm and that 4-6 zombies, a rod and a steak would make a better form of transport then walking yourself.

Or a zombie tied to a wheel. you'd just have to reposition the rod into forward or backward position to have him turn the wheel for you...

Rocket said about a minecraft-like electric circuit system, maybe we can craft with zombies one day too. I'd love to build my own zombie-powered elevator.

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Hmmm.. I don't really like the idea much of zumbies carrying my things, not that I thinks its a completely bad idea, just a bit to over the top for me. I'm thinking this kind of thing would be more applicable for an older character. Maybe you could do it when you reach a triple mega madcore veteran player status(buzz word(s) for char older than 30/40 dayz). That way if you seen the silhouette of someone with some zumbie gimps on a chain in the middle of a full moon night walking down a main st of a small shanty town when you are by yourself, you will remember that shit for life son... & you would turn white in RL.

Other than that I'm gonna go ahead & put this thread down to a " walking dead ninja chick " fad of sorts :P

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This Idea is very interesting, to say the least. Maybe they can wear smoke grenades taped to the front, then when someone shoots them, the smoke gets released, signaling other zombies. Lol, We could call them "Smokers"

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This Idea is very interesting, to say the least. Maybe they can wear smoke grenades taped to the front, then when someone shoots them, the smoke gets released, signaling other zombies. Lol, We could call them "Smokers"

good idea

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