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Emetophobia - Will I have problems?

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I recently stumbled across an interview by Rocket that confirmed vomiting (or at least the animations) in the standalone. When i heard this word my spinal cord turned to ice. I have a not-so-known form of phobia called emetophobia, fear of vomiting. When i say fear, i really mean everytime i hear or even worse see someone vomiting i panic so much i once had a heart attack.

Will i have problems playing the standalone? Will i be able to disable something like that? I am a big fan of DayZ and i just cannot give up on it just for that.

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I don't know man, if it is in all I can say to you is look away as quickly as possible.

I have trypophobia, if lotus seed pods make it into the game I am fucked.

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Will i have problems playing the standalone? Will i be able to disable something like that? I am a big fan of DayZ and i just cannot give up on it just for that.

If vomiting fear gave you a heart attack, you will more than likely have problems. I doubt it would be disableable.

You might have to give up, or simply continue to play the mod version, sans vomit.

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If vomiting fear gave you a heart attack, you will more than likely have problems. I doubt it would be disableable.

You might have to give up, or simply continue to play the mod version, sans vomit.

This was quite a while ago, and it was in real life, so i hope in gaming i won't take it this seriously.

Thanks for the replies you two. Hope i will overcome it sooner or later.

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I know the feeling though. For me its not fear, but the sound or sight of someone vomiting does make me wretch a bit. I am sure I'll be fine with it ingame.

Might i suggest repeated viewings of Stand By Me's pie-eating scene for desensitization?

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Bro, maybe the SA isn't for you

Perhaps, but the problem is that vomiting is the only thing that messes me up. I can see dismemberment, all amouts of gore, guts spilled out and so on without even wretching but when it comes to vomiting, i lose my shit (sometimes literally). Even right now, after typing this word so many times i feel nauseated...

Edited by MikeB

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I'm not sure. I have no phobias, however I have a large disdain for any form of insect. Video game ones don't bother me in the slightest, however.

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How well do you handle playing L4D and the boomer bile? If you haven't tried may I suggest that you do, while having someone on standby to call 911.

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Maybe they'll just have extreme hacking/coughing fit animations for sick characters. I can't see actual projectile vomiting (expelling material) making it to the SA. But who knows.

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trypophobia i google it, and looks like i have it...

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This was quite a while ago, and it was in real life, so i hope in gaming i won't take it this seriously.

Thanks for the replies you two. Hope i will overcome it sooner or later.

I hope for your sake that because it is in gaming, it doesn't have any affect on you.

Do you know what it is that scares you? Just the look and sound of it? The thought that they are throwing up disgusting stuff?

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How well do you handle playing L4D and the boomer bile? If you haven't tried may I suggest that you do, while having someone on standby to call 911.

First time i saw a boomer puking i instantly closed my PC and couldn't play for some hours. I wasn't terribly shocked though..

I hope for your sake that because it is in gaming, it doesn't have any affect on you.

Do you know what it is that scares you? Just the look and sound of it? The thought that they are throwing up disgusting stuff?

I have never really thought of that, but i believe vomiting as a package scares me the most. When i realise someone is vomiting, i get terribly panicked...

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everyone don't say the standalone isnt for a person purely on the fact that he has a phobia of vomiting it is getting annoying now hearing it once i was annoyed hearing it twice then from a forum staff member REALLY i thought this community was meant to help other players work on issues give them tips. people please don't tell someone a game isn't for someone because they have a phobia. in my advise dude i would just leave the CPU while the player is vomiting that really is the only thing i can think of i'm sure there are other ways to avoid this i cant really give any good tips till the standalone comes out.

good luck in overcoming your fears and hope you found this usefull

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everyone don't say the standalone isnt for a person purely on the fact that he has a phobia of vomiting it is getting annoying now hearing it once i was annoyed hearing it twice then from a forum staff member REALLY i thought this community was meant to help other players work on issues give them tips. people please don't tell someone a game isn't for someone because they have a phobia. in my advise dude i would just leave the CPU while the player is vomiting that really is the only thing i can think of i'm sure there are other ways to avoid this i cant really give any good tips till the standalone comes out.

good luck in overcoming your fears and hope you found this usefull

What the hell? Are we supposed to somehow magically cure his phobia for him or something? Otherwise I'm not sure how you're expecting us to help.

It's just a brutal fact that some people can't play some games. My mother suffers from motion sickness every time she plays a game that doesn't have a fixed camera angle, so she can't play most games. There's really nothing you can do to avoid it besides overcome it or don't play. Sorry, but it's true.

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everyone don't say the standalone isnt for a person purely on the fact that he has a phobia of vomiting it is getting annoying now hearing it once i was annoyed hearing it twice then from a forum staff member REALLY i thought this community was meant to help other players work on issues give them tips. people please don't tell someone a game isn't for someone because they have a phobia. in my advise dude i would just leave the CPU while the player is vomiting that really is the only thing i can think of i'm sure there are other ways to avoid this i cant really give any good tips till the standalone comes out.

good luck in overcoming your fears and hope you found this usefull

Are you literally retarded? The last time he saw someone puking, he had a heart attack. How on earth do you think that playing something with puking in it is going to be good for him? What are we supposed to do about it though? Do you think being a forum moderator comes with being able to cure things? I don't think so

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well some phobias tend to have a background story, was there maybe a trauma involved when you were very young? (how old are you btw)

But i guess if you have problems with boomers you most likely will have problems here to. Maybe it would help, that you always imagine, what you see are just pixels and what you here is just staged and simply not real.

Edited by joe_mcentire

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I recently stumbled across an interview by Rocket that confirmed vomiting (or at least the animations) in the standalone. When i heard this word my spinal cord turned to ice. I have a not-so-known form of phobia called emetophobia, fear of vomiting. When i say fear, i really mean everytime i hear or even worse see someone vomiting i panic so much i once had a heart attack.

Will i have problems playing the standalone? Will i be able to disable something like that? I am a big fan of DayZ and i just cannot give up on it just for that.

I have this too, and if this is true then I won't be handing my hard earned over.

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one thing you can work on:

try to bond the sound of "that process", or similar sounds to positive feelings/impressions. watch a youtube video with cute little animals and listen to such sounds ...says Dr. Joe... this could help maybe a tiny bit.

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trypophobia i google it, and looks like i have it...

Great. Just great... I just *had* to Google it as well! Goddamn.

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simply look for a psychologist pray for him to be good and help you overcome this before of the SA .. xD

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Talk to your therapist. He/She can give you much better advice than a bunch of video game enthusiasts. Not bashing anyone who gave advice.

Who knows maybe you and your therapist can use DayZ as a tool to combat your phobia.

Wow, Wait til the media got a hold of that one. Rocket, video game maker, mountain climber,.....psychologist?

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I kinda imagine it being no different than, for instance, someone with Hemophobia. Though, admittedly, in many games you can turn down the gore and blood, it would be wrong to remove it completely for a minority of people. I'm sure there are some that feel the same way about the "taking a dump" part of the game, there are phobias for many things, but when it comes to making a survival game there are certain aspects you have to take in to make it a plausible simulator. But I imagine it won't be too graphic and you will also probably get some notion before it happens, so if you have to you can turn off the sound and screen and wait it out. You don't have to watch it and I bet that if you're in any danger you'd be dead anyway.

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