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Do's and Do Not's when playing DayZ

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Feel free to add to the list through posts. See y'all in Chernarus!

- If you happen to see Slenderman, by all means, leave him alone. He will not like being shot in the face.

- If you happen to see a zombie doing anything bad, do not tell his mother. She will eat your face off.

- Always throw flares in the daylight. Bambis cannot resist following them. "Ooh a piece of candy!"

- If you see a chopper crash, resist all urge to call 911.

- Stop drop and roll is a great way to get shot consecutivly in the groin and the ass.

- Always throw your empty food/drink items in the ocean. Not really a necessary rule, but it feels good to fight the power anyway.

- Do not play for more than twenty-four hours at a time. Doing so may result in the unwanted habit of raiding your houses cubboards for beans.

- Do not drink soda so frequently, it promotes bad dental hygeine. Last thing you need is having to see the dentist in a post apocalyptic world. Hey, at least there will be no lines right?

- If you have a female zombie chasing after you, just shoot her. You will never hear the end of it if you don't.

- Always shoot animals, even if you have no way to obtain their meat. Take that PETA!

- Contrary to popular belief, the Makarov does NOT shoot spit wads, so try to resist shooting your friends with it. Okay..... go ahead.

- Always take what you find, ammo and all. That way, when you find a gun, you always have extra ammo. And then, can make a line of the un-needed ammo for one specific reason. (See third(3) Do/Don't)

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Don't bring a Hatchet to a Gun fight ... unless you are an Axe Murderer or the individual with the Gun can't shoot worth a damn.

Don't park your recently found Bicycle in a Green bush ... you'll never find it again ... trust me.

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-Don't say the word "bambi".

-Don't say the word "Frankie".

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OMG what would I do without your list.... I mean seriously it's been almost a year of this mod being out and your list has made me realize I need to change my play style... thank you sir!

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- Always run up to every player you meet yelling "FRIENDLY! DON'T SHOOT!" especially if they're sniping players in cherno.

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-Do shoot bandits on sight.

-Do not run around Cherno / Elektro on a high pop server.

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Do creep up behind snipers on the hill overlooking Elektro Firestation and whisper over direct chat "I'm behind youuu"

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Do creep up behind snipers on the hill overlooking Elektro Firestation and whisper over direct chat "I'm behind youuu"

Too bourgeois. Do that with a friend and have him whispering that from behind and left, watch the sniper turning and scanning frantically and kill him from the right...


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