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CF Mallard

Bandit Hunting, are Bandits the good guys?

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So after being killed by several survivors on site for no reason I've come to the possible conclusion that bandits may be better people then survivors, one they stalk and kill only for sport or gear (real bandits not Bambi killers) and have a sort of bandit friendly code with other bandits, so this is a half question half statement is being a bandit becoming like the rebel alliance or another smaller force that is seen as bad by the larger power that really isn't and the survivors are the empire and the Hero's the Sith or government ( sorry for all the Star Wars references couldn't think of a better comparison )

Could bandits be the good guys?

What's your thoughts.

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So after being killed by several survivors on site for no reason I've come to the possible conclusion that bandits may be better people then survivors, one they stalk and kill only for sport or gear (real bandits not Bambi killers) and have a sort of bandit friendly code with other bandits, so this is a half question half statement is being a bandit becoming like the rebel alliance or another smaller force that is seen as bad by the larger power that really isn't and the survivors are the empire and the Hero's the Sith or government ( sorry for all the Star Wars references couldn't think of a better comparison )

Could bandits be the good guys?

What's your thoughts.

Even though I am a hero, I have a high amount of respect for real bandits. And I'm talking about highwaymen, people that rob you, not just people that KOS. Don't even get me started on Cherno/Elektro snipers.

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Agreed the only KoS I've done was last night I was in cherno and climbed a roof to avoid zeds I was bleeding an got to the top bandages myself then just about shit myself 10 feet from me was a bandit with a M14 only thing instead of pointing into the city he was pointed at the coast sniping bambies so I took the lee Enfield of found and emptied the mag into his head.

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i dont think i have ever killed on site. i have been present when my friends have and have also egged my freinds on to do it though.

another time i met up with a fella and he healed me we hanged out for a while until my mate neville bartos came and picked us up in a truck (we were in Lingore) anyway we drove down the road about 5 min and i get sick of typing to this guy and needed food so i told neville to stop (there were three of us using xbox chat to communicate) i got out and shot him in the head with my double barrel. he was upset. my mates thought it was hilarious. he had a good gun to like an m4 or something. it was pretty funny when he started raging.

oh yeah got sidetracked, nah there pretty much bad guys unless there your freind. so then there still bad guys but not towards you. the guys killing fresh spawns are usually little kids or just guys/girls being jerks cause they can. are there any girls that play this game? i dont think i have ever come across one. wich is good cause if they were playing who would be cooking the eggs.

Edited by DMC14

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real bandits. highwaymen, people that rob you

Only type of bandits i'll accept, also bandits that kidnap.

other then that CoD Kiddie bandits get shot.

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a real bandit should have a code of honor. If you beg others to help you out with a weapon after respawning, you are not a bandit. if you say hello ot that guy over there, take a pistol out of his backpack, force him to lay down his gun and hand over his possessions, leaving him behind with nothing but a morphine pen and a bullet to the kneecap.. then you are a bandit. a pretty impressive one.

bandits don't hide under a tree in a ghillie. Bandits sit next to the road, beside a campfire, waiting to rob the next guy that comes along and is stupid enough to stop.

I'd even go so far that I'd say, killing a bandit is not hero behavior, as the hero should prefer to end a robbery by forcing the bandit to let the survivor go, making himself a controlled retreat when the survivor made it away.

A bandit robbing someone doesn't deserve to be shot on sight. Someone shooting noobies at the beach does.

And I think if Bandits and Heroes agree, that a certain way of respect towards each other, we maybe have something like a standoff one day, where instead of shooting each other, a solution is found and both retreat.

But I'm dreaming a bit here :-D

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The day that someone with a bandit skin is seen as a good guy is the day I commandeer a Huey, land on the top of the hotel in Cherno, and combat roll myself to a sticky, messy death.

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The day that someone with a bandit skin is seen as a good guy is the day I commandeer a Huey, land on the top of the hotel in Cherno, and combat roll myself to a sticky, messy death.

good news for you. In standalone, neither the bandit skin, nor the cherno hotel will be included, so you have a pretty safe bet here.

(great name btw. )

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there is no good. there is no evil. there is only survival.

with the exception of coast snipers of course.

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Read my story on the "tell me your best kill" forum it will cover it. :D

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Personally, I would rather get killed and have them loot my body and take my things than the CoD Kiddies that hide the body and take nothing. I never KoS, even if said person has a bandit skin. But if he is sniping new spawns, then they gonna be dead. It takes no skill to shoot someone who can't shoot back.

And this is coming from a Medic/Hero; if bandits were not in the game, the game would not be as fun as it is.

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there is no good. there is no evil. there is only survival.

with the exception of coast snipers of course.

For me this is what the game is about this is what makes it great.

I for one have been robbed then gunned down after being ordered to run away so I see a bandit they are getting gunned down even if it means my own death. NO SURRENDER!

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The only justifiable KOS in my opinion is if you are with a squad and come across another squad. Or you are by yourself and come across a squad.

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Eeeh, well... it's just not so simple, you see.

Sometimes, people become bandits in defense, and often, the skin gets them killed by others who don't trust them.

Hatchet-wielding fresh-spawns with nothing to lose and a chip on their axe will try anything to get their hands on your gear.

Killing them often enough can run you some bad luck, and then you're reskinned.

More often than not, I ended up becoming a bandit from just moving place to place, and running into hostile people.

It's not all that fair, me thinks, and the line between survivor and bandit is pretty faded when you get a good look at it.

When it comes down to the base of matters, it all depends on the actual person behind the skin.

As a side note, I'm getting a little tired of this new mantra that unarmed fresh-spawns shouldn't be shot at. Once there's fifty damned freshies running around like frenzied ants in the centre of a city because "shooting us is immoral," you'll see how dangerous they can be. When first spawning, you're not playing "run around and attract a horde until I find an axe to grind, the game," you're supposed to be stealthily slinking about, slipping into a city or weapon spawn to arm yourself. Then, by all means, kill me. More personally, and I know not everyone would agree here: You don't get first class treatment if I see you, I'll tell you to back off if I feel safe enough. I'm not going to wait until you find a gun because you shouldn't have been spotted by me in the first place.

Better luck next spawn.

Edited by Nerd
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Trying to rob someone puts me at unnecessary risk. Everyone who has ever tried to rob me I've been non-compliant with. I'm not dropping shit - you'll have to kill me. I would expect the same from others.

If I want your shit, I'm going to try and kill you for it. If you want MY shit, I'm going to try and kill you, even of I'm likely to die trying.

I don't KOS, only if you're likely to have something I want. If you have a hatchet and a patrol pack, I'm probably going to just keep my head down. I want the guy with the NVG's, M4 Holo, M107, etc.

Edited by codave

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Trying to rob someone puts me at unnecessary risk. Everyone who has ever tried to rob me I've been non-compliant with. I'm not dropping shit - you'll have to kill me. I would expect the same from others.

If I want your shit, I'm going to try and kill you for it. If you want MY shit, I'm going to try and kill you, even of I'm likely to die trying.

I don't KOS, only if you're likely to have something I want. If you have a hatchet and a patrol pack, I'm probably going to just keep my head down. I want the guy with the NVG's, M4 Holo, M107, etc.

Unnecessary risk, I suppose it depends on how you view this game. If you value your loot more than the fun that you can have fair enough. I personally find that putting myself in the middle of interesting player interactions is waay better fun that worrying about where I'll get my next pair of NVG's etc. who cares, looting is easy.

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Unnecessary risk? If you value your loot more than the fun that you can have, fair enough.

Such a boss! :thumbsup: :lol: :beans:

Edited by GotBeanZ

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I've been a lonely as fuck survivor since I first started playing

I think I'm just gonna become a highwayman cause I have nothing else to do now

Edited by Powell

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I don't KOS, only if you're likely to have something I want..

This is such a contradictary sentence.

As for my opinion im not sure. Ive been playing this game for roughly 8 months now and have had just about every encounter you could think of. Although i will say, I have yet to get stopped or stop a car with just a verbal confrontation. If a vehicle is driving towards me and i am armed, I will take aimed shots at the drivers cab. Even then, ive never had someone drive up, get out, and try to rob or talk it over. If someone has a vehicle theyre going to shoot. plain and simple.

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Honestly, as long as there bandits who have a honor code or don't KOS on sight-which is rare-I'll respect them. I was in a constant death match today with two bandits who were shooting at anyone who would go on Dubvo Airport in Taviana. I finally got it to end when i convinced them to take what gear they wanted and leave me what was left (both of us constantly dieing was getting annoying). I was gonna get the gear but I decided not to when I was lucky and won a loadout because the Admin was doing trivia questions. Now I'm gonna team up with a guy and hunt these bandits down cause there nothing more then bambi killers.

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This is such a contradictary sentence.

No contradiction there, in fact I clarified it in the part of post you cut out. I would consider shooting on sight to be shooting anyone I see, not choosing whether or not to fire based on what the player is visibly carrying. I don't want to root through someones inventory to find a hatchet, a bandage, painkillers, flares, and a flashlight.

Unnecessary risk, I suppose it depends on how you view this game. If you value your loot more than the fun that you can have fair enough. I personally find that putting myself in the middle of interesting player interactions is waay better fun that worrying about where I'll get my next pair of NVG's etc. who cares, looting is easy.

Well, it's as they say. Kill, or be killed.

Edited by codave

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I ran into a hero yesterday while me wearing my full bandit gear after a quick talk through a building decided it was better to hunt the 4 guys KoS everyone then to kill each other and lose our gear. We must have looked like an odd pair.

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Unnecessary risk, I suppose it depends on how you view this game. If you value your loot more than the fun that you can have fair enough. I personally find that putting myself in the middle of interesting player interactions is waay better fun that worrying about where I'll get my next pair of NVG's etc. who cares, looting is easy.

Everyone's idea of fun is different. Just because you find it fun to try and rob someone and risk being shot, I find it more fun to survive how I want to survive. So if shooting gets me the loot easier, then i'll shoot. If I don't want to shoot, for whatever reason, i'll let them walk.

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