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New Day Z player here

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Just came from multiple games was interested in trying out Day Z. Played War Z (Hate it completely) Previous pro Halo 2 player and played Professional Heroes of Newerth as well at a point.

I didn't really see any clan threads in general on here so I was looking to play with some more experianced people on this game who could teach me a thing or too pick up on things quite quickly.

Having a bit of video issues in the game (not having any other problems on any other games aka crysis 3 and HoN) as well.. not looking as good as it should and I'm running on a 2gig gtx 570

Would appreciate any help given :)

Edit: Found the clan page :P

Edited by Freshpro

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Welcome welcome! I cant really offer you any troubleshooting steps to improving graphics but im sure there is someone who can in the troubleshooting section.

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If you're looking for a "tutorial" of sorts, my clan TMW provides a training course called "Chenarus 101" for new-novice players, and there's no need to official join us. Just PM if you're interested.

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Original Source: http://pastebin.com/F7Q8Ne2i

Original Optimization Guide (credit to an anon):

I hope somebody reads this and thinks it's useful ;_;

If you want your game to be a LOT smoother:

Make sure "Video Memory" in Video Options is set to Default, not Very High. Very High = 512MB VRAM, while Default detects your video card's full VRAM.

Nvidia users: Go in your control panel, in the profile for Arma 2 OA, set the following:

Ambient Occlusion - Off

Anisotropic Filtering - Application controlled

AntiAliasing Gamma Correction - On

AntiAliasing Mode - Application controlled

AntiAliasing Setting - Application controlled

AntiAliasing Transparency - Off

Maximum Pre-Rendered Frames - 0

Multi-Display/GPU Accelaration - Single Display

Performance Mode

Power Management Mode - Prefer Maximum Performance

Texture Filtering Sample Optimization - On

Texture Filtering Negative LOD Bias - Allow

Texture Filtering Quality - High Performance

Texture Filtering Trilinear Optimization - On

Threaded Optimization - Auto

Triple Buffering - Off

Vertical Sync - Off

ATI Users: Just find the equivalent in your control panel

Now go to My Documents/ArmA 2, open up the file called "<profilename>.ArmA2OAProfile" Change these lines to the following: shadingQuality=0 fovTop=0.975 fovLeft=1.55999999 mouseSmoothing=1

Enjoy zero mouse lag, higher FPS, and being able to see more.


Making DayZ Look/Perform Better (also credit to an anon):

I've spent some time going through arma 2's config files and video settings, to get the game working smoothly with good graphics.

just using high settings rapes your fps, but there's a very good compromise you can reach

for the record, my specs are: i7 920 4ghz, hd6950, 8gb ram, SSD

this is the game on playable settings: shitty AA, awful shadows, etc, etc


And this is the game on my settings, with 40-70fps. Good AA, good shadows, good foliage. So, here's how you do it:

in my documents\ARMA2OA.cfg, set the following:




AToC controls anti-aliasing on foliage. setting it to 6 disables AA on grass, which gives you a massive performance boost. the PPAA commands enable a very light, basic FXAA, which gives you back AA on the grass, and finishes off other details in-game. Combining FXAA + normal AA = more fps, looks better.

Then, use the following settings in-game:

Anti-Aliasing: HIGH. low and normal look worse and don't improve your performance

Video Memory: default. this makes it use all your vram

Object detail: very low to normal. I recommend low. this setting will always rape your fps, so go easy on it. it pretty much only affects grass.

shadows: this one is important. look at the two screenshots, and notice how the trees actually cast shadows when I have this set to high. when it's on normals, trees just cast a square block as their shadow. it looks awful. one of the biggest visual improvements you can make. set it to high

post-processing: low. setting it to normal adds SSAO, which also kills performance

Before: http://s8.postimage.org/jri4xhvbn/2012_06_27_00019.jpg

After: http://s17.postimage.org/vs5gx7ut9/2012_06_27_00020.jpg

Edited by Meik0

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Under general just post a topic in the clan/recruitment sub section.

If you want a slightly easier dayzdb.com has a loot map for you on there. When you spawn in pay close attention to the bottom right of your screen it will name your spawn point and from there you can figure which path you will take.

I'm guessing your from us? I'm from uk I would have volunteered to play with you but my heavy British accent would be a no go.

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Haha, Kingpin most of my cousins are actually from the UK and my cousin Rachel actually water ski'd for you guys. So I do understand british accents quite well but no I live in Canada at the moment but can play on EU servers.

Edited by Freshpro

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I will definitely make a profile with Nvidea and see how it works... I've also thought about picking up a gtx 670/680 recently so that might help as well.

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You would have to be prepared for the heavy 'scouse' accent as I am from liverpool. I have family in Canada also as a matter of fact, love Toronto awesome place.

Message me your Skype and ill be happy to jump in with you at any point if you need.

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Welcome to our awesome community, hope you like it here.

give me yo damn cookies.

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