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Traders and Traitors

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ctrl-alt-DESTROY! +1

"Trade" went great. Traveled a decent ways to meet up with me and give me some matches and a map. When the map and matches disappeared, he gave me his own map and matches. That's a friendly delivery. Your local UPS ain't doing that.

Edited by Poor_Survivor

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Poor_Survivor +1

asked for gear and didn't shoot me in the face when i gave it to him. nice guy!

ctrl-alt-DESTROY! +1

"Trade" went great. Traveled a decent ways to meet up with me and give me some matches and a map. When the map and matches disappeared, he gave me his own map and matches. That's a friendly delivery. Your local UPS ain't doing that.

Added both of you, welcome to the list :D


I couldn't find the full name you gave me, but I did find Tsyn

I noticed you visited his page so I guessed it is the correct person, I sent him a massege to confirm the trade.

And I made this thread for my own good too so nothing to thank for :P

Oh and how did you manage to find the thread again, it was kinda buried, was expecting one of the regulars to bump it not a new client.

Thanks for the bump anyhow.


I'm an idiot, I asked you two to update me at your thread -.-

Edited by DancingBear

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Had a great trade with guy named Spectre, he added some bonuses to trade. Nice guy.

Spectre +1 (skype: Alex)

Edited by s3ri0us158

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Had a great trade with guy named Spectre, he added some bonuses to trade. Nice guy.

Spectre +1 (skype: Alex)

Your very welcome :) ty for the M24

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Had a great trade with guy named Spectre, he added some bonuses to trade. Nice guy.

Spectre +1 (skype: Alex)

Your very welcome :) ty for the M24

So Im guessing this is Spectre?

Added both of you, welcome to the list :)

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Just completed a great trade with "Man vs Wild"

trade thread here: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/79485-looking-for-higher-tier-weapontrade/#entry751442

Very polite and as this was my first trade, he let me define the terms. I had an overwatch and he was alone. It went perfectly.

Thanks Bro! :)

Edited by Gnome_sayin

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Added both of you, welcome to the list :D


I couldn't find the full name you gave me, but I did find Tsyn

I noticed you visited his page so I guessed it is the correct person, I sent him a massege to confirm the trade.

that is the correct tsyn! i pm'd him too, asking him to post in this thread. who knows if they're even still active... it WAS over a month ago.

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Gave some spare stuff to Miroslav and didn't get shot in the back so +1 to him

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Maybe add a separate number to the list where you can see how many different people have added or subtracted from a trade score? Also maybe have some sort of limit to their forum activity to make sure they aren't simply new accounts upvoting said player (hard for a person if he has to look through the whole forum topic to see just who upped a certain guy).

Also if a guy dishonors one trade should it really go from let's say 11 to 10? I think that would give it a bit of an illusion of complete safety for people glancing over the list. I.e. he might be good most of the time but maybe said player decided at one point that sometimes it's just worth the deceit (greed).

Other than that good idea.

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if it were my list, i'd keep track of: total positives, total negatives and net reputation.

but ANY list at this point is a HUGE step in the right direction (:

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Done a successful trade with Man vs Wild. Good trade! :>

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Trade succesful with HighPiez +1

Edited by Man vs Wild

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Sorry I'm just now reporting my trade with Byron but we met over the forums with a trade and been friends ever since and been playing ever since. building helis together and just havin fun. he even watched me fly my first heli and tried to land a heli at a nose dive! haha everyone messes up there first time.


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I would like to trade a hunting rifle for a tent or large pack... steam id is electron theory. I am sorry if i posted this in the wrong place. Please point me in the right direction... Thanks in advance.

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Maybe add a separate number to the list where you can see how many different people have added or subtracted from a trade score? Also maybe have some sort of limit to their forum activity to make sure they aren't simply new accounts upvoting said player (hard for a person if he has to look through the whole forum topic to see just who upped a certain guy).

Also if a guy dishonors one trade should it really go from let's say 11 to 10? I think that would give it a bit of an illusion of complete safety for people glancing over the list. I.e. he might be good most of the time but maybe said player decided at one point that sometimes it's just worth the deceit (greed).

Other than that good idea.

Well basicaly right now there are two scores, a postive and a negative one, I dont have an example give you yet though.

So each score you see is a person unless someone vouched for two trades for the same person (not that common but it is there)

Well for now I am doing the check ups for you, If he's on the list then know that he convinced me, I check a lot of thing, previous posts & threads, trade post, communication method for the trade, time, which posts did the person give beans to and date of registration, If you ask me I do a hell of job investigating :P

In the future I am planning some sort of a limitation, like the right to vouch is achieved only after X amount of posts/beans I dont know yet, open to suggestions.

Check out this case where this guy tried to cheat his way on the list, ended up with a negative marks for both the voucher and the vouched for -

Jbus +1 - make good trade with him.

And in game there is clan called TFNC who I traded some guns with - trusted.

Could you point me to the post/thread that indicates you two had some sort of communication together?

You have no posts about any trades in the forums.

Jbus has no posts what so ever at all, infact, the acount was created two minutes before you posted.

You're getting on the list mate, and not with a green mark unless you explain this shady story.

He never replied.

And there are many others who's vouches just did not get accepted. well not that many but you know what I mean

if it were my list, i'd keep track of: total positives, total negatives and net reputation.

but ANY list at this point is a HUGE step in the right direction (:

total positives - Check

total negatives- check

already using those, when you say net reputation you mean beans given or posts/threads of the person, since I already do this for you ( check out what I said to johan)

as for beans worth, I cant realy keep track to those.

And this is OUR thread not mine :P

Treat it that way, any suggestions, feedbacks, anything at all, let me know no need to be polite about it.

Seriously, any kind of suggestion, doesn't need to be that major, could be the style, graphics, typos (probobly irony is fun have some)

Just feel free, even in pm if you wish.

and im generous with credits :P

MattTheMont +1

Bonehead3535 +1

Added MattTheMont

As for your name, you know it doesn't work that way lol.

Done a successful trade with Man vs Wild. Good trade! :>

Glad to see you found the thread again :P

Edited by DancingBear

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