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Traders and Traitors

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I didn't witness it first-hand, but the other day while in a server with "global chat", a player named Jake, posing as a newer player convinced another noob to meet up with him so they could team up and share some loot. In actuality, Jake was waiting in a warehouse waiting to snipe the poor noob until a veteran stumbled upon him and realized his intentions.

Jake later admitted his intentions in chat and made it clear that he would hunt the noob down until he was dead.

I'm not entirely sure if this qualifies for the topic, but I wanted to spread the word in the chance it might do some good.

Im afraid ingame names say nothing realy.

I would have added his name to the list if you had forum name, although a trade wasnt in the deal, but I think that anyone who's eager to cheat and sell lies belong to the list even without trading items.

But you did your share, but sadly Its not enough for the list

I had a good trade with: DJNOOB +1

BTW i lost the m107 just after .. but i was so luckey that i found a as-50 :)

Added, may luck stay by your side.

Edited by DancingBear

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Or they could implement something like this into the forum, You can give them +1 trade points if successful and -1 if backstabbed, shouldn't take very long to implement either.

But then people could troll giving -1 for no reason at all. I'm sure it's possible to make a trading "status" in forums, but it needs more work than just a +/- 1

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But then people could troll giving -1 for no reason at all. I'm sure it's possible to make a trading "status" in forums, but it needs more work than just a +/- 1

Agreed, But there must be a way to do this, it doesnt have to be dead accurate, only realistic to some level, people would try to ruin your reputation and that -at least to my opinion- is part of the game.

Edited by DancingBear

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not really useful...scammers can just change their names and scamm ppl again, or change their names to one of those trusted players

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Agreed, But there must be a way to do this, it doesnt have to be dead accurate, only realistic to some level, people would try to ruin your reputation and that -at least to my opinion- is part of the game.

Something that may be possible is to make a button "Propose trade" or just "Trade". When someone wants to trade, he just need to click that button and an automatic message will be sent to the other player in forum. Then he may accept/deny trade petition and comment/rate the trade when both players click "Trade done" after the ingame trade.

I've no idea how hard it is to code this into the forums, but may work.

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Something that may be possible is to make a button "Propose trade" or just "Trade". When someone wants to trade, he just need to click that button and an automatic message will be sent to the other player in forum. Then he may accept/deny trade petition and comment/rate the trade when both players click "Trade done" after the ingame trade.

I've no idea how hard it is to code this into the forums, but may work.

I had something similar in mind, but unfortunately I have no skills what so over in coding either, lets hope someone lends us a hand

not really useful...scammers can just change their names and scamm ppl again, or change their names to one of those trusted players

Actually its quite hard to hack the forum data bases, well not that hard, but someone with those kind of skills would easily manage the game scripting which is way easier, and even if so, this is still better than close to non information at all, dont you agree?

Ive had 2 succesful trades look at my post please add my name to the list :)


Im frank leader of Gunrunners trading group you can find us here


I will be more than happy to trade with you!

I added all three of you, but please note for next time that its preferable that the ones who traded post a comment here about you, one can not vouch for himself and searching for posts in a thread is quite tiresome :)

Edited by DancingBear

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Can't someone just say there clan member is a safe trader? and then lure people..?

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Can't someone just say there clan member is a safe trader? and then lure people..?

Thats why I dont add by clans.

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I would like to add the player "Shinya" to the douchebag list for killing me after I traded with him and saved him from starvation. I was supposed to trade him 8 DMR mags for an alice pack and ghillie suit. After i dropped all the items on the ground for him he picked them up and shot me.

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This thread looks legit.

Count this as a bump, since these kinds of threads are really worth the effort.

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I would like to add the player "Shinya" to the douchebag list for killing me after I traded with him and saved him from starvation. I was supposed to trade him 8 DMR mags for an alice pack and ghillie suit. After i dropped all the items on the ground for him he picked them up and shot me.

Added, thank you for your cooperation.

Best of luck next time, try to use the list :P

This thread looks legit.

Count this as a bump, since these kinds of threads are really worth the effort.

Thank you kind sir :D

Hopefully this thread wont need another bump, but keep an eye for me :thumbsup:

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Dragonslayer2 (in-game name Zyzz)

DO NOT TRADE. HACKERS. Teleported my camera view out of my body and I could not move. They disabled abort AND alt+f4. I had to minimize and CTRL+ALT+DEL the game closed. Luckily I got out before they got my gear.

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dragonslayer2 had a hacker friend jump us on 2 different servers the first time we seen him next to us out of no where and left the next time a few min later on a different server we all got locked up no one could log out or move and 2 out of the 3 of us were killed one go his game shut down and dragonslayer2 was fine i was over 500m away in a ghillie and we had one other keeping an eye on the trade and both on over watch were killed

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ShmoeSOLID and Hybrid86

Ingame names, Stark and Hybrid86

They keep flaming me for no apparent reason. I came alone and Shmoesolid was supposed to come alone, however he brought two of his sniper friends and hybrid86 was one of these.

"dragonslayer2 had a hacker friend jump us on 2 different servers the first time we seen him next to us out of no where and left the next time a few min later on a different server we all got locked up no one could log out or move and 2 out of the 3 of us were killed one go his game shut down and dragonslayer2 was fine i was over 500m away in a ghillie and we had one other keeping an eye on the trade and both on over watch were killed" said by hybrid86 in the post above."

Here the admit that shmoesolid was not alone. I did not hack I came alone and i logged when i spotted one of his mates in the tree line. Now they are flaming me because they didnt manage to kill me after missing with a shot apparently from a sniper weapon.. Do not trust these guys.

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dragonslayer2 had a hacker friend jump us on 2 different servers the first time we seen him next to us out of no where and left the next time a few min later on a different server we all got locked up no one could log out or move and 2 out of the 3 of us were killed one go his game shut down and dragonslayer2 was fine i was over 500m away in a ghillie and we had one other keeping an eye on the trade and both on over watch were killed

Dragonslayer2 (in-game name Zyzz)

DO NOT TRADE. HACKERS. Teleported my camera view out of my body and I could not move. They disabled abort AND alt+f4. I had to minimize and CTRL+ALT+DEL the game closed. Luckily I got out before they got my gear.

It is pretty vague but yet conspicuous enough, I chose to add him to the list, granting him -2 points, I might delete his name though.

Thank you for your contribution.

ShmoeSOLID and Hybrid86

Ingame names, Stark and Hybrid86

They keep flaming me for no apparent reason. I came alone and Shmoesolid was supposed to come alone, however he brought two of his sniper friends and hybrid86 was one of these.

"dragonslayer2 had a hacker friend jump us on 2 different servers the first time we seen him next to us out of no where and left the next time a few min later on a different server we all got locked up no one could log out or move and 2 out of the 3 of us were killed one go his game shut down and dragonslayer2 was fine i was over 500m away in a ghillie and we had one other keeping an eye on the trade and both on over watch were killed" said by hybrid86 in the post above."

Here the admit that shmoesolid was not alone. I did not hack I came alone and i logged when i spotted one of his mates in the tree line. Now they are flaming me because they didnt manage to kill me after missing with a shot apparently from a sniper weapon.. Do not trust these guys.

"They keep flaming me for no apparent reason"

" dude i logged out because i saw you coming with two other friends"

" because they didnt manage kill me after missing with a shot apparently from a sniper weapon.."

You did not adress these two guys in your thread, you ignored the whole deal untill they came to complain, trying to flame you for not making the shot does not fit the profile and your story in inconsistent

Edited by DancingBear

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We never once agreed to dealing one on one. NO TIME WAS IT EVER MENTIONED. The deal was suppose to be for a FN FAL AN/PVS-4 with 8 mags AND a AS50 with 8 mags for ONE satchel charge. We joined one DE server a buddy of mine was sitting in a tree.. a guy teleported to him and proned around him invisible. The grass was folding over yet there was no player there. My buddy then got shot at, but then the server crashed. I wanted to trade on our server where we would be able to report them for hacking. HE REFUSED. So I picked another euro server where he joined in with the SAME PLAYERS that were on the other server where the hacking occurred. Both of my buddies moved to totally different positions on the map. Dragonslayer2 took forever to join the actual game, he sat in lobby for approximately 5-10 minutes. Right when he joined my friends and I all got morphed out of our bodies and could not alt+f4 or abort. Both of my friends then got shot from behind and I was able to ctrl+alt+del and close the game. Dragonslayer2 says he logged out when I joined the server with my friends. That is a lie. I was in the server with both of my friends about 5 minutes before he even joined. Plus he stayed in the server unharmed after my buddies died. My buddies were there to only shoot if, and only if I died because I was totally unarmed as Dragonslayer2 wanted me to not have a sidearm. Dragonslayer2 is a liar and cannot be trusted.

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Just posting to say I really appreciate what your doing, and while I'm unlikely to use this because of my paranoia it's things like this that make this game great.

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