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Target Practice (DayZ)

Things I am no longer allowed to do in DayZ

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121-130 are now all up in your grill in the OP. :)

EDIT - Holy crap, 92 cans of beans! Thank you so much guys, let's get it to 100! :D

Edited by Target Practice
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111: 'Fifty Shades of DayZ' is not a real book, and no-one wants to hear my excerpts from it.

Is it wrong of me that I kinda want to? Hurr de hurr.

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This needs a series or to be pinned. so much win in this thread.

hell, have the community "pitch in" with things they can't do in dayz

like "i am no longer allowed to crash a heli into the middle of the NWAF and blame it on "Dysync"

Edited by K1NGFL1P

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Yeah, I'm trying to work out the logistics behind making a series of youtube clips/vids out of this. The main issue is that a lot of the stuff is pretty hard to come by 'naturally' in DayZ - helicopters are hard enough to find that it could take a week or more just to find one and get it flyable, and even then we'd be entirely reliant on getting it PERFECT in the first take if I'm supposed to crash or something. To that end, it'll likely be easier if I can find a dirt-cheap server host that I can just password protect and use to spawn helicopters and things on.

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RE: community suggestions - I'm all for the idea, I'm sure there are far funnier and more creatively insane people than me out there, but I'd like to figure out a way of keeping the 'official' list and the community suggestions separate first - the main reason for that being that if I do ever get round to turning this into a youtube series, I don't want to be in that murky moral ground of presenting others' ideas as part of my own work (and the issue of potentially profiting from them) - it's not something I'd feel comfortable doing, even accidentally.

Perhaps one solution might be to close this thread and re-open another one where I can reserve the first few posts in order to keep the lists separate. I'll swing a moderator a message about this a bit later and ask if this would be possible.

Also, I got to 100 beans for the thread! Thank you for the appreciation! :)

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132. Just because I'm driving doesn't mean I get to choose the radio station.

133. In correlation with the above, Hueys do not have, nor do they need radio stations.

Edited by Fun With Flares

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please short 30sec vids for each and any point!

Edited by joe_mcentire
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please short 30sec vids for each and any point!

Way ahead of you on that one, buddy. That was the first thing I suggested when talking to a friend about this. Short, sweet, silly.

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Christ man, this is genius gold!

Beans have been acknowledged for your work.

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Working on it - unfortunately, work has kicked my ass this week, meaning my search for a server was shuffled to the back of the pile somewhat. I'm hoping to rectify that over the next few days. Of course, then I have to learn how to actually edit video, which should be fun... :P

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I have just cracked up in the office at work.

4: Wearing a Ghillie Suit does not entitle me to communicate in Wookie over TeamSpeak.

Had me in stitches!

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They are coming, but unfortunately money issues have prevented me getting my hands on the software I'll need. The scripts are written for the first 2-3, so I'm just waiting until I can actually film it before I put out a call for some long-suffering teammates. :P

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