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IMPORTANT: Crashed Heli's killing people

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I wait now 4 days' date=' it looks that im Fixed, but now the game say's thats im not running on the Ltest version, but i have the last version installed.


First of all you are in the wrong thread.

Some server still run 1.5.6 you need 1.5.7 for the newest.

Some servers use the arma beta which is also not compatible with your version or vise versa.

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This still happens in 1.5.7, I'm running this version on my server, friend of mine got killed by entering the chopper.


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I can confirm this still happens in 1.5.7, died yesterday because of this >.>

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I've found two grey choppers without dieing in them in latest patch.

Me and a friend tested.

Didn't find no uber loot thou. =/

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i ran into a grey one! i wondered what would happen! bwahahhaa it was hilarious...

no loot though...

Are the grey ones safe now?

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Are the grey ones safe now?

Safe? yes' date=' but they contain no loot and you cant enter them. But they do have a huge amount of military zombies around them, with m9/mp5 and other ammo in them.


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Are the grey ones safe now?

Safe? yes' date=' but they contain no loot and you cant enter them. But they do have a huge amount of military zombies around them, with m9/mp5 and other ammo in them.


Yep. Came across three wrecks today on a server. Lots of .mil zombies, no loot.

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Came across three wrecks today on a server. Lots of .mil zombies' date=' no loot.


Same thing. Found 2 wrecks at 1 server and 1 more at another yesterday and there was no loot. Only soldier-zombies walking around.

Is helicrash loot without resp aka 1timeget or is it a bug?

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loot on choppers is bugged as of

Have not hear any response from development team

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Can confirm something's up with the loot. Group and I found our first two (!) heli crash sites yesterday, bunch of zombies but zero loot, not even the option to enter them.

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Just want to know if the crash sites are safe now because im on a 1.7 version of DayZ and lastest beta patch of arma server and i found one : would like to know if safe to go llot ..... thx !

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Seems safe to me. Yesterday we found a crash site and came away with a load of medical supplies and an FN FAL ANPV S4. Good times.

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Ive also found some loot, the thing is that the loot spawns outside the heli so u have to walk around and search alot to find anything.

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