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IMPORTANT: Crashed Heli's killing people

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Found the grey one before I even knew about this, and there was dead bandit beside ( which is always good ) and was not tempted at all to enter the wrecked helicopter gunner seat. Was looking trough menu and I saw option to "Save wrecked UH-1Y" which did nothing when I clicked it, and was told ( by others ) I need parts, and there was option from gun position to enter to that spot but I guess I did good and I didn't.

To the said above, if you cant distinguish CAS huey from transport, or cant say if its green or grey, you deserve to die. ;-)

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I can also attest to the gear menu on the crashed Huey's being a lie. :( Uber loot indeed. Circled it for about 20 minutes 3 of us and couldn't find any option other than get in, and save.

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So i sent a message to support.. How long would it take to get your character reactivated?

I dont feel entitled or anything... just want to know if i should start over.

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was fooling around on some server yesterday (I'm not sure I remember the name, so I'm not gonna accuse anyone) and found some 10ish functional tanks and some military chopper: http://imgur.com/AlRoo,pRsrT,XQutj,1wUcF#0

Ofc the curious retard I am got in and died (i knew i was gonna get server blapped to death, but still!) Im not sure but it really looked like a couple of the tanks had been driven off (since they all were lined upp perfectly)

anyhow gf gf

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was fooling around on some server yesterday (I'm not sure I remember the name' date=' so I'm not gonna accuse anyone) and found some 10ish functional tanks and some military chopper: http://imgur.com/AlRoo,pRsrT,XQutj,1wUcF#0

Ofc the curious retard I am got in and died (i knew i was gonna get server blapped to death, but still!) Im not sure but it really looked like a couple of the tanks had been driven off (since they all were lined upp perfectly)

anyhow gf gf


I know this place...Isnt that North of Balota?

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Damnit. Too bad I am new to the forums, this killed me the other day after a really long trek to the airfield with my friends.

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I wish I had come to the forum earlier. I spent 3 hours gathering loot and avoiding other people. I had a compass and a map and tried to investigate a downed chopper and died :(

I know to stay away from that Bobbechk dude a few posts up. He has a -6600 humanity. He goes on my shoot on sight list :)

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Yeah I was killed by this last night and then saw the announcement. Sent an email to the dev team. At least I wasn't turned into a wild boar.

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Yeah I was killed by this last night and then saw the announcement. Sent an email to the dev team. At least I wasn't turned into a wild boar.

Do not hold your breath.. i sent them a email a couple of days ago about this with no response.

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Yeah i've been hoping for a reply for a few hours. I'm fine with waiting. My character is worth it.

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I feel bad for the people that pour their energy into repairing the venoms, I think once you repair them you die upon entrance as well, yes?

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devs i sent an email about my instantly dead character lol

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sooo ya this needs a fix asap, night time its near imposible to tell and ya i got in and x.x

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I died as well, had a character that lasted 6 days, really hope Rocket is looking into those emails! Would be mighty generous!:blush:

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People keep telling me to get into the crashed helicopter to be able to loot it, but that definitely doesn't work. The only options available are Save and Get in as door gunner. So no loot I guess, at least what I experienced so far.

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This is because rocket has stated: "My cleanup script is deleting the loot too fast, it will be fixed in a future update"

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Got killed as well. |: i entered on 2 heli before, no problem. 3 was the charm <_< how long does it normaly take for them to answer? (i know they are probably full of work.)

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