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PLEASE don't put buildings with doors you can't open

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Please don't put buildings with doors you can't open - it is so frustrating, annoying, and disappointing to make your way up to a building, arrive at the door, and... nothing. You can't open it. You can't kick it in. You can't even blast the door down with a shotgun...

If you want to make a door locked so that you have to shoot it a few times before you can get in, that would be ok. But don't make buildings that you just can't go into no matter what because that ruins games like this because it totally blows the "suspension of disbelief". When you come up to a building with windows you can't see through at all because they're opaque and doors that aren't really doors it's like a slap to the face telling you: hey, this is fake when you were immersed in the experience having fun pretending you're in another world.

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It's just the way the map is. Chernarus wasn't made by the devs of DayZ, it was made by Bohemia Interactive, a war game where going into buildings isn't the first priority in a battle...

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Hello there

OP does have a point though. I hate anything in game that one "should" be able to manipulate being static. I'd rather have the object not in the game and have a more empty world.

BUT, I obviously understand where DAYZ comes from and the inherent limitations therein. Regardless OP has a legitimate bugbear.

Example: I hate spiders. They have a massive place in our ecology, nevertheless, I still cant stand the creepy crawly buggers.



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I thought Bohemia did a very good job of fixing this on the Takistan map. Unfortunately DayZ Takistan doesn't have a great post-apocalyptic atmosphere...

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