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... I have been KOS'ed. I was in the bush around Zeleno, saw a player running in front of me, he hadn't obviously seen me. I stop, lower my gun and keep looking. The guy looks around and see me. Bang bang. Dead.

No problem :)

To each his own. I suffer no inferiority complex nor had a troubled childhood hence I do not need to kill everyone on sight simply because others enjoy doing that.

Time to re-spawn again, it will not take much to find what I need, and maybe next time the other guy will lower the gun as well. Who knows? There are many reasons to like dayz...


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To each his own. I suffer no inferiority complex nor had a troubled childhood hence I do not need to kill everyone on sight simply because others enjoy doing that.

And yet the overall tone of that statement has a derogatory tone. Congratulations for managing to flip flop in a single post.

Edited by intensity
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or, you could just stop being friendly since 95% of a server pop will just shoot you on sight. it's been working pretty well for me

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All this post comes across as is you crying.

Ahh ... clearly I got the attention of who enjoys killing fresh spawns in Elektro to "teach them".... Wonder why, must have been something I wrote but believe me, I wasn't referring to you.



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Sure, The game is exceptionally good in creating the adrenaline rush when you meet another player (especially outside a town).

What I was pointing out is that it may be worth (YMMV of course) to take the risk to be killed against the reward to have met a friendly player, after all what is lost by dying can be quickly recovered.

To be honest I did not use to think in that way at the beginning and the first time I was killed shortly after having found the NVG... Well that was hurtful.

And I am pretty convinced that a certain KOS behavior is also triggered simply by fear of losing the gear.



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One day, I was in Cherno I had AK and PDW.

I was looking for a map so i can leave the city before getting shot and saw unarmed guy.

I decided to not shoot him since he is unarmed and I don't kill for fun(only to survive) , so i told him i will not shoot and so he don't have to worry about ths. I started to looting the church and he came behind me with an hatch out of nowhere, 1 hit and he knocked me out , second hit and I am already dead.

Sad story.

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As a friendly player let me offer some friendly advice: Stop being an effing sitting duck.

Just because you're totally friendly and all, doesn't been you have to stand out in the open, shouting: I'm friendly, please shoot me in the head!"

The reason why you guys get shot so easily is because you're standing still, out in the open, waiting for someone to put a bullet in your head. Start thinking and move a little more tactically, travel concealed, always near cover and for god's sake start using cover, when you meet armed strangers. He can't KOS you if you're behind cover and he can't headshot you with his makarov if you're running towards cover.

When you're safe behind cover, go ahead and call out: "Friendly, friendly!"

If the guy tries to flank you or approach you with a raised weapon, tell him to stop and lower the weapon, if he don't, any hero expect you to either evade him or drop him like a call from a lefthanded iPhone.

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Thanks. I mostly move behind cover and pause often to check near and far fields visually and listen for noise before moving again.

That's why I saw him first: he was running while I was checking. It was either shoot first (at zero risk) or take the risk to be shot at.

There has been a 2 second windows between me seeing him and he seeing me. No time to get any cover or step back: a moving player with a weapon aimed triggers immediate reactions. A standstill player with a weapon lowered should convey a clear and different message.

The other guy ignored the message. He had an automatic weapon, so clearly he wasn't a new spawn.

Choices. Maybe I'll change my friendly policy to "not KOS" to to "KOS people well geared", even if it means _I_ would be automatically KOS by others thinking in the same way, since you can get pretty much everything from deer stands


p.s. As i wrote in the first post, we were both in the bush

Edited by _Anubis_

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... I have been KOS'ed. I was in the bush around Zeleno, saw a player running in front of me, he hadn't obviously seen me. I stop, lower my gun and keep looking. The guy looks around and see me. Bang bang. Dead.

No problem :)

To each his own. I suffer no inferiority complex nor had a troubled childhood hence I do not need to kill everyone on sight simply because others enjoy doing that.

Time to re-spawn again, it will not take much to find what I need, and maybe next time the other guy will lower the gun as well. Who knows? There are many reasons to like dayz...


Passive aggressive post is passive aggressive. You seem bitter despite claiming you are not bitter. I don't know what to tell you about KoS, some people live by the gun in Chernarus.

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Still surrendering yourself completely to his mercy is a bad idea, offering him a still target and a bush is not solid cover.

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Unless you're able to demonstrate to the other player that you are worth something alive, it's a no-brainer to shoot you, since you represent a threat to him. Even a "new spawn", at the coast, with just pain pills and a flashlight, is a potential threat. Turn your back on him for a minute, and he can have a Lee Enfield. If he saw you, then he has a Lee and a good idea of where he can trade one of his bullets for a map, a bigger backpack, a sidearm, some food and drink, and a better primary weapon. Are you going to leave that guy behind you? Should you?

If I'm a new spawn and I see a guy with gear, it's in his best interest to do one of three things: First, he can befriend me, show that he's friendly and interested in teamwork, and maybe we'll roll together for a while. Second, he can kill me, so I might spawn farther away and not be able to kill him and take his stuff. Third, he can run like hell and hope I can't find him after I am armed. All of these actions are fair and decent, and I'll never whine about any of them. I myself use a mix of the three once I'm equipped, and have enjoyed success will each of them.

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... I have been KOS'ed. I was in the bush around Zeleno, saw a player running in front of me, he hadn't obviously seen me. I stop, lower my gun and keep looking. The guy looks around and see me. Bang bang. Dead.

No problem :)

To each his own. I suffer no inferiority complex nor had a troubled childhood hence I do not need to kill everyone on sight simply because others enjoy doing that.

Time to re-spawn again, it will not take much to find what I need, and maybe next time the other guy will lower the gun as well. Who knows? There are many reasons to like dayz...



You got KoS, and say no problem.

Yet you felt the need to post on the forums about you being killed on sight, and having no problem with it.

And then you make the following statement.

I suffer no inferiority complex nor had a troubled childhood hence I do not need to kill everyone on sight simply because others enjoy doing that.

Talk about a hypocritical statement.

If you don't like KOS just say so. Don't hide behind some made up face about how it's ok, but those people are inferior to you.

Might I suggest a game called Hello Kitty? You won't have to worry about being shot by another player, losing your stuff, and crying about it. You won't even have to compete against anyone.

Edited by Tek

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No need to repeat... As I said I had the _choice_ to shoot first or take the risk to be shot at by conveying a clear signal. So I ended up dead. Why you say it was a bad idea if I factored in the risk to end up dead?

If that guy was a trigger happy asshole he would have opened fire regardless of my posture, or even worse, say 'friendly' first (because tactically in a bad corner) and then shot me in the back at the first opportunity.

With survival in the first place, KOS is the obvious/safest choice. Anything else increases the risks.

You seems to think: I must never die no matter what. Which is fine, I respect that, but is not an universal credo.

Being a casual player I play mostly to have fun. I obviously try to stay alive because it is entertaining and challenging, beside being a learning experience but I may also have a lot of fun in zig-zag running as a fresh spawn in Cherno just to see how long will I survive in a +30 server... And it is amazing how sometimes I can get out of the town unscathed and fully geared despite that suicidal behavior: there are many people who could shoot but not so many take a shot (snipers in high spots notwithstanding): Z is the reason why.

You are bound to meet other players in a +30 server sooner or later, it is a matter of statistics, even if you lie all day under a tree. And with my friendly policy I will/may die more easily compared to a pure KOS policy. So what?

If I were afraid of that, then I would play only when there are 5-10 people online. But as I said, thanks for what you are writing, I understand your standpoint.


Edited by _Anubis_

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You kind of flip flopped with the OP. But anyways, I'm friendly but avoid people like the plauge. What little interaction I do get is out of suprise, and about a third of the time it turns into a firefight, or the other guy disconnects like a total wimp. And every once in a while, I do find an okay dude who teams up with me, only for one of us to either die or have to leave the game. But thats what makes this game fun, is the player interaction. You never know what someone else will do, and that adds to the tension greatly. Nothing is more adrenaline pumping than a player encounter, friendly or not.

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... I have been KOS'ed. I was in the bush around Zeleno, saw a player running in front of me, he hadn't obviously seen me. I stop, lower my gun and keep looking. The guy looks around and see me. Bang bang. Dead.

No problem :)

To each his own. I suffer no inferiority complex nor had a troubled childhood hence I do not need to kill everyone on sight simply because others enjoy doing that.

Time to re-spawn again, it will not take much to find what I need, and maybe next time the other guy will lower the gun as well. Who knows? There are many reasons to like dayz...


I like how ur trying to say this incident dosent affect u in any way and at the same time u imply that KOS players had a troubled childhood or inferiority complex...

I read from this that u raged so hard after u was KOS that u almost commited suicide when u tried to eat ur own keyboard only stopped by serious choking reflexes...throwing the keyboard at ur mom wasnt enough after this KOS, oh no...u had all the gear that took u a whole week of dedicated playing to get...all gone now. And instead of saying "fuck off whoever killed me" u made this post where u kinda comfort urself by saying it all okey...no harm done here.

Edited by svisketyggeren

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I like how ur trying to say this incident dosent affect u in any way and at the same time u imply that KOS players had a troubled childhood or inferiority complex...

-rant snipped-

My friend, I told you before, your posts give the impression you live in a dayz barn...

But yes, I do seriously think that whoever ***enjoys*** to kill other players on sight, also unarmed fresh spawn, maybe sniping them from a safe spot, even publishing videos on youtube showing them laughing like deranged childs ("Hi Hi - Ah Ah") while they kill is someone who hasn't had a nice childhood, maybe has been beaten by his father, has social issues and most likely, a pretty poor sexual life, otherwise he would have far more enjoyable ways to spend his time (if you know what I mean).

Honestly, I feel pity for those people. Hope you are not one of those.


Edited by _Anubis_

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If you don't want to get killed on sight, how about you start being more aware of your surroundings and instead of allowing him to engage you, you can choose to either engage him and force him to drop his weapon or die, or simply avoiding him completely?

Yes, there are a lot of situations in which you will be killed on sight but there are a lot of players who will help you too. Stop being naive and expecting everyone to let you live. Damn.

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when someone kills me for no reason I like to call them names. Not only does it make me feel better it makes them feel better too. If you are a D-Bag then you may as well be proud and accept the compliments of your fellow DayZers. I rather someone be a D-Bag than someone who uses hacks. Lemmie tell you about that there hacking topic. Them lil kiddos get killed by someone and so they need to get skill but lack it so they get hacks. What also bugs me is that them lil kiddies get labled as hackers but they aren't at all and are cheaters using goodies made by an actual hacker.

One day this game will be clean and the south will rise again :D (although i am in the north)

Edited by Zyromkiru

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My friend, I told you before, your posts give the impression you live in a dayz barn...

But yes, I do seriously think that whoever ***enjoys*** to kill other players on sight, also unarmed fresh spawn, maybe sniping them from a safe spot, even publishing videos on youtube showing them laughing like deranged childs ("Hi Hi - Ah Ah") while they kill is someone who hasn't had a nice childhood, maybe has been beaten by his father, has social issues and most likely, a pretty poor sexual life, otherwise he would have far more enjoyable ways to spend his time (if you know what I mean).

Honestly, I feel pity for those people. Hope you are not one of those.


It's only a game. Don't take it so seriously if someone shoots you, it really doesn't matter.

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