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Target Practice (DayZ)

'Trust no-one' - is that really good advice?

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trust yourself, trust your own judgement, never put yourself willingly into a position of weakness, allow others to earn your trust and repay trust shown by others with your trust.

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I have said this for years. In this type of forum, their is no consequence. People feel no need to say "goodbye" even after playing with a team for a few hours. For some reason, the online gaming population has started to develope this idea that online friends are not really friends, nor do they deserve the same courtesy as RL friends. This is a generational issue and I think its kinda bullshit. With this type of mentality in game, you will find it harder and harder to locate good, loyal people to become online friends with.

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Kill everyone. There's very little reason to team up because we are playing a game with no real goal and just surviving isn't very exciting in the mod's current state. It's not an MMO where you need a party to win, there is no winning, you just play and die... usually by people we refer to as "Bandits" but really they are just killing you for fun and because they already have everything they need.

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I say that rule because, without it, no one would be smart about player encounters. Every newbie would run straight up to you with a huge zombie train while yelling, "FRIENDLY!!!!! DON'T SHOOT!!!!!!"

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If you want to interact with a player hold them up at gun point after voice chatting with them in the area.

This way you are safe, and the other player knows that if you wanted to kill him you would not have announced yourself in the first place.

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