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Ezyasurmom is to hard?

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The DMR is damned loud so you better be ready to haul ass after you take a shot at a Z

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The DMR is damned loud so you better be ready to haul ass after you take a shot at a Z

If you're using a sniper rifle to shoot zeds, you're doing it wrong. But yes, it's loud as hell! Experienced this yesterday :P

I think the mod is a lot harder now. Too hard? No. I love it more now and find it more, not less, fun.

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Never said I was using a sniper to shoot Zs,

"take some long shots at Zs in one of the "off" villages now and then."

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So... I hear monkey Zombies are hard...


Are they THAT hard?

Please note I'm just trying to make you laugh, not trying to be a troll

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Bunch of pansies. The zombies aren't too hard. You're just not adapting to the fact that the game has changed a bit (not even that much).


Though zombies aggroing you from 20-30 km away sounds like a bug. Especially since the map is what, 15km across? So the furthest you could possibly be from a zombie (and still be on the map) is 21km.

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It's not close to impossible. I found it just as possible as when I had a gun to start with. It's not even hard to find a gun. Yes, zombies agro more easily, but you can also lose them now... that's huge

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Sorry I meant 20-30m, and no need to be a douche and call us pansies.

also kinda hard to hid from zeds in barns or the small houses

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Sorry I meant 20-30m' date=' and no need to be a douche and call us pansies.


I think he meant he just wanted a bunch of flowers for posting on the thread.

I wouldn't mind that sight range if it wasn't for how freakishly well they close the distance haha.

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Sorry I meant 20-30m' date=' and no need to be a douche and call us pansies.


also kinda hard to hid from zeds in barns or the small houses

No need to call me a douche ya pansy.

But it's the truth, you're bitching and moaning about being attacked by a zombie in a zombie survival mod. Do you expect them to just walk around and not do anything? Are you one of the players expecting large map deathmatch with ignorable zombies?


You're just angry that it's difficult. You died, wah wah. Zombies don't aggro as maniacally as you're describing, unless you're doing something wrong. Learn to avoid them, learn how to get around them. And if they aggro you, then learn how to lose them. It is completely possible. The patch did not make things too hard. You'd just rather post here and complain, than go back and relearn how to play the game.

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Oh god were expressing our feelings on a forum about a mod that's in alpha, we're automatically wrong because we have different opinions then you.

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1) I didn't die

2) I am not angry

3) I know zeds are supposed to attack, but getting aggro from that far is just annoying trying to find a house to hide in

4) I said I will still play the game and enjoy it, it is just almost to hard that it is not fun

5) You GTFO

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Not another one of these again, learn to play the new update. Yes, it's different and you need to acquire new tactics and strategies but in no way is it TOO hard. [/align]

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Not another one of these again' date=' learn to play the new update. Yes, it's different and you need to acquire new tactics and strategies but in no way is it TOO hard. [/align']

OMFG where did I say is is WAY TOO HARD, all I said is that it is almost a little to hard to be fun... I know you can hide I just don't like wasting my time to find a building to hide in and waiting for the zeds to leave.

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I really enjoy the slow, prone-crawl time in this game. So far, the exact same tactics that I was using before 1.7.1 are still working post

But I play very slow and *very* paranoid. I don't get many kills and I am fine taking 15 minutes sneaking up to a barn. I am still more afraid of the sniper's bullet in my back, from a field away.

Then I got my first motorcycle! So much horn-honking fun, until Battleye d/c'ed me for unknown reasons.

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Off topic: Please stop all the hate, the apocalypse needs more love! But seriously stop... stay on topic.

On topic: About the update, I think it's fine once they fix the food and drink spawns. I've actually began using tin cans and empty whiskey bottles to lure the Zeds out of buildings and get their heads to look the other way (which is huge now!) so that I can sneak inside. It's alot of fun and I really recommend it!

Another thing I value about this start is the awesome encounters with other people when only one of you have a gun, usually both of you live when you go your different ways.

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FFS sake guys, people are entitled to their opnions and toughts, let then speak out, you don't need to act all pissy and rage angry just because you don't agree with it. Yes, the patch changed some things that not everyone likes, nothing can please everyone, NOTHING, so just sit back and let tread pass if you don't agree, but have nothing too add to it except pointess arguing.

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FFS sake guys' date=' people are entitled to their opnions and toughts, let then speak out, you don't need to act all pissy and rage angry just because you don't agree with it. Yes, the patch changed some things that not everyone likes, nothing can please everyone, NOTHING, so just sit back and let tread pass if you don't agree, but have nothing too add to it except pointess arguing.


The patch pleased me, I don't know what you're talking about. The delicious tears in this thread please me as well. You're obviously way off base.

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FFS sake guys' date=' people are entitled to their opnions and toughts, let then speak out, you don't need to act all pissy and rage angry just because you don't agree with it. Yes, the patch changed some things that not everyone likes, nothing can please everyone, NOTHING, so just sit back and let tread pass if you don't agree, but have nothing too add to it except pointess arguing.


I agree I was just stating my opinion then everyone comes in here calling people pansy, and pups, and fruit cakes lol.. I just had a opinion and was asking if anyone felt the same way.

Apparently not tho lol :blush:

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FFS sake guys' date=' people are entitled to their opnions and toughts, let then speak out, you don't need to act all pissy and rage angry just because you don't agree with it. Yes, the patch changed some things that not everyone likes, nothing can please everyone, NOTHING, so just sit back and let tread pass if you don't agree, but have nothing too add to it except pointess arguing.


The patch pleased me, I don't know what you're talking about. The delicious tears in this thread please me as well. You're obviously way off base.

Surely you haven't seen last page's discussion... it's like people think they are always right and don't like any opnions contrary to theirs.

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Hello' date=' is it just me or is Dayz much harder now. I mean I was crawling down a road and a zombie about 20-30 km away from me came sprinting towards me to kill me and eat my brains. Also now you only spawn with a bandage and a torch, and with the zombies harder now (make you bleed in like one hit and see you much easier), how are you supposed to accomplish anything without attracting zombies since now they also spawn in buildings as well. I mean have a pic on my phone of a barn with at least 5-10 zombies inside of it all in a massive group. Anyone else feel this way???:-/

I mean don't get me wrong I love Rocket and this mod and I will continue to play it, but it almost makes the game to hard that it is not fun.



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Another elitist douchebag with the mentality of "my opinion is right and yours is wrong".

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