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How my attitude has changed.

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When I first started playing this game, me and my friends tried to help a few people and most of the time we got screwed.

We then moved onto the phase of just killing everyone on sight for fun & because they were a threat to our survival.

And I have now reached a new stage, which is a mixture of both realy.

If I am alone I will attempt to avoid contact with other survivors, in a close engagement there is a 50/50 chance that I will be killed.

If we are in a team then we will only engage people who we preceive as a threat (IE if someone is close by), or people who have loot that will benefit us.

Allow me to share with you an expirence which I had the other day:

I had just looted Chern & had gained an M16 with ammo, medical supplies and a full set of survial gear. I was just leaving the city to the west & saw a survivor heading toward the city with about 50 or so zombie chasing him.

I decided to try and avoid him, I didn't want him to kill me & I didn't need that kind of aggro. But as he came closer it became appart that he had seen me & he made a B-line for me. I attempted again to hide from him but he saw me once more, he was getting very close & I decided to run into a building, he followed me in. Me in one corner of the room & him in the other, I was ready to shoot him but he didn't seem interested in killing me.

As the zombies began pouring into the building he I began shooting at them, but there were alot of them and they were fillin g the room we were in.

The other survivor was knocked down, I heard his bones break & he was knocked out, surrounded by 10 zombies. I fired into the group until all the zombies around him were dead and finished up the rest of the infected in the building.

I was then faced with a dilema, I thought about just leaving him there but blood was pooling around him, if I left he would surely die.

I crouched down and began bandaging his wounds, as I did this I realised that he hadn't fired a single shot, he had no ammunition. I had plenty to spare so after patching him up I put some mak clips in his bag. I gave him a blood transfusion and left before he awoke.

I have found a ballance of ensuring my own safety whilst still adhearing to the RP factor of the game. I am a bandit but killing a noob who has nothing to offer me is pointless.

Another expirence I had recently:

Me and a friend were looting on th elecktro shool roof, looking on the hills for possible snipers.

We were on the roof for about 30 seconds when someone in chat began asking if we were friendly. We didn't respond, after all we were bandits, we dropped to the floor and began looking for the person who had seen us. We saw him, standing on the hospital roof looking right at us, we should have been dead men.

He had some kind of assault rifle, for a moment we considered killing him but he hadn't killed us. We spoak in chat, telling him that we were not friendly but we would grant him amnesty for not killing us. He agreed and we went our seperate ways.

I believe this is how this game should be played, I protect myself but operate on some kind of honor system, as I would in real life.

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This is awesome! I wish more played like this! I try to figure out the scenario first before shooting first, but that seems to always get me killed. It's good to see others are still thinking the way I do.

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I totally agree with you. In a dream world, Day Z would be played how you describe it.

This has been my first day of Day Z, and I've tried to befriend the players I've come across. That has resulted in 7 deaths out of 7 players met, even though I've unequipped my guns, stated my intensions in the chat and even saluted many of them. Obviously this game isn't what I though it would be in that respect. My strategy from now on is to KoS, I'm not taking risks anymore.

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i always use voice comm, if i happen to spot someone, if the person donsn't respond to me trough chat or trough voice, i usually consider him a treat, and watch he's doing. It makes me really paranoid but sometimes i find some nice chaps who are willing to join forces.

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i had a guy recently shoot me in the face while i was looting basically nothing. i had just escaped some damn zombies and he just rolled on up, shot me in the face. i literally had nothing for him, i hope he died shortly after. what a prick.

then, another time i was booking it from some zombies in between elektro and cherno headed west toward cherno, i was bleeding and already at low health when i found a bus and thought i could take refuge in there. the zombies swarmed it and killed me by destroying the bus i guess. i saw two guys talking in side chat about me though, they totally watched the whole thing and waited for me to die before the swooped in like vultures and sacked my body. at least i think that was the plan, they mentioned that the bus was on fire so maybe they didn't get my loot. i hope they died shortly after.

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My advice to everyone is, safety comes first;

- If someone is approaching your position then it may be best to kill them.

- If you turn a corner and someone is there in your face, RUN, avoid them, use walls to block their line of sight. If you engage at point blank you have a 50/50 chance of dieing

- Befriending people in game is hard, it is best to use comms with friends or perhaps try and find people to team up with out of game. (eg on the forums)

- If you realy want to try and befriend people in game then do so as safely as possible, do not expose yourself.

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i had a guy recently shoot me in the face while i was looting basically nothing. i had just escaped some damn zombies and he just rolled on up' date=' shot me in the face. i literally had nothing for him, i hope he died shortly after. what a prick.

then, another time i was booking it from some zombies in between elektro and cherno headed west toward cherno, i was bleeding and already at low health when i found a bus and thought i could take refuge in there. the zombies swarmed it and killed me by destroying the bus i guess. i saw two guys talking in side chat about me though, they totally watched the whole thing and waited for me to die before the swooped in like vultures and sacked my body. at least i think that was the plan, they mentioned that the bus was on fire so maybe they didn't get my loot. i hope they died shortly after.


I wouldn't have saved you as well, you have to realise that, not every situation you can get to play the hero, first because you were being chased by what sounds like loads of zombies, shooting at then might have lured danger towards then as well, and what if they were low on bullets? You gotta take some stuff into consideration.

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When I first started playing this game' date=' me and my friends tried to help a few people and most of the time we got screwed.

We then moved onto the phase of just killing everyone on sight for fun & because they were a threat to our survival.

And I have now reached a new stage, which is a mixture of both realy.

If I am alone I will attempt to avoid contact with other survivors, in a close engagement there is a 50/50 chance that I will be killed.

If we are in a team then we will only engage people who we preceive as a threat (IE if someone is close by), or people who have loot that will benefit us.

Allow me to share with you an expirence which I had the other day:

I had just looted Chern & had gained an M16 with ammo, medical supplies and a full set of survial gear. I was just leaving the city to the west & saw a survivor heading toward the city with about 50 or so zombie chasing him.

I decided to try and avoid him, I didn't want him to kill me & I didn't need that kind of aggro. But as he came closer it became appart that he had seen me & he made a B-line for me. I attempted again to hide from him but he saw me once more, he was getting very close & I decided to run into a building, he followed me in. Me in one corner of the room & him in the other, I was ready to shoot him but he didn't seem interested in killing me.

As the zombies began pouring into the building he I began shooting at them, but there were alot of them and they were fillin g the room we were in.

The other survivor was knocked down, I heard his bones break & he was knocked out, surrounded by 10 zombies. I fired into the group until all the zombies around him were dead and finished up the rest of the infected in the building.

I was then faced with a dilema, I thought about just leaving him there but blood was pooling around him, if I left he would surely die.

I crouched down and began bandaging his wounds, as I did this I realised that he hadn't fired a single shot, he had no ammunition. I had plenty to spare so after patching him up I put some mak clips in his bag. I gave him a blood transfusion and left before he awoke.

I have found a ballance of ensuring my own safety whilst still adhearing to the RP factor of the game. I am a bandit but killing a noob who has nothing to offer me is pointless.

Another expirence I had recently:

Me and a friend were looting on th elecktro shool roof, looking on the hills for possible snipers.

We were on the roof for about 30 seconds when someone in chat began asking if we were friendly. We didn't respond, after all we were bandits, we dropped to the floor and began looking for the person who had seen us. We saw him, standing on the hospital roof looking right at us, we should have been dead men.

He had some kind of assault rifle, for a moment we considered killing him but he hadn't killed us. We spoak in chat, telling him that we were not friendly but we would grant him amnesty for not killing us. He agreed and we went our seperate ways.

I believe this is how this game should be played, I protect myself but operate on some kind of honor system, as I would in real life.



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Fabulous post.

Excellent to see such reflective and immersive gameplay.

Enjoyable read!

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A good few days ago, i was playing by myself seeing my brother was at work.

On the outskirts of Elektro, 2 noobs were there being chased by a alot of zeds. It was atleast 25.

So i started killing all for them, i noticed that they weren't shooting either so i thought that they were out of mak mags. After the last two are remaining, i fall with a broken leg and hadly any blood, i was killing them with headshots so i could kill them all. When i fall, the two people run away, i could see them running off. So i thought "Nothing they can do".

Two seconds later, they killed the two zeds that were chasing them, even though i saved them, they stood there while i killed the zeds, and never even attempted to bandage me.

About 2 hours later, i see 3 people at the docks of elektro. I do the exact same thing and they let me bleedout. Turned out to be the same people..

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just spawned and had nothing to lose, I was by elektro where my group was holed up so I decided to go into town and get some shit. As I was crawling to the super market someone says "GUY NEXT TO STREET IN ELEKTRO, FRIENDLY?" I responded with "is he prone" and he said yes. I said I was friendly and got into the super market in the back area. I heard a very loud gunshot like an enfield and asked if it was him shooting. He had misfired his m4 and he was actually in the super market too. I warned him of zombies coming from the back and I helped him finish them off. We asked if we needed anything, but unfortunately STAANAG'S and ALICE packs aren't exactly abundant, or so we thought. We decided to help each other out for a bit, and began heading towards the school. We stopped at the apartments in front of the school and low and behold, an ALICE pack. I thought to myself, if he wants to kill me, this is when he's probably going to do it, but all he said was "nice" and kept looting. Feeling glad about finding a friend, I told him that we were going to find one for him too. We went down to the school, looted some more, got a winchester, compass, other things like that and found TWO ALICE packs. He said thanks and we happily went on our way to the hospital, in need of medical supplies. We checked the roof and the back but to no avail, already looted. I then said "Let's try the front, I'll guard while you shoot" To my horror, he used his m4 to shoot out the hospital glass and attracted a SHITLOAD of zombies. We fended them off, wasting all my m1911 ammo but getting 3-4 bloodbags each. I told him that this is where we depart and we both said thanks and good luck, heading off on our own ways. I returned to the others, fully supplied after respawning, and feeling great about meeting a friendly.

He was a veteran who always shot on-site and I was some newly-spawned player who could have easily stole all of his stuff. It's good to know that there's a TINY chance of friendlies still being around.

I decide now to give up my slogan and just try to figure out if someone is friendly before unloading onto them.

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I love and totally agree with your play style man! you actually act and decided as you would if you were in the game irl (if you know what i mean haha)

we need more people like you who don't kill noobs that dosnt stand a chance. even tho there is the fact that if you don't kill him today, He might come back with bigger guns to kill you! But isn't that why this game is so fun?

people who sit on roof and snipe out noobs are stupid.

people who kill with a reason is the real DayZ players

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i had a guy recently shoot me in the face while i was looting basically nothing. i had just escaped some damn zombies and he just rolled on up' date=' shot me in the face. i literally had nothing for him, i hope he died shortly after. what a prick.

then, another time i was booking it from some zombies in between elektro and cherno headed west toward cherno, i was bleeding and already at low health when i found a bus and thought i could take refuge in there. the zombies swarmed it and killed me by destroying the bus i guess. i saw two guys talking in side chat about me though, they totally watched the whole thing and waited for me to die before the swooped in like vultures and sacked my body. at least i think that was the plan, they mentioned that the bus was on fire so maybe they didn't get my loot. i hope they died shortly after.


I wouldn't have saved you as well, you have to realise that, not every situation you can get to play the hero, first because you were being chased by what sounds like loads of zombies, shooting at then might have lured danger towards then as well, and what if they were low on bullets? You gotta take some stuff into consideration.

i didn't say anything about them saving me. i know they weren't interested in saving me at all or being cool, they wanted my loot. i just wanted to add that to the story

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I started out fearing other players, thinking I will lose a fire fight. I know how badly I panic. You don't. Trust me. I will lose in a shoot-out. But I was under the impression I *had* to kill or be killed.

Now, when i hear gunfire or even see someone, I just crawl or run the other way. If chased, I'll spin to toss grenades and fire on automatic. I live longer, have more fun, and I actually killed one guy as he came for me, Makarov blazing. I no longer fear players; they are all just more deadly enemies that sometimes don't chase you.

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- If you realy want to try and befriend people in game then do so as safely as possible' date=' do not expose yourself.


Indeed, even during a Zombie apocalypse there's no need to flash total strangers. :angel:

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Back when I had a bandit skin, I shot the zeds off of, bandaged, and dragged some poor survivor bastard off the docks near Otmel Island into a warehouse. I asked if he could spare some beans, he dropped a can and promptly logged off. My favorite experience to date: Beans earned.

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Back when I had a bandit skin' date=' I shot the zeds off of, bandaged, and dragged some poor survivor bastard off the docks near Otmel Island into a warehouse. I asked if he could spare some beans, he dropped a can and promptly logged off. My favorite experience to date: Beans earned.


Achievement unlocked.

And just after coming up with that responce in my head, maybe that would be a way of mixing up how people play, acheivements. Offering acheivements for saving people and stuff of that nature. :o

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- If you realy want to try and befriend people in game then do so as safely as possible' date=' do not expose yourself.


Indeed, even during a Zombie apocalypse there's no need to flash total strangers. :angel:

Sometimes I wish that you could rate replies in a thread, because this reply certainly deserves a good one.

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