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Standalone Helicopters, light, medium or heavy?

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What type of helicopters/helicopter will spawn in the standalone since their probably going to use the ones from Take on helicopters.

If you dont know, what do you think should be in the SA, Light, Medium or a Heavy helicopter?

personally i would love to see the heavy helicopter spawn!




And no im not suggesting these specific helicopters on the pictures just the different classes!

Edited by KC Pr3lLoX

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Light and medium no heavy they are OP

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I 100% agree......just no rocket pods...or Apache like gunners.....

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Light and medium no heavy they are OP

LoL... whats OP with the heavy helicopters?

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and no everyone.... im not suggesting that there should be freaking apache choppers here and shit... just transport helicopters with defenses like one machine-gun or without.

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I think the standalone should have every vehicle available in arma. That includes helicopters with missiles, fighter jets, tanks etc.

Make RPGs common so that there is balance and everything will be fine.

Obviously, same inventory for backpacks and rocket launchers so that not everyone carries an RPG with him.

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Light and medium, then just variations of those like civilian versions or something, plus biplanes

Edited by Sinkatze

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I think the standalone should have every vehicle available in arma. That includes helicopters with missiles, fighter jets, tanks etc.

Make RPGs common so that there is balance and everything will be fine.

Obviously, same inventory for backpacks and rocket launchers so that not everyone carries an RPG with him.

please tell me that was a j0ke

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Wouldn't be too hard since their bringing in the system from TOH. We kinda already have light medium and heavy in the mod (littlebird, huey, mi17, though the mi17 could be considered medium-heavy). Someone mentioned in another thread the Bell 47. But yes if they are heavy they need to be cargo/transport only.

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I think it is pretty good the way it is now. Huey's, LittleBirds, and Mi-17s. There isn't really a need for anything else is there? Helicopters are cool and all but they aren't really that big of a part of the game.

i guess there could be some more civ or Russian varieties. I don't want any attack helicopters even if it would "be realistic". They aren't necessary for the game.

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Id agree that the current system for helicopters is pretty good although I would love to see a Hind with removed weapons

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I was considering pointing something out to y'all, but then I realized that it didn't particularly matter.

Attack helicopters don't carry very much ammunition; they've got about 40 unguided rockets, and perhaps 4 to 6 guided missiles. After those are fired, you've only got a 12.7mm to 35mm machine gun. And zombified Chernarus doesn't exactly have the proper facilities to re-rack those, and the player doesn't particularly have the knowledge to do so (then again, he is FLYING A HELICOPTER)...

But yeah, it doesn't really matter as much as I thought it did. Yes, attack helos are OP.

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How about the UH 1Y; Unguided Rocket Pods and Miniguns - Not TOO OP

Edit: Or the Attack Little Bird

Edited by Shrimpy223

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