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Combat Timer in 1.7.5, Worse now than ever before.

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Fuck the OP, combat timer works perfectly. Stop being so inpatient and get over it

"Perfectly" is a little overstated. Bugs need to be worked out, and we all agree it does not work "Perfectly"

Log out timer is bugged out pretty bad, and really shouldnt be any different from the combat timer. Also, i really dont think you should go into combat mode from sprinting. thats a little much. thanks for your fuck though, i appreciate any fuck given.

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The only people complaining about this are the people who enjoyed combat logging.

Now they actually need to stand and fight or at least get a little better at running away, so they come onto the forums to have a good cry and try to come up with ridiculous scenarios where they NEED to go away from the computer really fast and can't logout.

Here's an idea, if it's an ACTUAL emergency then just leave the computer.

If your friend is being attacked by raptors on the I35, just leave the house and go rescue him.

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The only people complaining about this are the people who enjoyed combat logging.

Now they actually need to stand and fight or at least get a little better at running away, so they come onto the forums to have a good cry and try to come up with ridiculous scenarios where they NEED to go away from the computer really fast and can't logout.

Here's an idea, if it's an ACTUAL emergency then just leave the computer.

If your friend is being attacked by raptors on the I35, just leave the house and go rescue him.

I can definitely see why you would think that, but I was actually one of the people pushing for a better system before the one came out. Why do people automatically assume the worst out of people?

I enjoy playing DayZ and everything it brings to the table. I never have combat logged out of a firefight. I take my deaths honorably. Fuck me right?

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The only people complaining about this are the people who enjoyed combat logging.

...they come onto the forums to have a good cry and try to come up with ridiculous scenarios where they NEED to go away from the computer really fast and can't logout.

You're being extremely simple minded here i might add. Ridiculous scenarios eh? You're right. Doorbells never ring, important phone calls never come in, life never beckons, there just never is anything short of an emergency that would cause you to have to leave the computer. Sure if an emergency were to arise you would run from the computer without even thinking about your character dying. What im making a point about is that this is still considered a game regardless of how some people think of it. I would like the opportunity to abort from a scenario that should be abortable. If im in combat with another player, i would consider my character dead.

It isnt just Zeds or Players that inhibit your ability to log out now. that is the issue im discussing here, its been taken too far.

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This combat timer is really annoying, if a hacked combat helicopter is shooting everything it has at you and pulverises the whole village youre in!

Other than that i have no problem with the timer!

Edited by Zombie2k12

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I think it's good as it is, now even stopping you from zombie.logging, which makes them a threat to reckon with at least

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New combat timer is awesome. No more unloging while being chased, shooted or near zombies (those who tried to sneak into a place unlogin-login-unlogin-login to make the zombies disappear everytime one of them gets to close are now gonna have to stand for it :D). And I had no problem unlogin when I desire to, not even had to wait for the combat timer once. In fact, didn't actually saw the timer myself until yesterday, when I accidently pressed ESC while in Devil's Castle and saw a 30 sec timer (until then I though it wasn't on my server)... so, if you are getting a combat timer you're doing something wrong when unlogin, or you're trying to run away from something you shouldn't :)

The only bug in here is the combat timer being 90 sec instead of the 30 sec originally intended. But they already got this fixed for the next update, an as I said, if you do things correctly you don't have even to face the timer.

Edited by p4triot

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Dont make your child a sissy. Force him to solve his problems alone. This makes him a good human.

In gerneral spoken, not on your case, not against you:

I hate modern partens who are thinking their childs are the middelpoint of the earth. Thats makes childs sissys or douches.

Modern parenting my ass.

If your child falls down, you go make sure it is alright. You do this to show your child that you care about it, that it is worth caring about.

The only way to teach empathy is by showing it. Doing this is absolutely necessary, unless you want the little bugger to grow up as an emotional cripple.

I'm not saying kids should be wrapped in cotton, but ignoring them when they are hurt (or worse, calling them a 'sissy' for being hurt/sad) is not the way you raise them to be healthy, wellfunctioning adults, it is simply neglect.


Oh, the combat timer... I think it is great.

Edited by Max Planck

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The timer is too buggy. I will get away from all combat and get the 30 second timer. I will wait 30 seconds and still have it tell me I must wait 30 seconds. I will wait 5 minutes and still have it tell me to wait fucking 30 seconds. My combat thing isn't flashing, I'm out of town I'm away from everything. It's fucked, it's broken.

I've never combat logged in my life, I hate people who even do it to zombies, I am a fan of a combat timer to prevent it but in the current state the thing is straight up broken the majority of the time.

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The timer is too buggy. I will get away from all combat and get the 30 second timer. I will wait 30 seconds and still have it tell me I must wait 30 seconds. I will wait 5 minutes and still have it tell me to wait fucking 30 seconds. My combat thing isn't flashing, I'm out of town I'm away from everything. It's fucked, it's broken.

I've never combat logged in my life, I hate people who even do it to zombies, I am a fan of a combat timer to prevent it but in the current state the thing is straight up broken the majority of the time.

press esc and wait simple.

The logout system is new its nothing to do with being in combat. Anytime you load the menu the system checks two conditions

1st players within 6 meters.

2nd zeds within 50 meters.

If any of them come back true your forced to wait 30 secs. Pressing esc again to close the menu cancels this timer and loading the menu again does the same two checks.

So hit esc and wait if you fall into one of the conditions. if not you can logout instant

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Whats the point of it exactly? Just to piss you off?

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I have zero issue with combat/logout timer. I just find it inconvenient that you have to be there to click the button after the logout timer expires.

It would satisfy most of the arguments going on in here if you could click to initiate the logout timer and have it logout after timer expires while you are AFK.

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I have zero issue with combat/logout timer. I just find it inconvenient that you have to be there to click the button after the logout timer expires.

It would satisfy most of the arguments going on in here if you could click to initiate the logout timer and have it logout after timer expires while you are AFK.

Good idea, it would be kind of like it is in Eve.

This would make perfect sense.

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