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Combat Timer in 1.7.5, Worse now than ever before.

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Hi there. Now, if you can read, you will already know i'm here to talk about the combat timer that they 'fixed up' in the latest patch. Let me just jump right into it.

It is just another perfect example of something that was bad in the beginning, got better with the next couple patches, then was pushed too far and is just awful now. You go into combat/logout timer mode for anything that happens in the game. You spend 2 minutes after clearing any area of threats to even log.

Oh you feel like sprinting? COMBAT TIMER COMES ON FOR THAT TOO. <- Come on this is rediculous.

I'm one of the people before who wanted it to be fixed to keep people from combat logging every time i held them up or missed my first shot. When they came out with it did fix just that.

i've found out through other players a way to get yourself kicked from the game if you choose (Map - Units - Server Settings "Script Restriction") but dont you think just once this could be fixed in a reasonable manner instead of forcing people to use exploits to be able to leave the game?

Just my 2 cents.

Edited by -Guardian-
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People complained when the combat timer was terrible, and was only activated if I fired or someone with 10 meters of me fired, now people complain because it actually does. It's a game. Even with the new timer it's not that hard to run into a forest and log off instantly now is it?

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People complain about everything, and kept complaining after it was perfectly fine. - Last patch - so they listened and made it what it is now. pure shit,

I wasnt kidding when i said that it comes on when you sprint, how does that make any sense whatsoever? And you use the word Instantly as if you could actually do that.

I don't think you got the fundamental reasoning behind this post and what im getting at.

Edited by -Guardian-

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You have a point. Logging out can be a chore if I get a phone call or something else comes up (kids)

I have to go find a pine tree or run around for a while to try and get a break. IMO the combat timer is a little excessive. was fine.

Still, not a major concern though when compared to Zed's walking/hitting through walls and other major issues.

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When are you in such a hurry you don't have 30 seconds to wait to abort? :huh:

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When are you in such a hurry you don't have 30 seconds to wait to abort? :huh:

Sometimes you dont have 30 seconds mate.

Like the guy before me said, sometime things come up. if my kid fell down and started crying id like to be able to quickly log and tend to him. in that situation would you wait 30 seconds? sometimes 30 seconds seems a lot longer than it really is.

*(i dont have children, just playing devils advocate)*

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You have a point. Logging out can be a chore if I get a phone call or something else comes up (kids)

I have to go find a pine tree or run around for a while to try and get a break. IMO the combat timer is a little excessive. was fine.

Still, not a major concern though when compared to Zed's walking/hitting through walls and other major issues.

I completely agree in regards to the last patches timer. the main point of this whole post was that the timer in was just fine yet people still bitched and moaned about it not being perfect and as a result it got worse.

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People complained when the combat timer was terrible, and was only activated if I fired or someone with 10 meters of me fired, now people complain because it actually does. It's a game. Even with the new timer it's not that hard to run into a forest and log off instantly now is it?

Thats the point!Logging off instantly is not possible!!!! Thats stupid in my opinion. The first combat timer was ok. You shot a gun... 30 sec timer... you getting shots... 30 sec timer.... and now?

There millions of situation i dont have 30 sec to wait.

Phone is ringing, doorbell, kids, wife, animals....

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Sometimes you dont have 30 seconds mate.

Like the guy before me said, sometime things come up. if my kid fell down and started crying id like to be able to quickly log and tend to him. in that situation would you wait 30 seconds? sometimes 30 seconds seems a lot longer than it really is.

*(i dont have children, just playing devils advocate)*

If my child fell down I wouldn't bother logging out, I would just leave the game.

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If my child fell down I wouldn't bother logging out, I would just leave the game.

Im glad to hear that :P

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I have no issues with it they way it is. Stand in a tree, wait, log out...

If an emergency comes up, go and attend to it, it's more important than a game, and there's still other ways to log out, though I'd rather those be penalised too in some way.

I was surprised I was able to log out the other day when a hacker was shooting at me, probably his server bypass that let him be invisible was stopping the combat timer starting or something.

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Here's what I really think...

oh nvm gotta run...I just heard "Daddy...I gotta go poopy".

Edited by taco241
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Don't you leave the game by logging out though.

Anyhoo. I gotta run...Ijust heard "Daddy...I gotta go poopy". No time to spare.

Yeah, sorry, meant "leave the computer". I thought about 2 seconds about editing that but then I thought about 200 other things I'd rather do. :)

EDIT: My point is that if you are in a position where you can't safely leave the computer for a few minutes you should not be able to abort either.

OT now; there is a baby hawk right outside my window. It is adorable.

Edited by Terrorviktor

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Sometimes you dont have 30 seconds mate.

Like the guy before me said, sometime things come up. if my kid fell down and started crying id like to be able to quickly log and tend to him. in that situation would you wait 30 seconds? sometimes 30 seconds seems a lot longer than it really is.

*(i dont have children, just playing devils advocate)*

If you have kids and they need your attention so badly that it can't wait thirty seconds, you put down that damn mouse and you go see to your kids without even thinking about it. It's called being a parent.

As for the timer, It wouldn't bother me if the timer was actually 30 seconds (and I've never measured it), but it feels like it's actually taking closer to 45-60 seconds, which does seem a bit excessive. Having said that, I can count on the fingers of one hand the number of times it's actually been anything even close to an issue for me, as I won't start something I don't want to be disturbed from until I know I won't be disturbed.

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If you have kids and they need your attention so badly that it can't wait thirty seconds, you put down that damn mouse and you go see to your kids without even thinking about it. It's called being a parent.

As for the timer, It wouldn't bother me if the timer was actually 30 seconds (and I've never measured it), but it feels like it's actually taking closer to 45-60 seconds, which does seem a bit excessive. Having said that, I can count on the fingers of one hand the number of times it's actually been anything even close to an issue for me, as I won't start something I don't want to be disturbed from until I know I won't be disturbed.

What would be wrong with saving the hours you have spent on the game you were just playing by aborting? it would literally take 2 seconds to abort if you were allowed to.

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If my child fell down I wouldn't bother logging out, I would just leave the game.

Dont make your child a sissy. Force him to solve his problems alone. This makes him a good human.

In gerneral spoken, not on your case, not against you:

I hate modern partens who are thinking their childs are the middelpoint of the earth. Thats makes childs sissys or douches.

Edited by DirtyCry
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Yeah we all realize we need to leave the computer in an emergency, or to face RL. And we do.

It's just shity to have to abandon 2-3 days worth of gameplay due to aggroing a half-dozen Zs while gutting an animal or opening a can 100+ meters away, then having to do the conga-line through the trees for 5+minutes.

Combat timer is a good thing OK, just not all the quirky shit that activates it now.

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Yeah we all realize we need to leave the computer in an emergency, or to face RL. And we do.

It's just shity to have to abandon 2-3 days worth of gameplay due to aggroing a half-dozen Zs while gutting an animal or opening a can 100+ meters away, then having to do the conga-line through the trees for 5+minutes.

Combat timer is a good thing OK, just not all the quirky shit that activates it now.

Like it or not, but that IS part of the game. So you want to be able to run into a town, grab a bunch of stuff and then safely just log out? Where is the fun in that?

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Yup, it's inconvenient but IMO necessary. It's the only way to stop people logging out to despawn zombies etc.

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Dont make your child a sissy. Force him to solve his problems alone. This makes him a good human.

In gerneral spoken, not on you case, not against you:

I hate modern partens who are thinking their childs are the middelpoint of the earth. Thats makes childs sissys or douches.

So if a 2 year old fell down the stairs you would leave him and expect him to deal with it???

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Yup, it's inconvenient but IMO necessary. It's the only way to stop people logging out to despawn zombies etc.

Random Despawn timer... 1min to 5min. Problem solved.

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Seriously, if an emergency comes up just alt-f4, use task manager to close arma or play in windowed mode which allows you to close the window, problem solved.

Also the current timer is bugged, its meant to be 30 seconds but is actually 90 seconds, this is a known issue and should be fixed in the next update.

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They should change it so if you only have Z aggro, if you logout you go into stasis mode where stay online for 5 mins or until you log back in (whichever is shorter). While you are in this stasis mode, zeds don't attack you, but you can be attacked and killed by other players.

Basically make it so you can log quickly if needs be, but you'll only suffer the chance of being killed through pvp rather than pve.

Edited by herbster

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So if a 2 year old fell down the stairs you would leave him and expect him to deal with it???

Thats not a simple fell down thats an seriosly emergency. Normaly you know your childs you can easy hear if it is a screem for mommy or a screem from pain.

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