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Hacked Crash Sites

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Hey, ive been running around looking for Crashsites for a few hours now, starting at the NWAF i always ran south and on 2 servers i found something like this:





I took care not to take a pic of the same site twice, and those werent event close to all i saw.

Additionaly i turned back after these so it there might be even many many more.

All of those i visited were looted btw, at first i just thought i had really bad luck but i found some stuff in ammo boxes that clearly didnt belong.

The first server looked similar but i didnt take screenshots.

Is this hacked or just some bug? Also i found a Ghillie suit half hidden under one of the helis, what happens if i keep it and it is hacked?

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I can make our server look like that?

Edit server mission PBO and change the time on chopper crashes,

and/or change the time of restarts? xD

- Currently we have three guanteed crashes every hour + 6 hour restart = 18 chopper crashes before restart,

The loot chances have also been changed, insteed of a minimum 4 to max 7 loot piles, its been changed to 1/3

therefor making Chopper crashes more common, but the chances alot more rare,

So i'm guessing the chopper crashes on that server is not hacked in, just the restart which is extremely high, OR the Mission PBO have been changed.

Edited by Minamo

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