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war wolf

Weapons that can "knockout"?

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Can anyone tell me what weapons are capable of a "Knockout" shot like the DMR? I am curious if the AKM and the STANAG weapons can do so as well.

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M24s can do the job. I've used it for the purpose various times, as long as they have more than 8k blood.

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Lee Enfield will do it most of the time provided they've got a decent amount of blood (..Around the 9-10K mark, which is common if they've spent a decent amount of time looting Buildings). Though, you will have to be quick about bandaging them if you want them to survive.

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stanag does like 4555 blood damage

so you can KO someone with it, but will most likely kill them.

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Things like the m14, FAL, M24, CZ550, Lee Enfield, Anything that does high damage in one shot will pretty much K.O, but not 50's Obv :)

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Stanag weapons do about 3.5k blood per hit, G36 mags are apparently stronger anyone heard that?

Also why has no one mentioned the Winchester? come on that's a one hit K.O.

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Stanag weapons do about 3.5k blood per hit, G36 mags are apparently stronger anyone heard that?

Also why has no one mentioned the Winchester? come on that's a one hit K.O.

I haven't found a Winchester in weeks.

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Pretty much all shotguns, the Enfield, the FN FAL, the M14, DMR, M24, AKM, SVD Camo, CZ 500, and the new S85V8 variants. Also, the M240 and MK48 usually one hit knockout too. I say usually because nothing is a guaranteed knockout.


I haven't found a Winchester in weeks.

I found 3 in a single supermarket today.

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