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US 4275 (v1.7.5.10/build 101480) [REGULAR|3DP:ON][GMT+12] (WHITELIST)(Home to BADWolves) - hosted by Yippi

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Server Name:US 4275 (v1.7.5.10/build 101480) [REGULAR|3DP:ON][GMT+12] (WHITELIST)(Home to BADWolves) - hosted by Yippi

Timezone: Central (GMT -6)

Date/Time: 1:39 AM // 2/9/2013

Server Administrator: [bAD] Yippi

What Happened: I was recently banned this server on the pretense of "associating with hackers". I can personally vouch that none of my friends nor myself have ever hacked on any server. I can also attest to the fact that this server is a whitelist public hive. I am aware that they pay for the server and what have you, but the fact that they are the only whitelist server on the public hive raises a few questions in my mind. I believe they banned us because we were a threat to their dominance on the server. We did steal their helicopter and blow up a base of theirs about 2-3 weeks ago, but I had thought we were past that. Recently, one of my friends, Nigel Thornberry/yoloswag, was on their server when a hacker was. They claim that they have read the server logs and see that my friend was hacking, but we know for a fact that he didn't. If they had banned him on suspicion, that would be one thing, but they banned all of us for mere "association" and threatened us with permanent bans for "associating with hackers".

Another interesting point, they require that you register for the whitelist through their website. Their website is on Enjin. Enjin, as I am sure you know, pays $10 for every 200 ad hits, and they have ads on thier whitelist application page. Maybe it's just me, but I think that qualifies as making money off of Rocket's work.

Evidence: Attached is a picture of the email sent to myself by Yippi shortly after the "incident". I will also provide a link to a youtube video confirming that I am indeed banned from their server.


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The video is to show that I really did get banned.

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The picture is of the email sent to me by the admin shortly after the ban.

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Also, I do not appreciate that I was called a "Fagget" by Yippi in his email.

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I am sad to hear of your situation. If you are unaware of all the details due to not being present during said events I will clarify anything you may have misunderstood.

Nigel Thornberry of the [FAGGET] clan that was the tag you and your clan mates went by on the server, being adults we are not going to nit pick about childish clan names but your clan mate was confirmed by GUID and IP of using scripts/hacks to attempt to do damage to the server. These events were witnessed in game by users of the server who reported it the server admins. Upon investigation it was learned through logs that said above member of your clan willfully used scripts/hacks. His GUID along with said logs were forwarded to BattleEye for global ban review.

Cute story though, we will be sure to include all the details you excluded should an inquiry be necessary.

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We don't make any money off of the site. The site is hosted for free by enjin. Any ads they decide to throw in there is their business. We use the website for our multi-game oriented community, as well as as a medium to connect with the survivors that inhabit the [bAD] server. badwolves.enjin.com for anyone that wants to see for themselves.

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After just a quick search from my DayZ Commander I found 3 other public hives that are Whitelisted.

UK 417

DE 1050

RU 126

Whitelisting has been approved by rocket and there is nothing wrong with a server admin running a whitelist server, whether it be public or private. The vast majority of them are private, however there is no rule stating that you cannot whitelist a public hive. The fact is we pay $60 a month running US 4275 mostly out of our pockets with very little donations. 1 of your members was caught scripting/hacking so you and your group were banned. I could state other violations that we found for all of you but I am not going to throw mud around on the forums. There are plenty of other public hives for you to play on, I suggest you and your pals go play on one of them.


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I know that this server says to wait up to 12 hours for getting added to the server, but I waited between 24-48 hours after applying once and then applied again. It has been nearly 24 hours since I last applied.

I have never hacked once in my life. I don't know how they decide who plays on their servers, but I'm kinda confused as to why I didn't get added.

I'm posting this here as I have no idea how else to contact them.

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You could post on our website. This would be the exact opposite place to post in order to get whitelisted.

We have a shoutbox and public forums for any registered user on the site.

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I apologize if I posted in the wrong place. I searched the server on google and found this.

Is there a reason that I had not been whitelisted prior? I'd love to play on your server but haven't been added.

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  On 2/22/2013 at 9:14 PM, MAdams985 said:

I apologize if I posted in the wrong place. I searched the server on google and found this.

Is there a reason that I had not been whitelisted prior? I'd love to play on your server but haven't been added.

Chances are you either gave us a bogus E-mail or an invalid-wrong GUID. We ignore those applications as they generally tend to be hackers/scripters.

I am no longer going to respond to you in this thread. If you would like to get in contact with me and speak further about this please visit http://badwolves.enjin.com/ and either PM myself or Yippi

Edited by katface

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I had a similar experience on this server and received the same email as the OP. I was banned from this server for 'associating' with hackers. About a week before the ban, I raided some tents which belonged to the admin's clan so I believe that this ban is retribution for this incident.

Furthermore, this server uses a whitelist despite being a public hive server. I know that this is not explicitly forbidden in the server hosting rules but I believe that this is akin to having a locked server. As another poster pointed out in this thread, it seems that the admin is selectively choosing whom to add to the whitelist, thus using it like a lock or password and defeating the point of a public hive.

I feel it is highly unethical that the admins leverage the server to drive traffic to their website by forcing players to whitelist, regardless of what their advertising arrangement is.

Lastly, I am offended by the admin's use of homophobic slurs in his ban email. I don't think that this should be acceptable behavior for a public hive admin, as homophobic slurs are a bannable offence for players.

When I started playing on US 4275, I donated money to help with the running costs since it was low ping and I played on it alot, but now I feel sickened and outraged at the behavior of the admins. I call on the Dayz moderation community to investigate this matter.

Edited by gre3nskeeper
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  On 2/22/2013 at 10:27 PM, gre3nskeeper said:

I had a similar experience on this server and received the same email as the OP. I was banned from this server for 'associating' with hackers. About a week before the ban, I raided some tents which belonged to the admin's clan so I believe that this ban is retribution for this incident.

Furthermore, this server uses a whitelist despite being a public hive server. I know that this is not explicitly forbidden in the server hosting rules but I believe that this is akin to having a locked server. As another poster pointed out in this thread, it seems that the admin is selectively choosing whom to add to the whitelist, thus using it like a lock or password and defeating the point of a public hive.

I feel it is highly unethical that the admins leverage the server to drive traffic to their website by forcing players to whitelist, regardless of what their advertising arrangement is.

Lastly, I am offended by the admin's use of homophobic slurs in his ban email. I don't think that this should be acceptable behavior for a public hive admin, as homophobic slurs are a bannable offence for players.

When I started playing on US 4275, I donated money to help with the running costs since it was low ping and I played on it alot, but now I feel sickened and outraged at the behavior of the admins. I call on the Dayz moderation community to investigate this matter.

It was stated before but perhaps it is worth repeating. The 5 players who were banned were part of a clan called [FAGET]

I have several screenshots and logs which show each of them wearing said tag.

[FAGET] Gens

[FAGET] RotoMoto

[FAGET] Chernosarus Rex

[FAGET] Nigel Thornberry

[FAGET] Frostiez

First the fact that you are offended only supports our ban for you and your clan as the names are clearly homophobic and in violation of rule #11

11. You are permitted to kick or ban for hate speech, including racism and homophobia.

Second I fail to see how an email to your personal email account that is not affiliated with Dayzmod.com is in any way a violation of anything Dayz related. We could not have even sent you an email reason why you and your group were banned. Most admins don't take the time nor need to explain their bans.

Third, the fact that your ban came a week after you raided a set of tents you say belonged to the admin holds little to no water. If this were retribution to said event you could have expected an immediate ban as we all play on a daily basis and would have noticed immediately that gear was missing. We encourage healthy competitive play on our server and do not mind base raids.

Lastly donations are non-refundable and the fact that you (rotomoto/gre3nskeeper) and your group [FAGET] were banned is a sad story. Next time select group members who do not hack/script and use a clan name that is not offensive and/or a bannable offense.


Edited by katface
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Upon further investigation by one of our clan members we found some interesting evidence that further support your clan mates as being hackers.

Chernosarus Rex (Teleporting)


Nigel Thornberry (Banned from TLM server hacking)


Frostiez / cod2kid11 (asking for help hacking on hacker forum)


cod2kid11 youtube account showing multiple hacks and other cheats


Frostiez gets a global ban (hahaha)


If you (Gens) and Rotomoto are actually legit players you keep some very bad company. You can stop saying this was a case of admin abuse when you have been caught red handed.

Ladies and gentleman of the jury I rest my case.


Edited by katface
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These are like, the second/third post about problems with the Bad Wolf clan that I've seen.

Is there something I should know?

Edited by TheDerper121

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  On 2/25/2013 at 9:18 AM, TheDerper121 said:

These are like, the second/third post about problems with the Bad Wolf clan that I've seen.

Is there something I should know?

Nothing going on other than some mad script kiddies who got banned off our server and tried to say we were the ones cheating. The previous thread you posted in was nothing other than a bug that happened a month after we banned these 5 players and some guy is angry he lost his as50 and wants to blame the admins.

The sad truth is a ton of these bugs go unreported on servers all day long that have no active admins monitoring things on their servers. We review logs daily and play on a very regular basis and talk to our playerbase and communicate issues we find and ask them to report issues back. When things do happen we report them and correct them if possible.

The fact that we are so involved with the community on our server seems to be a double edge sword lately as when anyone gets upset they immediately cry foul and run directly to the forums. On a server w/o admin presence players would not have a scapegoat to point fingers at and just cry in sidechat and move on.


Edited by katface
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I haven't really chimed in here because I was not present and don't know all the facts. But if the Admins are keeping their side clean, responding calmly and with evidence to the people crying foul ... then I say good job and kudos to you.

You seem to be doing just that ... so well done. Have some beans. :) :beans:

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  On 2/25/2013 at 4:11 AM, katface said:

Upon further investigation by one of our clan members we found some interesting evidence that further support your clan mates as being hackers.

Chernosarus Rex (Teleporting)


Nigel Thornberry (Banned from TLM server hacking)


Frostiez / cod2kid11 (asking for help hacking on hacker forum)


cod2kid11 youtube account showing multiple hacks and other cheats


Frostiez gets a global ban (hahaha)


If you (Gens) and Rotomoto are actually legit players you keep some very bad company. You can stop saying this was a case of admin abuse when you have been caught red handed.

Ladies and gentleman of the jury I rest my case.


Interesting. I can see how you make the connection between me and this Frostiez guy, but however it is not me. The difference is that his name is, "Frostiez" and that mine is of course, "Froztiez"

You can check my DayZ account, it's from July. Also you keep making accusations about us, this I find to be very offending since none of us have hacked, but you still keep saying that we have, normally when people accuse other people they bring evidence and since you have access to logs and whatever, why don't you show us that we did hack. I happen to know a bit about hacking and scripting (I'm familiar with how Arma 2 works and with DayZ server administration) so I know that, teleporting, spawning items etc. are very traceable and should pop up in the logs pretty clearly.

So right now it's word against word. Katface, you are trying to uncover personal information about us by googling our ingame names instead of presenting any evidence that supports your claims.

I can speak for myself and Nigel Thornberry in that we have yet to receive a ban or any contact from BattlEye, thus proving that you have no solid evidence against us.

Edited by Froztiez
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I'm not 100% sure but isn't banning for "associations with a hacker" a little out there... You obviously haven't posted any proof at all. Your links above could just be other people by the same name. I've met 6 people in game with my name and we obviously weren't the same people. You also seem like the kinda guy that would be a massive dick head in game. My best friend has also had trouble with your server. While joining the game he was immediately banned for "associations with a hacker" even though it was his first time in the game. I was there watching too, because he had just bought the game and i was helping him troubleshoot some issues. Pulling off hackusations is one thing, but banning and sending the GUID to Battleye is another.

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  On 2/27/2013 at 5:13 PM, Froztiez said:

Interesting. I can see how you make the connection between me and this Frostiez guy, but however it is not me. The difference is that his name is, "Frostiez" and that mine is of course, "Froztiez"

You can check my DayZ account, it's from July. Also you keep making accusations about us, this I find to be very offending since none of us have hacked, but you still keep saying that we have, normally when people accuse other people they bring evidence and since you have access to logs and whatever, why don't you show us that we did hack. I happen to know a bit about hacking and scripting (I'm familiar with how Arma 2 works and with DayZ server administration) so I know that, teleporting, spawning items etc. are very traceable and should pop up in the logs pretty clearly.

So right now it's word against word. Katface, you are trying to uncover personal information about us by googling our ingame names instead of presenting any evidence that supports your claims.

I can speak for myself and Nigel Thornberry in that we have yet to receive a ban or any contact from BattlEye, thus proving that you have no solid evidence against us.

One post on the forums for both profiles?...


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  On 4/14/2013 at 4:14 PM, Froztiez said:

Do you happen to know the term lurker? If you have nothing to contribute to this case, stay out of here and keep your childish memes to yourself.

Uh-oh, watch out. He has two posts now.

You can't really contribute to to a pointless and already disproved case.

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  On 4/14/2013 at 7:55 PM, OfficerRaymond said:

Uh-oh, watch out. He has two posts now.

You can't really contribute to to a pointless and already disproved case.

Thanks for proving my point.

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  On 2/21/2013 at 2:10 PM, Fatetaker said:

I am sad to hear of your situation. If you are unaware of all the details due to not being present during said events I will clarify anything you may have misunderstood.

Nigel Thornberry of the [FAGGET] clan that was the tag you and your clan mates went by on the server, being adults we are not going to nit pick about childish clan names but your clan mate was confirmed by GUID and IP of using scripts/hacks to attempt to do damage to the server. These events were witnessed in game by users of the server who reported it the server admins. Upon investigation it was learned through logs that said above member of your clan willfully used scripts/hacks. His GUID along with said logs were forwarded to BattleEye for global ban review.

Cute story though, we will be sure to include all the details you excluded should an inquiry be necessary.

On the server i play on us 1252 the "[FAGET]" clan used to play on there until our admin found out that yoloswagg was hacking/cheating so we banned him Edited by FlattenedSniper

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