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About froztiez

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Do you happen to know the term lurker? If you have nothing to contribute to this case, stay out of here and keep your childish memes to yourself.
  2. Interesting. I can see how you make the connection between me and this Frostiez guy, but however it is not me. The difference is that his name is, "Frostiez" and that mine is of course, "Froztiez" You can check my DayZ account, it's from July. Also you keep making accusations about us, this I find to be very offending since none of us have hacked, but you still keep saying that we have, normally when people accuse other people they bring evidence and since you have access to logs and whatever, why don't you show us that we did hack. I happen to know a bit about hacking and scripting (I'm familiar with how Arma 2 works and with DayZ server administration) so I know that, teleporting, spawning items etc. are very traceable and should pop up in the logs pretty clearly. So right now it's word against word. Katface, you are trying to uncover personal information about us by googling our ingame names instead of presenting any evidence that supports your claims. I can speak for myself and Nigel Thornberry in that we have yet to receive a ban or any contact from BattlEye, thus proving that you have no solid evidence against us.