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Sup everyone,

OMG IM DRUNK is looking for people to play with but moslty against. We just setup a brand new server (DayZ Chernarus OMG IM DRUNK). The server is set on veteran and is also whitelisted with a population max of 50. We have a group of 7 or so that play daily / all hours of the day and night, an out going group who can offer plenty of interesting and honest competition. Email hidden - use PM to get on the whitelist. An admin is usually always around for anyone who does try some shit because we hate hackers and people who try ;). Shoot us an email to get whitelisted and check out the server for some fun. We're looking forward to shooting, I mean playing with you :D

Edited by orlok

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I fear for the amount of spam that email address is about to get.

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Ya that wasn't the purpose of this post for you guys to be completely off topic and concerned about my email. I do believe it was to get the server out there so people would try it and see if its right for them. Theres always gotta be some moron though who thinks they have something important to say. Thank you for your concern but na not really lol. As I said before anyone wanna give the server a try holla at me to get whitelisted ;) It'll be some good fun.

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Hello there

Use PM not real world emails please. You may not care about bots but we dont like to encourage them.



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Ok, thats not a problem. I understand where your coming from.

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