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Can someone advertise our server on youtube? (we will pay)

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We are currently looking for someone that has a Youtube account with 150 subs or more. We would like them to make an advertisement video of our server. We are willing to pay you. Please email or contact me through skype. if your a interested and we will talk from there. The more subs you have the more we are willing to pay.

Our servers IP:

Server Website: Deadlysdayz.us

Name Of Server: DayZ Taviana- DeadlysDayz | 250+ Vehicles | Spawn with map | 24/7 daytime (v2.00/build 100296[VETERAN|3DP:ON|CH:ON][DAYTIME ONLY] - Hosted by deadlydayz.us

Skype: Mrtug814

Email: [email protected]

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Frankie loathes server advertisers.

He says he hates "hackers" too! lol. Besides money talks...

Seriously though, I doubt he will agree, he's way too popular to be advertising someones server until they would pay him some substantial money.

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