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What admin do you use?

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Thanks ill have a go with them later, ill only need it for resterts etc worst case a ban or kick but havent needed to yet and id rather it stay like that

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Ive tried using BERCon i put my ip and port in which works fine but when i put password in it says its invalid?

Same here and the other program mentioned just refuses to connect ?

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Yeah, Rcon GUI also simply refuses to connect to my server. I tried running it off my own PC as well as directly off the server, but still nothing.

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Theres an ingame admin u just press "m" while in game then select players an click login as admin. Not sure if its any good not had to kick or ban anyone yet

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I've started useing ArmA 2 RCon GUI.

It will work ok but not give you some information.

If it don't connect right, just close it down and try again.

It may crash now and again with memory error.

But they have said they are working on the problem as it sometihing

to do with the latest battleye.

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same here one just wont connect other still password invalid

I have the same issue. Cant get it to work for the Life of me.

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same here one just wont connect other still password invalid

I have the same issue. Cant get it to work for the Life of me.

Seems to be an issue for more then just me. I also get Invalid Password on BERcon and the GUI wont connect.

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I got mine working i went in the file manager on the server and theres a battleeye folder in there and a battleeye.cfg and thats where the password and max ping is

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