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FuzzyLogic (DayZ)

Loot washing up along the shore line

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Thought it might be cool to help new spawners and tempt people back to the coast for a nose around if there was loot spawns along the coast as if loot had been washed up.

Keep the ratio high for these just to be empty cans and stuff, but maybe the odd tin of tuna or the odd car part (yeah I've seen loads of stuff like that on beaches) might be cool.

Just an idea, I searched for other threads "loot washed" and "loot shore" (minus the speach marks) and nothing came up.

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I feel like we already have enough loot on the coasts with Cherno and Elektro. Short of military grade weapons (Balota airstrip, though? Anyone?), there really isn't anything you can't find in plentiful supply down south as it is.

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Thanks for the replies, I'm thinking loot spawning pretty much on the shore line.

Gives new spawners a chance to find some beans etc.. before having to deal with zombies inside buildings. I would keep this chance low of anything decent, but even a few empty cans could be useful to move zeds out of the way.

Also the possibility of getting a car part might tempt well ventured players to check the coast. At the moment the shore line is open prey and nothing to tempt seasoned players back to the waters edge unless for a player kill. It might address the balance of the shore line if well stocked player friendly survivors come for a quick snoop.

Nothing revolutionary but a reasonable idea to consider.

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I feel like we already have enough loot on the coasts with Cherno and Elektro.

That's kinda how I feel.

Though it would be fun to find a can of beans or sardines wash onto shore, but very rarely.

Of course anything with weight would drop to the bottom of the ocean like guns and high grade mags. It would only make sense that maybe a sealed can of food would float or possibly a mag or watch that is sealed in a pouch.

I like the idea but I also think that the loot should stay very low grade along with very rare spawning.

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Actually, if you have items like the medical boxes spawn on the beach, that could simulate the debris left by a sea evacuation. You would be amazed at what can actually float in saltwater. Just have the boxes randomly spawn with possible medical supplies and food. That might provide some relief for all the new spawns having difficulty obtaining said items.

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I think there are some really cool spots along the shore lines that could have loot, under the small boat ramps/docks the light houses etc. When i first started playing, those were the original places i checked, not wanting to head in to the city.

If debris were to float ashore, it wouldn't/shouldn't be weapons (maybe a .01% chance a pistol, or some ammo) but maybe raw essentials, like a canteen and some bandages.

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If medical items could wash up, then it could ease the tension over finding Morphine at the Hospitals. Soggy bandage anyone :P

Predominantly I think it would give a little hope to the new spawns and with people talking about randomised gear, we'll this is an option but of course you've got to find it, it shouldn't be at the feet of each spawn.

The ratio should lean heavily towards it just being trash but I think the loot table should contain more variety generic houses do, except for guns and ammo, they probably shouldn't wash up.

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Some low gear and trash - why not.

So Okay for empty bottles, empty soda cans and other trash maybe some stick for melee weapon or rocks.

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Was thinking of this today, Glad to see others have beat me to the punch. I like this idea

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A very good idea! Maybe a little of tools like a watch or a compass.

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seawater is salty, sandy and fully of all sorts of shiiieeeeet

any mechanical part that requires any kind of lubrication (guns and car parts) is gonna demand a heck of a lot of effort to be made servicable - a gas-operated rifle that's been in the drink is gonna be a liability without hours of maintenance

so yeah, I like the idea of some flotsam beans, but any weapons or car parts coming out the sea will be DOA

Edited by Sandy

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I'dd be all for this given players start out with nothing, i actually suggested compensating the spawning with nothing with loot piles on the beach. Feel free to check my list of ideas for more details on spawning with nothing...

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Or maybe a washed up bike?


This just gave me an idea. Rocket should include a random shipwreck spawn much like the helicopter crash site and there will be loot washed shore near the shipwreck. This will coincide with the reason why survivors spawn on shore. And of course the loot will be of more of civilian quality, like medical boxes with morphine, antibiotics and bandages, maybe an occasional makarov or revolver in a safebox.

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I like it, and to make it more realistic, Cherno and Electro are both trade cities so its plausible for a cargo ship to have gone down and the supplies wash up

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I do not like the idea.

Seeing as how the coast is the starting zone, it would only mean more threat for the newbies.

Loot is painfully easy to obtain as it is, food meters are unrealistic and food is bloody everywhere, among countless other things.

In other words - ABSOLUTELY NOT.

It gives you a stupid reason to stick to the shore, and players should be encouraged to leave it, and take some risks if they want a reward. Besides, people that despawn near the coast look like stranded corpses, which is a nice touch :P

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I feel like we already have enough loot on the coasts with Cherno and Elektro. Short of military grade weapons (Balota airstrip, though? Anyone?), there really isn't anything you can't find in plentiful supply down south as it is.

Although you make a good point I feel that realism is why I like this idea. It is realistic to find things washed up on the shore. Probably not guns and ammo but crates full of food, empty bottles, water, car parts, etc...

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I do not like the idea.

Seeing as how the coast is the starting zone, it would only mean more threat for the newbies.

Loot is painfully easy to obtain as it is, food meters are unrealistic and food is bloody everywhere, among countless other things.

In other words - ABSOLUTELY NOT.

It gives you a stupid reason to stick to the shore, and players should be encouraged to leave it, and take some risks if they want a reward. Besides, people that despawn near the coast look like stranded corpses, which is a nice touch :P

The reason to leave the shore is because it is a wide open area where players can see you easily. Adding some items on the shores would be pretty realistic. We arent talking about high end military weapons or weapons of any kind. But what about random food or soda and car parts?

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It's a decent idea, but you have to keep in mind the fairness in the game. It wouldn't be fair if you had people camping a zombie-free, spawned on beach for items while others are having to face zombies in close quarters just to find cans of food and small items that could possibly be washed ashore.

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