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New logout from zombies distance for R4z0r49

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Ive read than in the pending hotfix, you have decreased the logout from zombies from 50 meters to 25, man you are just incentivating ppl to exploit or cheat (in my view) the game by loging out to despawn zombies, this for me is a cheat and you are give incentive to ppl ro do it.

Whats the deal with the 50 mts its not that big deal mean, ppl shouldnt be stupid enough to log out near zombies anyway, ppl are only crying about this because they like to cheat the game and now they cant, but with your step back, they will again...

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How about you try this out before you criticize it? You realize you have to shake off the combat lock AND get >25m away from them to log out? There's next to zero chance to just run into the next building with stairs, get upstairs and log out.

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How about you try this out before you criticize it? You realize you have to shake off the combat lock AND get >25m away from them to log out? There's next to zero chance to just run into the next building with stairs, get upstairs and log out.

Man i have 0 problems with logouts in the new patch 0,i can shake the zomnbies in bushes trough buildings, trees etc like before, i dont know what the hell are ppl complaining about with logout problems, and i ask you again why would you log out near zombies?

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And i say again why do you want to log out when they are chasing you? You are just cheating\exploiting as i refer in the original post.

Edited by Kumando

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Testing how it works isn't cheating. It's just testing.

Edited by Elvaron

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But tell me dont you agree that loging out to despawn zombies is a cheat?

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But tell me dont you agree that loging out to despawn zombies is a cheat?

Yes, it is. In an ideal world, it should not allow you to log out when your intention is to get rid of zombies, but allow you to log out when you just have to leave.

E.g., when I've been chased by zombies for half an hour (just for the sake of the argument), I've just gotten rid off them (they are >25m away from me) and I found a secluded spot (building, forest, whatever) to let the combat lock run out, I should be allowed to log out. Whether I sit there for another 30 seconds or not isn't going to change much about the zombies not knowing where I am, I can just prone until they wander off. In this case it is only an annoyance.

All the little cheats, e.g. run up a residential high-rise, loot everything and quickly, before they come all the way upstairs, logout to have a clear exit path when you log back in a second later, won't work that easily anymore, 25m is still 25m. It means if you really want to logout there, you have to watch the clock run down in the escape menu and pray the zombies don't get to you fast enough. It's a gamble, and there's nothing more you can do but to give it a gamble. Just straight-out disallowing Abort indefinitely is only going to cause Alt+F4 fever.

Keep in mind your average building is between 5 and 20m in diameter (shack vs house).

Edited by Elvaron

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Just straight-out disallowing Abort indefinitely is only going to cause Alt+F4 fever.

I totally agree with this, the best solution for this IMO is to have it like whenever you leave the game in any other way beside the normal Abort button (where you have to be out of combat, no zombies around and so on) is to have a feature like WoW for example, where you are still in-game for ~20 seconds after ALT-F4ing, that would make people not want to ALT-F4 while in a shoot-out, because they know the other player is just gonna run up to him and shoot him.

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if this is the reason I have been recently banned from a server It will be the last straw for this game with me. Games do not tell me when its ok to leave a game, I make that decision. Do what most games do and leave the character in game for 1-2 minutes after logging out....I will take my chances but giving me a timeout counter is not something I will accept, when I am done I am done.

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Yeah a logout timer would be nice but im not having any problems loosing zombies, there are so many ways to loose zombies, houses, trees bushes i dont know what you ppl find hard to loose zombies.

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Now I always ALT+F4 out of DayZ since was released. I don't do it to cheat but when it's time for me to leave i leave regardless of what the game tells me.

I would not leave if i was in actual combat nor would i leave to get rid of the zombies. It's just that i don't want to wait the silly extra time to abort just to quit the game. I simply ALT+F4 and kkthxbai.

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And i say again why do you want to log out when they are chasing you? You are just cheating\exploiting as i refer in the original post.

They don't need to be chasing you genius. It is Area of effect, which is fucking retarded. All it does is force people to cntrl + alt+ delete.

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They don't need to be chasing you genius. It is Area of effect, which is fucking retarded. All it does is force people to cntrl + alt+ delete.

You must be retarded then because im not having any troubles loging out, you just need to move a bit a way from zombies wich currently is 50 meters, if you cant do that you sure must be retarded.

Edited by Kumando

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