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Devblog Friday anyone?

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Hope it's Devblog Fridays again. Or do you think they've changed it permanently to Monday?

Need my weekly fill of Matt without trousers.

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I hope they don't release anymore untill testing is complete.

Don't get me wrong, I would love some more stuff to gawp at, But I would love it out sooner to play.

there was in the last blog a mention of a Military base which was not included in the video, perhaps they broke it down and made seperate videos for keeping us excited.

Edited by Michaelvoodoo25

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I hope they don't release anymore untill testing is complete.

Don't get me wrong, I would love some more stuff to gawp at, But I would love it out sooner to play.

there was in the last blog a mention of a Military base which was not included in the video, perhaps they broke it down and made seperate videos for keeping us excited.

I agree somewhat, I don't want to see things that Rocket and the team aren't happy with or want to release, but seeing more interiors/areas keeps me happy. Just Rocket walking into that house which has always before been unenterable set me off.

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Is there not a list of his "legit" names on the forum? Check stickies if in doubt.

Also, due to real life/work issues don't wait for it, it's a nicer surprise when it does pop up.


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I wouldn't mind seeing rocket without his trousers.

No homo.

Have you not seen "Just seen rocket" thread?

Edited by Michaelvoodoo25

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Is there not a list of his "legit" names on the forum? Check stickies if in doubt.

Also, due to real life/work issues don't wait for it, it's a nicer surprise when it does pop up.


I tried to find his facebook but this link is not working:


Source: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/27855-official-rocket-identities/

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In the video blog he said they were giving up their Monday nights now, so not sure if it will be today but but we can hope!

Edited by smasht_AU

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In the video blog he said they were giving up their Monday nights now, so not sure if it will be today but but we can hope!

Maybe you're right, but I thought they said that it was just the one. Who knows. At least I've got the mod.

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[–]rocket2gunsRocket 6pistettä 8minuuttia

sitten *

The plan is to release a devblog every Friday. I've tried not to talk about it much on twitter because everyone (including me) gets absolutely sick and tired of all the announcement of announcements.

I haven't had the chance today because it's been an incredibly busy day, I won't work on the devblog at the expense of the project. I may end up doing it tonight, or I may end up doing it tomorrow. Or I may do it on Monday. It depends what disasters befall me between now and then.

Regardless - the official position is this: Friday's are Devblog days. But the devblog is a lower priority than actual development itself.

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The trouble is, if one gives a time/date and then for some unforseable reason it's missed, the web is suddenly full of posts stating that the "DEV LIES!!!!111!" et al.

If one gets a dev blog, then great, if not, then there are other things out there to do.


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The trouble is, if one gives a time/date and then for some unforseable reason it's missed, the web is suddenly full of posts stating that the "DEV LIES!!!!111!" et al.

If one gets a dev blog, then great, if not, then there are other things out there to do.



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:| actually no they didnt, they said that their goal was to release it before the new year. That goal was not met so they pushed it back as needed, which is good for us day z players. We will get a much more polished and finished product.

*edit Ohhh i see whatcha did there ;)

Edited by bloodbathsback

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Of course devs lie. They're average people *rolls eyes*

Unless you're making a YAUEFPS* or YAEASGC**, i.e. an original game, it's almost impossible to estimate a release date until your feature list is set in stone.

* Yet Another Unreal Engine First Person Shooter

** Yet Another Electronic Arts Sports Game Clone

Game will be done when it's done, devblog will be done when it's done.

Edited by Elvaron
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Of course devs lie. They're average people *rolls eyes*

Unless you're making a YAUEFPS* or YAEASGC**, i.e. an original game, it's almost impossible to estimate a release date until your feature list is set in stone.

* Yet Another Unreal Engine First Person Shooter

** Yet Another Electronic Arts Sports Game Clone

Game will be done when it's done, devblog will be done when it's done.

Maaaaaaaaad respect for the SWGEmu avatar....

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Maaaaaaaaad respect for the SWGEmu avatar....

;) I haven't worked on SWGEmu in over a year, though... real life, thou art a harsh mistress.

I think they flagged me as inactive dev or something recently.

Edited by Elvaron

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;) I haven't worked on SWGEmu in over a year, though... real life, thou art a harsh mistress.

I think they flagged me as inactive dev or something recently.

Oh word? I play every day with old buddies from Starsider! RPz for the win.

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Oh word? I play every day with old buddies from Starsider! RPz for the win.

Nice :D Maybe I should head over, see how far they got without me :) But I think my old colleagues (Kyle, cRush) stopped working on it, too. Wouldn't be the same anymore :( And then there's the whole ordeal with Xavia's accident... :(

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