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Are gamepads good for Day Z? Ive never played a PC game and I am very used to consoles. I think I would have trouble using a keyboard. Someone else told me their friend cant headshot zombies because they use a gamepad, why would a gamepad make it hard to get headshots?

Also will a laptop work for Day Z?

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It's better if you use a KB and mouse combo otherweise your reactions would be all sluggish and you can't aim that well unless you take time which you haven't. From my experience in playing console to pc ports where you don't have a choice other than to use the pad if you don't want to break your fingers because they have a weird control layout. A buddy tried to use a pad once in ArmA 1 because he didn't want to press forward all the time but his aim was always slighty off and really slow. It's ok for vehicle driving and in gunner positions though, and i would recommencd to use it for any type of driving/flying in game because it feels more natural this way.

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Keyboard and mouse > gamepad. You just have a lot more control when using your hand to aim as opposed to a thumb.

And it depends on the laptop's specs. If it cost less than £1,000 then probably not though, lol. Laptops aren't really cut out for gaming, you're much better off with a desktop machine. Post your system specs in the 'Can I Run It?' thread and I'm sure someone will be able to help you out...


Edited by mZLY

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A standard wired xbox controller will work on Dayz :) Personally i prefer the KB & Mouse but have friends who use a controller and it suits them fine.

If you do go down the controller route considor buying Pinnacle game profiler from http://pinnaclegameprofiler.com/

My mates swear by it :)

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BM and mouse is easier for 90% of the stuff however i find choppers easier with a controller so i use both.

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