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what happened to the legit players?

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I make a pause in DayZ and play again Wasteland, TLR or ArmA2:ACE. The reason are the hackers. I got killed/teleported/transformed so much that I had to take a break.

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On mydayz.de hackers get banned very fast, I moved to Balotabuddies and found the community to be rather small but mydayzde is the way forward for legit players.

Balota buddies server (uk46) has had at least 30 players on it every night this week. Slowly but surely the numbers are building.

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all the legit players quit and are awaiting standalone

This... I'm still here though, but the mod has been going downhill lately.. it ain't the same.

EDIT: By "the mod" I mean the community and servers in general... public ones are fucked up, and only a few (whitelisted) are acceptable.

Edited by Pergolin

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all the legit players quit and are awaiting standalone


I've put countless hours into DayZ, but eventually stopped a few months back and am waiting for the standalone, hackers being the predominant reason.

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Second recommendation for Balotabuddies.net

Great crew of mods, admins, and players.


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in ever single server that i have been on a minimum of 1 hacker has been present to nuke the server and in some cases make it so we cant spawn. wtf happened to the number of legitimate players? and how is the anti-hack not working for even the hive servers?

Battleye bans in waves. (I think.)

Most legitimate players are probably waiting for the Standalone. (No more hacks? :3)

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