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blood bags

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i just started playing dayz last weeks and so far its a love/hate relationship lol im sure most can agree

but anyway the big thing that ive noticed is that there are a lot of people that always need blood and need someone to give them a transfusion,

but was wondering why not be able to give yourself blood, but need another item to do so,

1 blood bag

1 injector/ needle ( or something )

and of course sense your are doing it yourself have it take about 15 seconds and of course you are unable to move(making it so its not a really usable during a fire fight or something)

also for the water canteen i think you should be able to fill them up at ponds/ damn locations other than just wells

but thats my 2 cents :)

any opinions ?

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you can fill them up at ponds? you just need to boil it to not get an infection

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Been suggested before, standard 'answer' is that its done like that to encourage teamwork. (I've suggested being able to blood up solo in a hospital, but you'd need a battery, blood bag, and have to find a working IV machine, you'd have to interact with the IV machine for say 60 seconds and not be able to react to anything (ie a bandit could walk into the hospital, see you blooding up, and shoot you in the face) and have chances of passing out while doing it)

You can fill up canteens in ponds and any FRESH water (not the ocean) and since the latest patch I believe you have to boil it (haven't played within the last week or so so haven't had a chance to test it)

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I would like to fill up my own blood. I think it's good to encourage teamwork, but it should not be a mandatory thing on such a vital aspect of surviving. I think that team works should make things easier and maybe give you a tactical advantage, not that it is game breaking when you don't play in a team. Is Rocket expecting that everyone that buys the SA will be in a team? There are plenty of people that will buy it that will not be in a team for whatever reason. From my personal situation, my RL friends feel to old to play games and are way to busy with their kids and stuff. And thats fine, I don't mind being a lone wolf if the game lets me without being locked out some of the features.

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I'm fine with blood bags requiring another player. I play solo and if I need blood I go hunting. It can be a bit time consuming, but it's a trade-off.

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Like you said teamwork makes it easier, but being aline atill leaves you with hunting. Even as a group we prefer to hunt and save blood bags for rainy day situations. Tge less you have to go into town the better.

Also its not trying to push a "team" aspect, but he is trying to push a community aspect. Trying to help your fellow surviver.

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I'm fine with blood bags requiring another player. I play solo and if I need blood I go hunting. It can be a bit time consuming, but it's a trade-off.

yeah thats fine if there is actually wildlife, been searching my butt off for hours and wasting food and water and nothing. It's easier just to kill yourself and grab your old gear.

Ohh and besides that you can not eat it without making a fire first, while my inventory is full with ammo, drinks and food.

Edited by B00tsy

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yeah thats fine if there is actually wildlife, been searching my butt off for hours and wasting food and water and nothing. It's easier just to kill yourself and grab your old gear.

Ohh and besides that you can not eat it without making a fire first, while my inventory is full with ammo, drinks and food.

Rather kill yourself? You're the reason this game needs the changes it does

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yeah thats fine if there is actually wildlife, been searching my butt off for hours and wasting food and water and nothing. It's easier just to kill yourself and grab your old gear. Most of us don't have that hard of a time finding one animal.

Ohh and besides that you can not eat it without making a fire first, while my inventory is full with ammo, drinks and food. Put some stuff on the ground?

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yeah thats fine if there is actually wildlife, been searching my butt off for hours and wasting food and water and nothing. It's easier just to kill yourself and grab your old gear.

Ohh and besides that you can not eat it without making a fire first, while my inventory is full with ammo, drinks and food.

actually i'm used to just go in a supermarket and eat ALL food i can find, dropping the cans on the way.

Obviously isnt as efficient as a blood bag, but i play solo and i wont go hunting for hours, exposing myself and having a good chance of getting sniped.

You should be able to apply blood to yourself, just put a chance of getting infection, or start bleeding, or just get knocked out for 2 minutes while doing it, and reduce the efficiency for 4000~6000 blood instead of the full blood refill that you get when getting a blood bag from other person.

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Giving yourself a blood bag shouldn't be out of the picture - it should however require a hefty time constraint to do so in my opinion.

For example - make the person giving himself the blood bag have to stay stationary for a period of time. A standard IV bag for a person dehydrated could take 10-15 mins to drain with a large gauge needle used...

Perhaps a 10 minutes timer to give yourself a blood bag, would prevent combat abuse, and also leave the person giving themselves one 'vulnerable ' to attack...?

Perhaps make it so if its interrupted only a small percentage of blood is given back to the player, and the blood bag destroyed.

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typically from my experience it goes like... Player A, anyone able to hit me with blood in X town. Player B, Sure i'll come get you... Five minutes later.... Player A dies.... Player A - Why'd you do that..... Player B - lol i got your gear

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Rather kill yourself? You're the reason this game needs the changes it does

As it is now the only thing relevant or has value is your gear, as long as you get that back it does not really matter if you kill your character. Anyway, I finally saw a goat and cooked the meat. I had 2 bloodbags a few days ago and dumped them cos they are useless when you are solo, still would be nice if you could use them yourself. I don't get why that is not possible, because it is not that hard to put a needle in your arm and hold the bloodbag above your head.

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typically from my experience it goes like... Player A, anyone able to hit me with blood in X town. Player B, Sure i'll come get you... Five minutes later.... Player A dies.... Player A - Why'd you do that..... Player B - lol i got your gear


Edited by B00tsy

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I completely agree with this complaint.

If you're in a fire fight with two guys, they already have an number advantage. But then if you wound one of them, he can get back to full strength immediately using a bloodbag from his mate. Then they injure you and you're as good as dead unless you are carrying 8 cooked beef around all the time.

Let's say you're trying to refuel your chopper by running back and forth 25-50 times. You're already at a disadvantage because you have no-one to keep lookout and you're slower too. You take a few zombie swipes whilst refuelling even though you're careful, and now have to hide the chopper and leave it for an hour while you try to catch enough animals to get your health back. Whereas the pair of players, after refuelling their chopper and not caring too much about the zombie hits, will just bloodbag each other and fly off with full health.

Say you've just spawned. As a single player the very first thing you need to do is find matches, knife and hatchet, otherwise you'll never be able to recover from any injury. Occasionally it can take over two hours to find the last item in the trio (in my first game of v1751, it took four hours to get matches). If you keep getting injured by zombies during that time, you're better to just suicide and run back to your body. Not so for the pair of players, who just grab some bloodbags and head off to find guns and vehicles. In fact I know pairs and teams who make no effort at all to find knife/matches - they don't need them.

In summary:

· eating and drinking should be a separate mechanism from blood health.

· Everyone should have access to the same blood mechanism, whether single or paired.

As long as teams have access to a mechanism that single players can't access, then as far as I'm concerned the game is broken.

However, the main dev has said on Github that he thinks animals are easier to use than bloodbags 'because animals spawn in everywhere', and has also said that self-blooding will never happen (even though it's easily possible). So basically this will never get fixed in the mod. I just hope the standalone is not prejudiced against single players.

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yeah in theory it should work towards teamwork, but currently that portion isn't working because people would rather kill you, take your gear just for the LOL's even if you have nothing to benefit them. Players have zero reason to work with each other, why help this guy when you can kill him and take what he has. You have no real means of keeping gear on your person.

Allow the user to use Bloodbags on himself with some aspect that makes it more desireable for another person to administer it. Such as a long usage time and a lockout timer to prevent using to many of them in a short period of time. I don't think that would do anything other than allow solo hero and bandit characters more options for staying alive.

Also matches seem to be very, very rare indeed, atleast on the server i'm on, not sure if they are that rare on all servers, but I've gotten tons of other stuff including guns, crossbows and various ammo types, but only 4 or 5 boxes of matches.

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