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ORIGINS servers - are a joke

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No admins in game. Mass banning by untrained inexperienced admins and no responses by any admin or even forum mods on the boards. The entire place is a joke.

RIP origins - with this type of behavior you won't be around long.

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"ORIGINS servers - are a joke"

ORIGINS is a joke

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6 Minutes into the Game: Ban - 'Go suck a cock'. Goodbye, Origins. Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

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Now the folks at Origins are claiming, at least 2 admins review each ban. There is no chance of a false positive... Wow. Just wow. Oh well my 12 year old son is looking for some stuff to do, he could go help them admin too. He has spare time.

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They are now trying to silence people by deleting the better part of an entire forum section. This section was about 7 pages last I looked. Now it has 8 or 9 replies...

I would like to expose these folks for their immature behavior and amateur at best administration.


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When learning to admin a server, it can be very easy to be too liberal with bans. Not knowing better, a untrained admin may easily mistake a script restriction for a hack, especially with the new script restrictions that have been popping up. I've seen examples of admins mistaking common log entries as hacks.

It is of huge importance to only ban individuals that are guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. It's a sad truth that sometimes admins take awhile to get the hang of things, but transparency, honesty, and research are the best tools to counter the learning curve.

I wish Origins the best, and I hope any falsely accused reach a speedy postive outcome to their situations.

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Not all servers are that bad, so no point to generalize it. I had a lot of bad DayZ vanilla servers too. It just takes time to find a good server, that's all. And as DayZ started, there were a lot of problems too.

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So what is needed is a Origins server with good admin. We have been thinking about hosting a second server to our current one. We have a reg Chernarus map, and it has base building, halo jump, Street lights at night, Part Scavenger, and other mods my boyfriend has added in. He is still working on AI. We haven't done this second server as origins because, your not allow to do anything with the files. So my boyfriend cant fix anything, add anything, Me and him are the admins of our server and we help peeps out and play with them a bit. We have only banned 3 people who were hackers and one time made everyone flash bright colors, and then they all did the Harlem shake. LOL That was funny tho, wish i could have recorded it. Anyways, we use these tools, that we couldn't add in to an origins server either, so it would make our jobs as admins much harder. We have been thinking Epoch or just reg Tavi, with base building and other neat mods. Either way we are friendly admins, no ban hammer for no reason! And we do have a good amount of players :) We have a Hero, and a Bandit group always recruiting. There are some good servers out there you just have to find them. It sux that you have had to deal with bad experiences ! I know i quit playing the game after awhile from asshole admins, and even players just being trolls. :)

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"ORIGINS servers - are a joke"

ORIGINS is a joke

And a very funerary joke at that. Knowing that Martin has sanctioned the mutant hybrid that is Origins, mated with Taviana, inspires many reactions; humor is not one of them. I cannot believe .com is down to so few servers, while Origins grows. The bad taste leaves a bad taste.

Edited by Saethkept

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